Friday, April 21, 2006

I can't believe it's Friday already! There goes my holiday but it's been crazy but pretty fun so far. Sleeping late, waking up early, walking too much, yada yada yada but most importantly spending time with friends! Can't believe we're halfway through the semester already. Gulp.

Let's see. In a span of one week, we watched 5 movies: She's the man (which was good. hillarious. entertaining.), the 3 movies from the marathon and Ice Age 2 the other day! Ice Age 2 was good. Go watch it!

After Ice Age on Tuesday, we followed Amy to the Alfred Hospital near the city cos she had to go to the library there. Then we managed to find our way to Smith Street before it closed. After that we went to Lygon for dinner and Koko Black! Thanks Amy for the chocs and err Yin, it's been a week and I haven't finished one more bunny yet! Will post up pics of them later. A bit lazy now. Hee.

Wednesday came along. Went to the city. Walked around but came back empty handed. Hmph. I wanted to get a new handbag cos I tore the zip. Whoops. It wasn't my fault! Amy made me mad so yea. Hehehe. No lar. It was about time it tore anyway. Overall, it was a very unsatisfying trip, shopping wise.

Since I was unsatisfied I dragged Yin to Chadstone. Finally found a bag. Yay. As I was getting comfortable, more like dozing off, on Yin's bed, we or rather they suddenly decided to go out for dinner with Amy's friend. Had to much too eat so we ended up walking around in Chadstone(again!) for a while only since the shops were already closing.

It's no wonder that my feet are aching. It's been raining the whole morning. Nice. I wonder if the girls are still asleep. Maybe not Syl since she's always the first to wake up and I saw her plant (called pretty) outside. We're going karaoking! It is gonna pour!

I can't believe my mom is more happening than me! Some friends of hers are going gaga over Korean dramas at the moment. So she told me bout this show called, "My Lovely Sam-soon" that's showing back home and how one of the guy is good looking but none of her friends want to watch it cos the main actress is not pretty. :S Well, I'm watching it too cos I found out that Syl has it and I borrowed it. I shall never watch it with Amy ever again cos she just makes too much noise. Hmph. Ok. I'm going to watch the next episode. Tata!

Ish. Now only Yin comes online.


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