Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Japan Part 1

Here's the summary of my trip to Tokyo. We spent 10 days there and the main reason why we were there was because my cousin was getting married there. Yes, to a Japanese girl.
Day 1
Arrived at 7 in the morning after transiting at Kota Kinabalu. It takes 2 hours from KL to KK and 5 hours from KK to Narita, Tokyo. Don't ask why we transitted at KK, my aunt did the booking. We stayed at Shinjuku near a subway station called Akebonobashi. It was very important to remember the station's name as there are so many stations! And different lines! Also, I was sort of the assistant navigator. Spend the day around Shinjuku and familiarising ourselves with that place. It didn't work of course because a few days later we couldn't find our way back to Isetan. Anywho, that night my cousin's father-in-law treated us to dinner. There was sashimi which I reluctantly took a piece and tried to chew and eat it as quickly as possible since it was only polite to do so. *bleh* Never again. Nah uh. I no like sashimi. Thank goodness the main was good!

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There was octopus which I avoided and managed to pass it on to my uncle. There was even entertainment arranged for us! A professional shimasen player came to play for us. Although I had no idea what she was singing for half an hour, it was still enjoyable.

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Day 2
Wedding day! Woke up pretty early to get ready and managed to find our way to the church by taxi. Luckily my cousin gave us a map so it was easy for us to get there. It was just a small and simple wedding service. Of course there were far more people on the bride's side while for my cousin's side was filled with foreigners! And we were the only one singing cos I don't think they knew how to sing. It was interesting to sing "What a Friend we Have in Jesus" in Japanese though. After the service and when everyone was satisfied with taking pictures, we went for lunch. The food was good and it was mainly western. We even had a small tea ceremony before that. I got an ang pau! :p At night we went to Shibuya for dinner. This is where the famous Shibuya crossing is. OMG. It was scary ok. There was like this sea of people crossing there everytime! You can't really see the amount of ppl in the pic but seriously, it was a large crowd. I am now so sick of Beyonce's Dejavu because I kept hearing it there.

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Below is a picture a statue of a dog at Shibuya Station. Every morning, this dog would follow his master to the station and wait there for him till he comes back in the evening. One day, he walked his master there and waited. And waited. And waited. His master actually had a heart attack and passed away but the loyal dog would still wait there everyday for his master. So touching... Please ignore the girl, I have no idea who she is. She just happened to be there.

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Day 3
Went for church in the morning then had a chinese buffet lunch courtesy of my cousin at Shinjuku. Then we headed for Asakusa. That was the original plan but we stopped at Akibashi which is also known as the Electric Town. This area is full of electronic stuff. From cameras, to hairdryers, to mobile phones and so on. Walked for a bit then headed for a cruise around Tokyo Bay. It was nice to see Tokyo at night with all the lights. Saw the Rainbow Bridge and fireworks at Disneyland. It was a 2 hour ride and it was starting to get boring after a while. But nearing the end of the cruise, we were entertained by 2 hawaiian people! A dancer and a ukelele (however you spell it) player. That was nice. Had a really late dinner at a place where we had to keep our shoes in individual cupboards using a wooden block as a key. It was alright if not for some people's smelly feet.

I think I may have to do this in 3 parts. Part 2 will come along soon!


Blogger Harvard said...

I'm just a pedestrian blogsurfing. I was there during January. Kinda miss it.

11:22 AM  

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