Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Oh dear oh dear oh dear

Just when I thought the problem was over, more trouble came pouring in. How can one act that way when we are a team? After all, who was the one who keeps reminding all of us that we are a team where we rise and fall together? Have you forgotten all the "wise" words you communicated to us in hopes that this engagement will be a smooth sailing one? You are definitely not practising what you preach and all of us are majorly pissed with you especially after what happened today.
We are all doubting that you are actually playing your part in this so called team and you are supposed to be our so called leader. I have heard some unflattering stories about you and chose not to believe them until I see it for myself but now, I am a believer because I have seen enough for me to judge what a person you truly are.
You are truly driving us to the edge by being such a bossy bitch who keeps pestering us time and time again and demanding to know why we haven't finished the tasks you gave us. HELL-lo. You keep throwing us a whole lot of sections to cover and what are you actually doing behind that laptop screen is what we really want to know. And to think that our manager actually thinks that you are very capable.
I hate this feeling. I've actually never felt so much hatred for one person ever before in my lifetime. I just hope that you will stop backstabbing us and get the hint that you are being a total bitch and no one is comfortable with working with you anymore. You had better stop bitching and get back to work because we are working our asses off for this job while you spend the day "discussing" with the client and our senior.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

woahhhhh... working life brings a whole new perspective right? all kinds of people you meet... seriously, ALL KINDS i tell you.. haha

11:22 PM  
Blogger michymich said...

yea somemore got internal conflict between my team members and i'm caught in the middle. sigh...can't wait for my study leave!

9:49 PM  

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