Thursday, December 30, 2004


I finally got my new laptop from Dell. Now my dad and bro are setting it up nicely for me. I reckon my bro is a tad bit jealous cos he told me that it is now HIS computer and he wants to use it to play games since his dinosaur one can't.

Just got back from Penang yesterday. Got some pictures to show. No, nothing bout the tsunami tidal wave thingy that happened.

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas to all of you out there!
Be jolly and enjoy yourselves.
Take care!
May God bless you all always.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Hair Business

My mom says my hair is dropping. A LOT of hair she says.
My hairdresser told me yesterday that i had more hair last time.
Oh pooh.
Now my mom wants me to take multi-vitamins. *o*
She tells me that some shampoo is not suitable that's why my hair is decorating the floor.
Oh pooh.
Still haven't gotten a pressie for my dad yet.
Oh pooh.

My aunt actually made tong yuen on the 21st! so i got to eat some after all.
Goodie goodie gumdrops! ^o^
2 days to Christmas.
I'm bored.
Why is my dad taking so long to get sushi from One Utama that is oh so near? He's been gone for over an hour. Oh. I think i know why.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Happy Chinese Christmas!

A Happy Chinese Christmas to each and everyone of you!!!

Today is the day where people usually eat "Tong Yun" or however you spell it. Red and white little glutinous rice balls with sweet pandanish gingerish syrup. Sadly, no one made it this year. I think my aunt forgot. My grandma would make I think but she's in Penang. Oh, pooh. Oh well, life goes on.

HOI! just because I am on holiday doesn't mean I have a lot of things to blog about. It's been pretty mundane and boring for me. I do the same things everyday. Been going shopping rather frequently but still cracking my head on what to get for my parents.

See, I have nothing to blog about. So...bye! Tata

Sunday, December 19, 2004


*looks around to see if anyone else is watching*
*puts both hands with palms facing outwards next to ears* and goes
*wuGGa wuGGa!!!*
*runs off into the night laughing to herself* ~Tee hee hee ~

5 days to Christmas.
Have a good week ahead!

Sunday, December 12, 2004

O Christmas Tree

Can you spot the difference?

of course you can...

whenever i see a christmas tree, do you know what song comes to my mind? no it's not the normal traditional. "O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, dadada dum dum something something..." go to if you have no clue what i'm going on about. Instead, I think of this song.

When I was small,
and Christmas trees were tall,
we used to love while others used to play.
Don't ask me why,
but time has passed us by,
someone else moved in from far away.

Now we are tall,
and Christmas trees are small,
and you don't ask the time of day.
But you and I,
our love will never die,
but guess we'll cry come first of May.

YES. i do realise that it's "First of May" by the Bee Gees. but see, long ago, christmas trees were WAY taller than i was. and now it's the opposite. that's all the significance of this song has to me when i see christmas trees. nothing more, nothing less.

what's that i hear? do i hear some of you thinking---> this Michelle has gone a lil' wacko over the holidays? nah, i'm still sane. just a lil bored. toodles. ^o^

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

I wonder...

"Why should I deliver the letters when I am being paid less than RM500?"

That was the stunning excuse of a postman who had stored more than 21,000 letters in his flat at Taman Mutiara in Kepong, and who has been on the run from police since March.The New Straits Times understands the 27-year-old suspect told investigators he was upset with his meagre salary and believed he was sending a message to the authorities by hoarding the letters.
It is learnt that he opened many of the letters and pocketed cash or other valuables.
He was arrested at the Selayang wholesale market at noon today. He had been working there as a helper.The postman, who had been working with Pos Malaysia Bhd for more than four years, had his services terminated in March for failing to turn up for work.But it was only in August that the authorities knew what he had been up to.
A security guard handed over 200 letters to the Kepong post office, prompting the manager to conduct an internal investigation.A check at his flat yielded 21,455 undelivered letters.
"With his arrest, we believe we have solved this case," Sentul police chief Assistant Commissioner A. Thaiveegan said today.
Still to be answered is how the suspect managed to hoard letters for four years without the postal authorities finding out.
Extracted from : New Straits Times
Hmm, could that be the reason why my Mother's Day Card never arrived home? and why my friend's birthday card that i sent is nowhere to be seen?

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

I think someone needs a hug...

do you know what's the best huggie wuggie of 2004?

it's official, the greatest huggle of 2004 is *super snuggly gently huggly buggly mega glomps [their name here] and does the bump; starts tap dancing*

*super snuggly gently huggly buggly mega glomps each and everyone and does the bump; starts tap dancing*

sorta stole this from Misakichan's site, who got it off someone else's website and so on i think...
p/s: just so you know, i have no idea how to tap dance. ^ o^


Thursday, December 02, 2004

D-day has arrived

The day has arrived. one of the most dreaded day of my life has come. results are out.
however, i am now left hanging at the moment. i am waiting in anticipation, hoping, praying it will be alright.

i checked my results only to find that there were 3 subjects listed. whatever happened to my fourth subject?

thanks to my lecturers, i have a sinking feeling that results for a few subjects, including my this particular one, is being withheld. they have implemented workbans on the processing of students' semester two results and the bans may result in delays in the publication of some results. The bans are in relation to a current enterprise bargaining related dispute between the university and the National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU).

well, lucky me. as if! come on, don't leave me hanging here! let me breathe a little easier and just give me my damn result!!!