Sunday, June 27, 2004

A day of roti babi and nangka

after church this morning my dad took my mom and i to some kopitiam in KL. had roti babi (pork bread)! for those of you who are goin.."HUH?! What the...?" it's this deep fried bread with filling made from onions, pork, crab meat and whatever which are stir fried. YUMMY. my dad's fave. we usually can only find it in Penang but that stall closed down a few years ago. apparently my grandma can make a bloody good roti babi. but sadly, no one learnt that from her. i think.

after that we jalan-jalan at KLCC. malaysia is FOREVER on sale. i thought that the mega sale was over...mana tahu just now so many shops were having discounts and stuff. and MNG in Isetan was having this huge sale and of course it was packed. they even had to barricade that area and had ppl to "direct human traffic" by making sure there was just one way to go into the area and one way to get out. even the security guard were like guarding the place, making sure no one hid anything in their bags and all. don't even know what's the big HOOHAH bout it.

then we were kinda tired and the shops there were just about the same as the shops that's in 1 UTAMA. so on the way back, my dad said "EH. you wanna go pasar malam or not???" yea hui yin and amy...pasar malam is night market. in the end we did go. my dad and i. i drove. soooooooooooooo many ppl. sooooooooooo much food. but the main reason was to buy some nangka (jackfruit...ur fave hui yin!). there was this lady who wanted 8 packets from one stall so my dad went to another place. came said, "Not sweet also." dad said, "Not sweet one". I thought, "OK what. quite nice." *shrugs*

while we were walking my dad suddenly pointed out to a familiar face nearby and said , "EH. your friend. that's the one i saw lar the other day!" (he said that while he was walking/exercising he saw someone who looked and smiled at him. he was wondering who it was and asked me. my dad is very bad at describing ppl, hence i didn't have a clue who he saw.)i saw my friend. old friend. dad was like, "EH. go say hello. your friend." i had to smack him like 3 times before he kept quiet. when she was nearing me she looked somewhere else so i also looked somewhere else when we passed each other. "She's with her boyfriend" he pointed out. YES. i know. "That one, long time never talk to each other already. no need to talk to already."

i'm stuffed. had ampang yong tau foo for dinner!!! yummmmmmmm yummmmm.... so ams...had ur yong tau foo already?


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