Sunday, June 20, 2004

Queen of Klutziness

gosh. today was just weird. no, it has nothing to do with the fact that it's father's day. just that i was pretty clumsy today. i'm becoming like hui yin!!! NOOOOO! jus kidding. dun bash me.
first of all, i nearly got cut by a knife. it fell from the holder and bounced on the floor near my foot. luckily i moved my foot away in the right direction before it could hurt me in any way. dare not tell my mom....later sure kena from her. i'll never hear the end of it.
this was a short conversation between me and my mom.
"Eh mommy. Your marble floor downstairs is too smooth."
*Mom continues putting some cream on her face*
"Too smooth."
"Why? You fell down is it?"
"Yeah... first i fell on my knees and then i went down on my bum."

and that is how i got this "or-chen" or whatchama call black. 2 blue blacks on the same knee. geeze. and my bum was hurting a bit. *embarassed look*

next, went for Hi-Tea at some hotel. occassion? well, it's Father's Day. so ate with my aunt, uncle and cousin. the food was not bad. the bad part? let's see, a piece of watermelon went flying off the plate of fruits i was sharing with my dad. he made me pick it up. bleah... then let's see, went to get some bread pudding for my dad. managed to get this nice piece on the serving spoon and guess what happens next? michelle decided to sent that piece flying down to the floor as well. SO MALU! it was so noticeable, so i quickly took whatever and ran back to the table. goodness...

well after we ate till we were stuffed, we decided to go. so my mom said to my dad. "Eh. Go and pay." cos she saw my uncle walking towards the counter. my dad was sitting comfortably and stared at her when she said that. my aunt said, "Eh. Father's day. You're asking him to pay?!" and all of us just stopped and laughed! then of course my mom went to pay. but really... where does the money come from? my dad. so what's the diff? then i said that if we buy presents, we're using dad's money. then she said, "What bout ur ang pow money?!?!" "It's in the bank."

i saw a bit of Malaysian Idol just now. some were really terrible. some were not bad. there was this guy who kept using his right hand as a mike and doing some funny actions with his other hand while closing his eyes. if he had his eyes opened, he would have seen the pained look on one of the judges face.

well hope you're all enjoying yourselves not unless you still have more exams to go.


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