Saturday, August 26, 2006

I asked for rain and it stormed

Yep. I was just complaining to my friends in Melbourne how hot it was getting over here and how hazey it has been. Then the day after, it stormed. It stormed yesterday too. So it wasn't too hot but then all the heavy rain caused floods, jams and disruptions to the LRT. Heh. I asked for rain, but not for it to storm.
Anyway, I wasn't even home to run for cover everytime there was thunder and lightning. Have been busy shopping (more like walking from one shop to another while my mom makes up her mind) cos we're heading to Japan! Hope it won't be too hot and hopefully it won't rain cos if it does, how are we suppose to go sight-seeing. And yes, I am aware that I do complain about the weather one too many times.


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