Friday, November 03, 2006

Fine... I'll try to blog more but it's just that the last thing I want to do after coming back from a long day of work is face the computer screen again. All I do nowadays online is just check my email and that's it. But since some of you guys have been bugging me to you go.

The trip to Melb was good of course except for the fact that I didn't expect it to be that cold and I got scolded by my mom for telling her to leave her thick jackets behind. Anyway, managed to bring back all of my stuff with somemore luggage weight allowance to spare but didn't have the space in our suitcases. Contributed lots to the retail industry making my dad a bit poorer and me with no more cupboard space. And yes, I still have clothes in my luggage and I don't really see myself unpacking that since I don't really have the time to clear my cupboards! But I really should...soon.

Work has been...blah. Good sometimes, not so good sometimes. It's alright if you're working with approachable and friendly workmates and well, not too good if you're not. I so need to get a car soon cos it sucks to rely on other people and parents for transport.

On the lighter side of things, I got my first pay! It is not much but WOO HOO! Finally had the time to withdraw some today so I'm going to treat my family to dinner tomorrow. As for you girls back in Melb, we'll go for roti prata! :D

I don't really have much to blog about not unless you want to come here everytime to see me whine about work cos so far, that's all I have going on. Okies, I gotta run. Till next time, tata!


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