Wednesday, May 24, 2006


Who doesn't like giving presentations? *waves hand in the air*
Remember my 4,000 word report, well I managed to crap out 3,000 words and now I have to do a presentation for it. Also worth another 25% and it's a 15 minute presentation. And it's done in a professional corporate kind of way. Everyone has to dress up and it is held in this meeting room. It runs over 2 weeks and mine is next week. I had to sit through 9 presentations this morning while spacing out at a few of them.

We were told time and time again not to be late for the presentations as marks would be taken off us. It was supposed to start at 9.30am and promptly at 9.30am I saw a few people rushing in wondering if they were late. So we were waiting, and was told that the person who was supposed to come had some car trouble and is running very late. Hmmm, so can we take marks off her?

There were some interesting topics that people chose to do (we were allowed to pick any topic) like someone trying to open a nightclub, self-service kiosks at this fast food place called "Monster Burger" (the presenter even gave everyone a gummi burger!) and errr yea that is all I remember. I know someone presented this whole topic off another subject so I was definitely spacing out during that one. Someone else, who I think has not been attending his tutes, copied and pasted his entire report into the slides, or at least that was what it looked like to me. There were a few other comments so hopefully I'll remember them and try to do a good job next week. Oh well, we were told that as long as we're there and somehow manage to get through presenting, we're definitely passing it. So *phew*'s been so hard to get up these few mornings! Too cold! Winter is coming... and so is the end of uni for me.


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