Thursday, January 05, 2006

Brisbane and Gold Coast

Happy New Year to everyone! So, how about those new year resolutions? I can't be bothered to come up with any because I have this feeling that I will never ever stick to it. Does anyone have any to share?

I was suppose to write this entry last year. Whoa. That feels. So long ago. Ok, I'm getting a bit off track at the moment. So let me explain why I took so long to post up more pics. It's quite simple actually. Everytime I sit my ass down on the computer either my mom, dad or brother will call me to do some funny thing. I'm suppose to clean up my room, help my mom spring clean the house, i.e. take down the curtains for washing etc., drive my dad around to practise my driving and what not. I'm soooo tired of hearing my name now.

I cleared one of my cupboards the other day. Found my old school uniform, some weird dresses my mom made me wear and my mom's clothes. YES. The whole reason why my mom pushed me to clear that cupboard was so that she could keep her clothes in it. In MY cupboard. She used to put some in my brother's but since he's now back for good, it'll be in MY cupboard till further notice.

I went through my desk drawer today. Why oh why do I have so many colour pencils, marker pens, pens, pencils, erasers and pencil boxes?! Because, I'm a karang guni. I don't have the heart to throw away my stuff so I keep most of them. I was tempted to keep my broken pencil box because it brings back so many memories but my brother took one look and it and commanded that I threw it away. BAH.

Alright, enough of the spring cleaning stories. I can't believe I still have so many cupboards and drawers to go through.

Brisbane. The capital of Queensland. Queensland is also known as the Sunshine State for the right reasons. It was positively scorching over there. We were there for 5 nights and only once did it rain. Thank goodness for the air-conditioned motel room. The first morning we were there, my mom woke up with a jolt because it was so bright (even with the curtains but that didn't wake me up eventhough I was sleeping nearer to them) and she thought it was already late in the morning. Lo and behold, it was only 5.30am. We took our own time to get ready cos it was a Sunday and we didn't have a plan yet. In the end we went to Eagle Street Market in the city. It's just like Vic Mart in Melb just that it's much much smaller and it's by the river. There's a river in the city and they have ferries to transport people from one place to another. It was way too hot for us so after buying some fruits we went for a little drive around the city. Got lost. Tried to find Chinatown and got lost yet again and ended up in some mall. Yipee! Air-con! Didn't spend much time there since the shops close at 4pm and we had to go to church anyway. It was hard finding one near where we stayed because mass at the closest church is at 7.30 am!

The next day, we went to Sea World! It's about an hour's drive from Brisbane.
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Saw some seals in the "Quest for the Golden Seal".
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Flippin' dolphins!
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Sharks and dory! A huge grouper(yum) and some fairy penguins which had an unpleasant smell.
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But most important of all...Polar bears!!!
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Sorry for the different sized pictures but the pictures were from two separate cameras and I must have been dreaming when I was resizing them.

Anyway, that night we went to Chinatown in the city for dinner. My dad was certain that Chinatown was more than just a few shops and proceeded to lead us by foot around the corner. But of course, Chinatown ended right there. It was so small! And a little disappointing as well. Oh well, at least the food was good!

Next entry: Warner Bros. Movie World!


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