Saturday, April 29, 2006

Retail Therapy

What was suppose to be just lunch and grocery shopping ended up to be a full day affair (nearly) at Chadstone. Spent so much. ARGHHHH. But so far I'm happy with my purchases. Managed to get a cd(Keri Noble's Fearless-so far so good!) for 10 dollars which is considered cheap over here. Although, it's probably because the album is 2 years old. And I was wondering why it wouldn't play on windows media player and plays with some funny player. So I just happen to glance at the back of the cd to find this: "This disc contains Copy Control technology." Oh well. It still works on iTunes so no biggie for me.

Bought a purse cos I think my current one is jstarting to fall apart. Well sort of. Am very happy cos instead of costing $60 it was $40!Got 2 tops, one handbag and other small things. So in the end, I'm happy but my feet hurt and my bank balance is considerably less.

Blogger is down at this very moment. I'll just have to post this later.

It's 2.28am and am still awake. What happened was that, I was suppose to sleep a while ago, but I was hungry so I ate something and it would be piggish of me to go to bed now. Can't sleep in tomorrow cos we're playing badminton. And I think after that we're going karaoking again! And on Sunday night we're going to watch Stephen K Amos at the Melbourne Comedy Festival. Should be good.

I just realised that I actually got disconnected from the internet. So it's not blogger's fault. Geeze. Stupid ISP!

Alright. I think I shall go try to sleep. Maybe the rain will help me fall asleep.


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