Saturday, May 13, 2006

Uh oh

It was a crazy night last night and I shall not elaborate on that cos errr, I said so.

Anyhow, am trying very hard to do my tute work which needs to be handed in for grading (feels like I'm back in school again) and I have no freaking idea how to answer the first question and the second question. Incidentally, they're both theory questions and I didn't really get what the lecturer was yapping about. Sigh. I'm just going to have to write some bullshit. Oh well, at least I know how to do the other two questions. I think.

Am quite happy that my assignment was extended so now instead of it being due on thursday, it's due on monday. I am so not taking this assignment seriously which I should since it's 25% and another 25% is for my 15 minute presentation based on my assignment, which I don't know when it is because that subject is a bit kelam-kabut now ever since the lecturer had to take emergency leave for the rest of the semester. Ok, that sentence was too long and I'm sure I made some errors but I don't care.

And now, it's back to writing crap for my tute. arggghhh *pulls hair out*


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