Friday, September 15, 2006

My Super Ex-Girlfriend

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Went to watch it last night because my brother bought some charity tickets from his friend. Let's just say that I don't think it was worth RM20 but at least he has done a small bit for charity since he paid for it. It was funny, not that kind of hillarious funny but rather it's the "Omg. I can't believe they actually did that.So stupidddd." kinda funny. Yep, I rolled my eyes a few times in the cinema cos I can't believe Uma Thurman was actually in it. Anyway, if you're planning to watch, don't. Not unless you reallllllllllllllly want to. And don't watch with your family. Really. There are a few scenes where it gets a bit uncomfortable. Especially if you are sitting next to your brother. Lastly, I miss the cinema seats in Aussie!!! The ones here are too small and not comfy enough!


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