Sunday, February 05, 2006

Happy Birthday everybody!!! Ok, this was meant for yesterday but what the hey. Yep. It's everyone's birthday on the 7th day of CNY. So there.

CNY has been pretty busy so far. Just got back from Penang yesterday afternoon after a wildride back in my uncle's car. Whoosh. He drives too fast. But at least I got to eat pizza for lunch at Ipoh. YES. We stopped at Ipoh to have lunch which was pizza. And not the famous Ipoh Koay Teow.

IF you think it's really hot in KL, it's even worse in Penang! There are no clouds there!!! But there was one day where it rained and we were in a shopping centre the whole day thinking that we could escape the heat that way. Bah.

Now that there are no classes, I'm losing track of the days and dates. I actually thought that today's Monday. I've got so many things to do today and why on earth am I still up? Everyone's gone to bed, even my brother. Now I know why he's gone to bed. The lazy poke starts work on Monday! Which means that I think he's dragging me to the supermart in the morning to get some food stuff. Then we're going to visit my mom's uncle. And then it's reunion dinner time. Yes. I know it's a bit late for reunion dinner but hey, at least we're having one.

Aaaah. I was suppose to work on my new skin(blog skin, that is. you silly person.). Another day then.

Nite nite! Sleep tight! Don't let the bed bugs bite! And speaking of them fellas, there was an article in the NST about them. Nasty little buggers.

Toodles. Oh and Malfoy, if you do read this, when are we meeting up?!


Blogger michymich said...

i found this skin on the net, it's titled "rain". hahaa i have no idea whether's there's suppose to be a scenery. thanks for dropping by!

11:15 PM  

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