Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Is all I can say. Can't believe that this blog is still accessible after all these years! Looking back at my old writings does definitely bring back waves of familiarity and memories. It definitely has been a while (read: 4 years) since my last post.

I'm still the same ol' me. OLDer me. It's interesting how the turn of events in the last 4 years have not changed a few things about me. Among these are:

- I still do dream of the 2 dreams: falling backwards into a black hole (darkness) and losing my teeth (falling, breaking - would consider it more of a nightmare actually)
- very much still into reading books (Cecelia Ahern all the way - 10 books published so far and counting)
- not being able to go through a day without listening to some form of music (still leaning towards the emotional songs with heart-felt lyrics)
- chocolate and choc chip cookies lover (for life!)
- still huge in size (and heart)
- my hair is still dropping in bunches and turning white too (gasp)

Alright, it has been a while since I last wrote anything (non-work related). Have to admit that the brain is getting a tad rusty. So I shall give it a rest for the day and let's see if I will pick this up again sometime soon.

If there is anyone passing by, well HELLO THERE!

Till next time then...toodles!


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