Thursday, January 26, 2006

CNY is a coming soon

I'm done with spring cleaning for the year. HAH. It's only like 26 days into the year and I have already declared no spring cleaning! It's just too darn tiring.

Went to IKEA/IKANO today. Mom was looking at some pussy willows. In case you're wondering what they are, here's a pic.

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We scouted around the 2 other florist shops before getting 2 bundles at IKEA. Because they were cheaper. But there's always a catch isn't it? When you look at the ones in IKEA, you don't see the fuzzy looking thingys. They're buds. And all you have to do is just wait for them to fall out. OR. You could just pull it out and ta-da. You'll get the furry lil' fellas. It ain't as easy as it sounds. Not when you have so many to pull out. Sure, it can be fun. But it's tiring. And not to mention that if you pull to hard, the whole entire thing comes out and so you're plant will be a bit bald.

It's almost 9.30. I'm waiting to watch Malaysia's Most Beautiful. Gosh. I hope that girl doesn't win.


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