Monday, January 22, 2007

I'll be MIA

I'll be in "oh-so-exciting" Kuala Selangor for the rest of the week. Will be staying there till the weekend I think so that we won't have to travel 3 hours a day to and fro. Of all places to be working...

It's so rural and it's just ugh. The only main attraction here are fireflies. Whoopeedoodah.

Blah. Wish me luck. I'm the field-in-charge for this job. D-I-E la.

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Ok, I meant to post up some pictures from Langkawi but my laptop has been acting pissy and all. It turns on fine sometimes, but some days, it refuses to turn on. Like today. So I've resorted to using my office's laptop.

Nothing new happening except that I'm sick. Hoo hoo.

Pictures will be up as soon as my computer decides to behave.

Monday, January 08, 2007


Am in Langkawi at the moment and before you all starting going, "Gee. That's nice." hold on. I'm not here for a holiday but for work! Ugh. It's so hard to work when you're by the sea and it's such a perfect weather to be outdoors. Instead, my colleague and I are stuck in the office (which just so happens to be where we're staying) wondering if we can finish our work in time since we're here only for a week.
This hotel is full of foreigners and I know why. No Malaysian would pay 600 bucks for a room.
Anyways, yahoo! for wireless. At least I'm not disconnected from the rest of the world. Lots of mozzies here now though.
Ok, gotta run. Dinner soon. Hopefully I'll have some pics to post. That is, if I do get round taking pictures.