Saturday, December 03, 2005

Harry Potter

It was bloody brilliant. The scenes were a bit choppy and it was slightly different from the book but it was still good. If only it was longer. I found a lot of parts funny but errr, the rest didn't agree with me on all of them. Heh.

There was a bit of a problem when we got to the cinema (new cinema at Melb Central!). This guy was seating on my seat and he and his gf refused to move, insisting that we had the wrong row. Yadayadayada, Lynn solved it by asking the guy to move to the other side of his gf. Problem solved.

I was peacefully enjoying the movie when there was a bit of a "scary" well not really, just that something appeared outta nowhere and the girl next to me screamed. -.-'''

Had a big lunch at The Groove Train at Melbourne Central. The only reason why we went there was because Lynn had a 25% discount voucher. Portions were huge but the food was so so only. I'm still stuffed from lunch. Aiii...

Got a new book, again! Nick Hornby's A Long Way Down (now I have both the books from my birthday list...). Will let you guys know how it is.

Shopping tomorrow at the city! Can't wait!

I'm off to watch Gilmore Girls. I just love this show although, I've already watched this episode but it's a double episode today. Woo hoo!


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