Wednesday, January 02, 2008

It's 2008 already?

Hello. It's a new year. Again. 364 more days to go before another year begins.
To be honest, I can't really remember how 2007 was. Eventhough it passed by pretty quickly, I didn't want it to end cos the new year would mean loads of work coming my way and would also mean that I, and you, are getting older.
Oh well, I guess it's time for that mandatory reflection of the past year.
Last year, to me, was...alright. Every day was just another day. Seriously. The dates didn't matter much to me (except for deadlines maybe) cos everytime I look at the date, my brain just goes "Oh. It's another day." I forgot a lot of birthdays (my bad...sorry!). Kept wishing that it was Friday everyday and kept asking myself "Why" a lot of times.
Oh well. Hope the new year goes well for everyone. And no, I don't do new year resolutions. Just cause it's a new year doesn't mean you have to come up with resolutions for yourself. It's a new day everyday, right?
Back to Langkawi again next week. So toodles. Have a great year!


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