Thursday, December 15, 2005


Helloooooooooo people!

I can't believe I'm actually awake now when about 2 hours ago I was dozing off to sleep. It's 1 am at the moment and Amy is pondering and puzzling over why I'm still awake. Haven't been online for the past couple of days cos we made a last minute trip to Brisbane!

It was too hot over there. No wonder it's called the Sunshine State. Warning: Do not go to Gold Coast/Brisbane in summer. Not unless you want to sweat like a mad pig (although I hear that they do not sweat at all) or get a tan. We took lots of photos but they're still in the camera so give me some time and I'll have some photos up and will be able to blog more about my trip.

I have this long list of things to do before heading back to KL. And I think I should be doing something right now but I can't remember. Hmmm, I guess it would be a good idea to write them down?

It's raining right now. I love it. Such a nice weather to sleep.


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