Saturday, June 26, 2004


it's been one week since i've been back. knew it was gonna be hot here but how hot is was gonna be i didn't know. well it's actually not THAT hot once i got used to it. these few days have been cloudy so it's not too bad. and why is it cloudy? HAZE. from Sumatera. fire. haze. smelly. cloudy. good excuse for me to not get dragged out of bed at 7 in the morning to go for walkies. nyek nyek nyek.

ironically though, i used to be able to sleep till like 10 something in the morning. but, for the past week i've been awake before 9.30. i even woke up at 8 the morning after i came back. hmm... this must have been a result of waking up at around 9 each morning for 2 over weeks when exams started. DARN. can't even sleep longer if i wanted to.

spent the week "running around". well mainly, went to change my driver's licence, had a dental check-up (luckily no need to do anything this time), went to 1 Utama like 3 times? to have lunch or dinner with my parents, had roti canai or rather roti telur with my dad yest morning! (with me driving of course) of course...i had to tarpau for my mom who couldn't wake up thanks to the cough mixture.
my cousin from Penang is over here. well not here here as in my house here. he started uni at University of Malaya or Malayan Uni (i have no idea what's the REAL name). below was the conversation my mom, aunt and i had while pigging out during Father's Day celebration at some hotel.

Mom to me: Your aunt said that he was pulling such a long face when other cousin came to pick him up and ur aunt to go to the bus station. Seems that he's not happen. Last minute only he made up his mind.
Me: Pull long face for what?
Aunt: Yalor... Lucky he got that uni. it's a good uni.
Me: He CHOSE to come. So y should he be unhappy?
Mom: Doing biotech was not his first choice wurt. He wanted to do pharmacy at USM, Penang. Third choice was medicine.
Me: (mumbling) i also didn't get my first choice wat. cannot get first choice so have to take the next best thing.
At this point of time, mom looked at me as if to say that " See lar. don't wanna study."
Mind you, my cousin actually got straight A's for his STPM. and STILL he didn't get his first choice. dad said that if medicine was his 1st choice he would have gotten it. but tooo bad. a bit screwed up i think. by right if u get straight A's you should be able to get into the course that you want right? so he appealed i think. and my mom told him bout some IMU scholarship and he applied for it.

the next issue was that, he's not really happy staying in that residential college. why?
1. Have to share with 2 other strangers.
2. Small room (HEY. you think what? there's no residential college that has big rooms)
3. Have to take his valuables with him when he goes to the toilet. MAFAN.
so mom and dad offered our house since we have a spare room and also since he's my mom's sister's son (got it?). the only hitch is that he has to take like 2 or more buses and the LRT to get to his uni from our place. so now, he's staying with his dad's sister. apparently the uni has buses going there.

my mom told me that my grandma was worried. he would have to take care of himself, wash his clothes, do things by himself, walk here walk there. my mom was like, "HELLO?! So what? my children also have to do all those. somemore i have a daughter! he's a BOY. no need to worry so much." okok that was not EXACTLY what she said but it's something like that, in cantonese.

been watching DVD's as well. 50 First Dates (so touching!), Scoody doo 2 (weird storyline but still funny), Taking Lives (michelle was so smart to watch that while alone at home and at night somemore), and 3/4 of Kill Bill 2 (a bit the gruesome for must watch it in parts). waiting for spiderman 2 to come out. now must go find ppl to watch with. who wanna watch??? think i'll just go get the DVD of Shrek 2. apparently it's quite nice!!!
according to my bro who could not STOP talking bout the puss in boots fella.

k...think i've babbled enough. the sky is very deceiving. looks like it's gonna rain but not sure whether it will really rain. oh speaking of raining...was watching Malaysian Idol last night, Auditions at Johor Bahru. gosh...this woman was singing ,quite horribly, when i heard thunder. and it poured like mad! it was so windy... heh. looks like i'm not the only rainmaker. and i'm positive i saw this malay girl who looks familiar. she was ....crying. that could only mean that can't sing. good enough. for the judges.

think i'll stop. my laptop is giving me dad a headache. plenty of adware and shareware thingys in there. hehehe...whoops. don't know what i did. so "Michelle has been hogging my comp. Last month my bro was hogging. Then when your brother comes back also he's gonna hog my comp," direct quotation from me dad. hehehe the only bad thing bout his comp is that the keyboard is bloody noisy. oh and the monitor is not LCD :P but it's got GREAT speakers. i better blast it off before my bro comes back and forbids me to do that.

ok...toodles. think i shall go make some popcorn. wanna eat something sweeeeeet.


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