Friday, June 15, 2007

Oh look, it's June already...

15 more days and that's half a year gone. *whoosh* Just like that.
Got my results happy happy happy. My colleague and I were driving other people crazy by reminding them that results will be out at 4pm. During the day, we kept checking the web to see if it's accessible yet. Checked at 3.59 but it was not out yet. The second the clock turned 4, my colleague clicked refresh and we both screamed. Results are out. Oh well, happy happy happy.
Haven't been blogging for a while because there was really nothing to write about. Was going to post some food pics up but I got lazy...
Have yet to watch Pirates 3, Shrek 3 and Ocean's 13. Bah. Am watching Fantastic 4 tomorrow. Can't believe we ended up buying tickets for tomorrow's show a week ago when we tried to buy tickets for Pirates and Shrek. Bleh
Er yes. Still nothing to blog about.
Enjoy your weekend!


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