Monday, February 20, 2006


What the...?!
For one of my subjects, they had to shift the lecture time slots to other days, including Fridays! Friday afternoons!!! Sheesh. Their reasoning is that they did not expect so many students to enrol in that subject. HELL-O! It's compulsory for students taking accounting and finance to take that subject and since they only offer this once a year... they should have known better! PLUS quite a lot of people failed this subject last year. There goes my free day. BAH.

Now I have to go rearrange my timetable. And they only decided to do this when?! When allocate plus is closed for sorting, meaning I won't be able to do anything till....oh wait. Tomorrow morning. Darn. Means that I have to wake up super early tomorrow since it opens at 7 am Aust time. And no, I'm not that silly to wake up at 4 am Malaysian time. In the words of Amy...BOOOOOOOOOOO.


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