Thursday, August 31, 2006

Happy Independence Day!

Happy Merdeka to all Malaysians near and far! Sorry you don't get to enjoy the public holiday. Heh. I'm so mean.
I'm nearly all packed up to leave for Japan later. I just need to put a couple of stuff in and then I'm done. And please, don't say that I'm unpatriotic like someone (you know who you are!) or something like that just cos I'm going out of the country. Since my flight is at night, I am technically still spending the day in Malaysia itself.
It's getting dark. I hope it rains but not now though. Some naughty cat decided to throw up (yes!) on the roof outside my brother's window and it's stinky. Absolutely foul. So we need heavy rain to get rid of it. Bad cat!

Take care and hopefully I'll have pictures to share when I get back!


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