Saturday, July 29, 2006


I'm home. Yes, for good. Haven't got much to blog since not much has been happening unless you think killing mozzies and yelping at the sight of roaches and lizards are exciting.
The flight back was alright. It wasn't full so I managed to get away with 8kg of overweight baggage. I had the chance to sit next to this cute mixed chinese-ang moh guy but I switched with my dad so that I could bug my mom. Was happily watching movies (on demand rocks) then I got tired and decided to sleep when there was only 1.5 hours left of the flight while my mom still continued to watch movies. Bleh.
Am I happy to be home? Yes and no. If you've ever been in my situation you would know what I mean. But thank God for MSN.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

One Red Paperclip

Was reading some news online when I saw an article about a man who managed to trade one red paperclip for a house. There were a few other trades that happened in between of course. You can read about how he managed to end up with a house by starting with a paperclip here.

Watched Pirates of Caribbean 2 on Tuesday. It was fantastic and hillarious! Just wished that they didn't leave us hanging at the end. Now we have to wait patiently for the 3rd one next year. Apparently, there's a small scene when the credits are rolling. Didn't manage to catch that as we left as soon as it finished. But at least I found out that it was something small. Unlike X-Men3.

My walls are so bare now. I've taken down all my posters, 9 in total. It feels weird now. Sort of how it was when I just moved in. Sigh.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Results are out!

I passed all my subjects! ALLELUIA! Praise the Lord!

Thank you to those who prayed for me!

WOO HOO! I'm graduating!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Daddy's (little?) Girl

"So did mom tell you bout the squishy squishy squash squash bag?"
"-.- If you're talking bout the vacuum space bag, yes."

*slaps forehead*

"I can't dismantle my fan since I wasn't the one who put it together in the first place."
"Oh. So you need daddy to do it for you? Aiyahhhhh..."

Yes. I may be 21 years of age (22 is coming along soon...) but I guess I'll always be daddy's little girl. I just need to whine a lil and he'll get things done for me. Well. Sometimes only lar. Like how I always get him to help me put new bedsheets on my mattress. My mattress is just too darn heavy ok. So in turn I always help him with his bed. That is one of the few(or is it many) things that my brother will probably not help him with. Just now, I think he was sorta hinting that there was no one to help him wash his car since I usually do when I'm home. Sigh. I guess my mom is right (aren't they always). My dad does spoil me sometimes. I'm his little girl. *Grins*

Anyways, I have started cleaning my room (yay!). Managed to sort through my shelf and sort stuff into different piles: yes, no, maybe and stuff to be given to friends. But as Hui Yin would beg to differ, there are actually more piles than that. :S Haven't been doing much cleaning the past few days. Wonder what happened to the adrenaline rush I had that day? Watching Queer Eye didn't help either. Maybe I'll try again later...