Sunday, May 20, 2007

Off I Go Again...

Chocolate Fountain
Originally uploaded by purplehyppo.

Am heading to Teluk Intan (it's in Perak, somewhere before Ipoh) for work tomorrow. Sien. I have to drive and it takes bout 3 hours as per my colleague who went the last time. Hopefully we'll finish work quick quick so I can come back on Friday afternoon since my colleague is off to Ipoh on Friday afternoon which leaves me driving back alone. Whooopee. What fun. I'm now stocking my car with sweets and cds filled with loud happy songs. Pray that we don't get lost as we both have no clue on how to get there. Hopefully the map given is trustworthy!

Anywhos, I boldly took a picture of the chocolate fountain when we went for Mother's Day lunch last week. Hey, I wasn't the only one... Mmm. Chocolate.

p/s: I'll drive carefully and not too fast as my mother and brother have already warned me that my car is light and should I go to fast, I'll probably go flying. SMS me if you know who won American Idol!!! GO JORDIN!


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