Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Daddy's (little?) Girl

"So did mom tell you bout the squishy squishy squash squash bag?"
"-.- If you're talking bout the vacuum space bag, yes."

*slaps forehead*

"I can't dismantle my fan since I wasn't the one who put it together in the first place."
"Oh. So you need daddy to do it for you? Aiyahhhhh..."

Yes. I may be 21 years of age (22 is coming along soon...) but I guess I'll always be daddy's little girl. I just need to whine a lil and he'll get things done for me. Well. Sometimes only lar. Like how I always get him to help me put new bedsheets on my mattress. My mattress is just too darn heavy ok. So in turn I always help him with his bed. That is one of the few(or is it many) things that my brother will probably not help him with. Just now, I think he was sorta hinting that there was no one to help him wash his car since I usually do when I'm home. Sigh. I guess my mom is right (aren't they always). My dad does spoil me sometimes. I'm his little girl. *Grins*

Anyways, I have started cleaning my room (yay!). Managed to sort through my shelf and sort stuff into different piles: yes, no, maybe and stuff to be given to friends. But as Hui Yin would beg to differ, there are actually more piles than that. :S Haven't been doing much cleaning the past few days. Wonder what happened to the adrenaline rush I had that day? Watching Queer Eye didn't help either. Maybe I'll try again later...


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