Wednesday, July 07, 2004

i'm baaaaaaaaaack...

it's good to be back. don't get me wrong, i like penang. it's just that there's no other place like....home. as usual the lil' island was busy with plenty of cars terrorizing the road as if they owned it. i would NEVER EVER DARE to drive in penang. too scary. *shudders* like normal, we pigged out on the lovely food over there. didn't do much since we always go there like 3 times a year. time was mostly spent on visiting my grandma and my dad's aunts. i got a shock when i saw my grandma. she suddenly looked older because of her hair! she hasn't been colouring her hair for quite a while and now it's all white! one thing nice about visiting the old people is that they have loads of stories to tell. it also gives me a chance to brush up on my canto and hokkien and listen to my dad talk in hokkien which he rarely does. and it's even better when one of them give you one whole cempedak! it's now sitting in the kitchen, doing what it does best, keeping the room smelling like the fruit itself. i have no idea what it's called in english...

jus so you know, loads of complaining is about to happen right here, right now. it's bout my cousin. yes, the very same one who's from penang and is currently studying in Uni of Malaya. what's the prob now? according to my grandma, he calls home every night, doesn't wanna talk much and cries everytime. so when he cries, my aunt cries. (you know how mothers can be...) apparently he doesn't wanna study anymore. we were like, "WHY?!?!?" it's not like he can't study. this fella is a straight A student. for all his major exams he has scored straight A's. so why does he say he doesn't wanna study? mom thinks it's cos he's homesick and he's not used to being alone. hey, there comes a time when you have to be by yourself. BERDIKARI. berdiri atas kaki sendiri. stand on your own two feet. according to his younger brother (my mom was trying to squeeze out info from him), he wants to get this grade which NOBODY gets. and if he gets that grade he doesn't have to pay back the loan which he is getting. my mom was like, "Eh. loan is loan. of course you have to pay back!". but apparently if you get this grade which is the maximum ever, you don't have to pay back. so he told his mom that if he doesn't get that grade, he doesn't wanna study anymore. LAME excuse. my cousin, is a perfectionist. he HAS to get the stupid bloody TOP grade. if not, he won't be satisfied. he HAS to be number ONE. and something happened last night. my family and i were having dinner when my aunt called. she was crying and crying, saying that her son doesn't wanna study anymore, like he wants to kill himself. OMG. mom asked for the address for the place where he's staying but no...she doesn't know. how can your mother not know your address??? somemore my aunt told my mom to ask ME to talk to HIM. goodness...i'm not good at that department. so mom was trying to call his hp, but it was engaged. finally got back to my aunt, everything is fine now. GOODNESS. don't know what's bothering him. somemore, he told our grandma that he wants to study in New Zealand and asked her if she could sponsor him. my grandma's reply, "Ngo pin to yau cheen aar?!?!" (where i got money?) if in KL also you are homesick, it will be WORSE if you're overseas.

actually, when i decided to go to melbourne, my mom was worried. that... i won't get used to it and cannot adapt over there. due to past experience, she asked me several times, "you sure u wanna go? will you be ok? since you hardly know anyone who's going there." each time my reply was, "Don't worry. i'll be fine." and indeed, i am FINE. i actually enjoy it over there in melbourne. and i'm a very homely person (is there such a word?). i like to stay at home and be with my parents. ok fine. i admit. i'm MANJA. SPOILT. but not a spoilt brat. but i'm fine. being away from home has helped me a lot in many ways.

ok...think i should stop now, my mom just knocked on my door. it's 1 am and she asked me why i'm not sleeping yet. she said, "y not sleeping yet? on the computer is it? are you coughing? i heard you cough. how's ur koko? still coughing?" "yea lar...everytime i see you i cough. dunno why." at this point in time she raises her hand and said, "i smack you aar..." nyek nyek nyek. bro came back from melbourne and brought back his bloody cough back with him. hehehe...i can enjoy the food...he can't!

okok...gtg already... scared later he come and check up on me. going out tomorrow anyways...but i'm not sleepy yet!!! slept for like 2 over hours during the journey back just now. i'll try.


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