Saturday, October 30, 2004

loo la la loo la la loo la loo la leh

ooooooook. i'm now at the library, finished printing some past year papers. and at this time, msn just HAS to be down?!?! come on, i haven't been on msn for ages and the one time where i can, i'm not able to?!?! arghhh!!! forget it.

should be studying but just didn't feel like it. sigh, i still have lots to study but what am i doing? wasting time here..

watched "Saved!" yesterday. don't think Malaysia will ever show it. it's different than your normal average teen movie. think the soundtrack sounds good. hmm might buy it. but then i wanna spend 20 bucks on a cd? come on Amy let's sing! "God only knows what I'd be without you.."

Wednesday, October 27, 2004


malfoy: yes yes i know what you mean. well u have to wait for like another 3 more weeks for the pics. don't be impatient...:)

yin: were u very bored? hahah thanks though.

winky: thanks a lot winky. i was born in the zu??? and with elephants?! hmph...

lynette: thanks for the wishes! all the best for yours too!

tammie: thank you so much! all the best for exams!

may: remaining exams are on the 29th of oct, 9th of nov, 10th of nov and 11th of nov. thank you!

melanie: dunno what happened to my laptop. sigh..yep don't worry, all assignments are done! thank you! all the best for your exams too!

thanks guys for all the msgs you left on my taggy. laptop still down. exams are still on but thank goodness i didn't have any papers today. it's cold!!! 11 degrees now and the wind is travelling at a speed of 47 km/h! yikes!!

Friday, October 22, 2004

My Birthday

yep yep, i am 20 today. finally, you say? hmph...

well thanks for all the birthday wishes that i got. thank you for all the smses and the cards (e-cards and real cards) that i have received. not to forget all my friends here in my hostel who got me a yummylicious cake and put 20 small candles instead of 2 BIG ones. but it's ok, thank you guys!!! and thank you for your presents!!! hmm..i even got a couple of msgs from friends on my friendster list wishing me. wonder how they knew...anywho...

update on my laptop: still not able to turn it on. oh well, too bad.

i have pics to post up from my birthday. but i guess that will have to wait till i get back home.

oh well for those who are having exams soon, "ALL THE BEST!"

Wednesday, October 20, 2004


as if my week couldn't get worse...

here are the reasons why
  1. assignment due on friday. don't know how to do like half of it. thank goodness for friends to turn to for help
  2. exams start on monday. still no time to study for that yet thanks to the assignment. enuff said.
  3. this really PISSED me off. my trusty ol' laptop has decided to be naughty. at such an important time like this, it just HAD to 'bail' out on me. here's what happened:
  • was talking on the phone with mommy on monday afternoon and my comp was running some spyware cleaner thingy. *POOF* *silence* my laptop went off by itself. looked at it, nothing's working. i can't on my laptop. no lights, nothing. said "SHIT" into the phone many times and suddenly stopped because i forgot my mommy was on the other line.
  • mom said "Here. think you better talk to your daddy then." daddy said "uh oh. look for a master reset button. there should be a small button somewhere." *searches frantically for a button* "no, there's no button." at that moment i pressed my on button and my laptop came back to life. *sigh of relief* so all was good until:
  • it happened again when i went down to have dinner with hui yin. and this time, i just wouldn't turn on. *WAILS* so now i'm laptop-less. so what bout assignment? luckily, i saved it into a diskette after Lynn told me the other day that she has at least 3 copies of her assignment around. so *phew* for that. but the downside? i have tute works inside my hard disk for a subject. tutorial solutons for another subject and some past year papers in there. GREAT. i'm in a bit of trouble
  • it's at times like these that i count my lucky stars for the good friend that i have and can depend on. hui yin has lent me her laptop for me to finish up my assignments eventhough i have been pissing her off lately. *sigh* thank you so very much hui yin! :) and hey...i'm really sorry!

ok, enough blogging. time to head back to my assignment.

Saturday, October 16, 2004

The Notebook

yep. the girls and i went to watch The Notebook today. the movie was great. it has a touching storyline and you would have to have a really cold cold heart if you were not moved by that movie. there was this girl sitting behind us with her bf and she was crying LOUDLY. so loud that we just sorta laughed in between our sniffles. so, if you haven't watched it yet, so catch it!

ok, that would be the last movie i'll watch till i'm done with my exams. one more week! ARGHHHH!!!

Friday, October 15, 2004


this was what i learnt AND actually remembered from my management lecture yesterday:

There have been some fundamental changes in demographics. Now, there are:
Career couples [DINKS] {Double Income and No Kids}
Single people [SINKS] {Single Income and No Kids}

the next two were just mentioned by the lecturer but not on the lecture notes:
for the girls: SINBAD- Single Income, No Bloke And Desperate
for the guys: LOMBAD- Lots Of Money, But A Dickhead

kekekeke...well that caught everyone's attention for a while.

had McD's for lunch today and i had a Happy Meal. now, there's no age limit for ppl to get happy meals ok... i got a Moehog soft toy! for those who have no clue what i'm going on about, Moehog is a neopet. you know... the online pet thingy? awww go check if you still don't get what i'm talking about. i haven't been playing with my account since early this year (i've been good) and my fingers was itching just now. so i went to check my account and found that so many things have changed since i logged in. but don't worry, i won't be playing much with it for now. wait till exams are over.

ok, weekend's here. i have to spend the entire weekend doing my assignment...ugh.
well have a good weekend ppl...

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

You know it's spring time in Melbourne when...

  • it's extremely hot one day, and the temperature drops drastically the next. for eg: it was 32 degrees yest. it was raining the whole day today and it was 15 degrees at 4 pm.
  • the green grass is no longer for stepping on when trying to overtake people who take up the whole entire path as if they own it. it has turned into a bed away from home as well as a nice comfy spot for those butts.
  • you see girls wearing skirts everywhere regardless on whether they can actually walk or sit properly in those things called mini oh wait, mini-miniskirt. meanwhile, the guys are strutting around in their shorts.
  • suddenly there seems to be a long line of people buying smoothies and ice cream. *yum yum*
  • you see lots of people rubbing their noses until it looks like it might fall off any moment. hayfever. *aH aH aH cHieWwww* *Gazunheit*
  • there are bugs that you never knew existed, flying around.
  • the world seems to be a more colourful place thanks to all the flowers blooming. even the grass here has yellow flowers. thank you, mother nature.
  • the sun rises at ungodly hour of 5 something and the birds actually start chirping at around the same time.
  • the sun sets at 6.30-ish. YAY! more sunlight!
  • you wish they would turn off the central heating and bring the cool air on!

yep, i think that's about all i can think of.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

The 4400

The 4400 tells the stories of 4,400 alien abductees after they are returned to earth. In the words of the executive producers, these are stories of people dealing with traumatic changes, driven by the mystery of what happened and why. Some of them have been affected in mysterious ways, and some will have certain abilities, both good and bad, so part of the drama will be watching them adjust to these changes within themselves.

The series kicks off with a ball of light sailing toward Earth, but rather than the expected catastrophic event, thousands of returned abductees are left with no memory of their otherworldly experiences. Each has been gone anywhere from a few months to several decades but hasn't aged a day. Most critics have described the show as Close Encounters Of The Third Kind meets X-Men.

They showed it on Sunday night and last night. i don't usually watch these kinda shows but this was an exception. to me, it was really really good. it's too long to me a movie but yet too short to be a normal series. so it's sorta like a mini-series, 5 hours long. i'm surprised that Australia showed it cos it's pretty new. check out the Official Site at or another site at

Let's see, what happened to michelle today? well it was hot today. not just hot, but REALLY REALLY hot. it was 32 degrees today. i spent the whole day in the lecture halls looking at the sweat forming on my palms every now and then. ok, you didn't need to know that. it's hotter than back home in KL cos they were absolutely no clouds in the sky! ugh...well the Aussies love the sun but not me. not too much of it. oh well i hear that it was 34 degrees in Sydney today and it's gonna be 37 tomorrow over there!!! thank goodness it will be 23 here in Melbourne.

as for now, i'm gonna try to chill in my room with my trusty fan and enjoy watching Raymond and The OC. toodles... hope you ppl are not melting like i am.

Sunday, October 10, 2004

The best thing to wake up to

thanks to hui yin who got up early (it's early for her) to cook pancakes! i was still sleeping when she knocked and i opened the door to find a smiley faced pancake! i don't really like pancakes but since she took some effort to cook it, i just ate it up. YUMMYLICIOUS!

last night i was in bed by 12 something and i was sleeping nicely until i heard this loud BANG! i got a shock but was not too shock since i managed to go back to sleep. my heart was pounding though...and now i just found out the source of the bang. hui yin's door was opened slightly and she was on the phone with her mom. amy came to her room and was told to come in. the door "hole" wasn't big enough for her. so she banged her shoulder into the door thus creating a loud BANG! mmmm rite...

it's going to be a high of 25 degrees today. and it might be 32 degrees on tuesday! it's going to be mightyyyyyyyyy hot.

countdown to end of semester: 2 weeks
countdown to setting my two feet firmly on KL grounds: 5 weeks

Thursday, October 07, 2004

Rain rain go away...

Rain rain go away
Come again another day
Wind wind blow afar
Blow until you reach the stars

that is Michelle's version of the song taught to her by her grandpa (i think).
yes, it started raining even before i woke up this morning i think. a loud thunder woke me up and i went, "Oh great! It's raining." was so tempted to just stay in bed but had to go to uni. the wind today is horrendous. the moment you step out, you hair goes flying all over the place and you can feel yourself being pushed by the wind. it's now currently 13 degrees and the winds are travelling at a speed of 31.7 km/h. if that is not extremely windy, i don't know what it is.

i have no idea why, but my left arm is killing me. the pain wasn't there when i woke up but it was when my first tute started. i can only lift it to a certain small angle before it hurts like crazy. can't even lift my hand up without wincing. sucks...

was having fun last night playing with the piano in syl's room. hehehe...yes. you read right, there's an electric piano currently standing at the corner of syl's room. and i spent some time last night embarassing myself with my piano skills. now i miss my piano back home.

and now the sun is out. it's weird to see the sun out but yet the sky is filled with grey clouds. it's like a contradiction. dark but sunny...hmmm....

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

That's bullocks

watched "Wimbledon" with hui yin just now. it's quite a nice movie. it's your typical love story show where we all know the ending but it's still good. i wasn't really interested in watching it since the lead actor is so-not-good looking *ahem* but nonetheless, since i heard from friends that it's quite a good movie, what the heck...i'll just go and watch. and by the end of the movie i was sorta "inspired?" to play tennis again! anyone up for it? oh and hahaha i think i've heard enough of "That's bullocks!" (or however you spell it) for it to be stuck in my head now!

oh and since i never ever followed any of the tennis tournaments, i only just found out, thanks to felicia, that wimbledon is the only tennis tournament whereby the court is made of grass. so when it rains, they have to cover up all the courts. and oh, it was fun seeing the players sliding across the court hehehe...

and what is it with a lot of you people who don't like Kirsten Dunst? okok fine, everyone's entitled to their own opinion.

what's next on my list of movies to watch? The Notebook. anyone watched it yet? it's only coming out in Australia next week i think, not too sure if they've shown it elsewhere.

Monday, October 04, 2004

The Prayer

Dear Blog,
I'm happy with my mid sem test results that i got back this morning. really really happy! *YES*

ahem. well, last night amy and felicia were in my room watching Australian Idol. and...amy cried! okok more like teared 3 times! once when Ricki-Lee sang "I have nothing" by Whitney Houston which was fantastic. another time cos Marty was not given very good feedback from the judges. and...she cried when Anthony sang "The Prayer" by Celine Dion and Andrea Bocelli (i prefer the Charlotte Church and Josh Groban version though...). and my oh that i could understand why she cried. he just sang beautifully giving me goosebumps every now and then. this Italian guy (cutie-pie to amy) was wonderful throughout his whole entire performance and he even sang the Italian part! and all these by himself! *RESPECT* and hui yin had to miss his whole performance cos she fell asleep and woke up only to find that he had finished singing.

oh and this is how he looks like...amy don't drool. i'm sure you have other nicer pics of him on your desktop or whatever it is that you downloaded.

ok..don't think you can really see very clearly...oh and he's only 21. and he's from melbourne.

The Prayer
I pray you'll be our eyes, and watch us where we go,

And help us to be wise, in times when we don't know
Let this be our prayer, as we go our way
Lead us to a place, guide us with your grace
To a place where we'll be safe...

La luce che tu dai
I pray we'll find your light
Nel cuore restero
And hold it in our hearts
A ricordarci che
When stars go out each night
L'eterna stella sei

Nella mia preghiera
Let this be our prayer
Quanta fede ce
When shadows fill our day
Lead us to a place
Guide us with your grace
Give us faith so we'll be safe

Sognamo un mondo senza picolenza
Un mondo di giustizia e di speranza
Ognuno di la mano al suo vicino
Simbolo di pace e di fraterniti

La forza che ci dai
We ask that life be kind
E' il desiderio che
And watch us from above
Ognuno trovi amor

We hope each soul will find
Intorno e dentro a se
Another soul to love
Let this be our prayer
Let this be our prayer
Just like every child
Just like every child
Needs to find a place, guide us with your grace

Give us faith so we'll be safe
E' la fede cheHai acceso in noi

Sento che ci

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Huge *GROAN*

ugh, today's the last day of holidays. but technically, it's the weekend so not really the last day of holidays. and what have i done during the hols (in terms of work)? nothing. although, i think i managed to drive some people crazy nyek nyek nyek...

well 3 more weeks of studying before exams are here. altogether now, on the count of 3...1, 2....3! *GROAN*

can you believe it's october already? ALREADY? soon it will be start of 2005. can you believe it? i still keep thinking it's 2003 now...BAH.

not much to blog bout today, just that i'm bored. it's quiet over here, nothing new. *yaWn* i absolutely refuse to do any work today. yes, i'm lazy.

ok well, i shall resort to singing to myself now. so if it does rain heavily over the next few days, i'm sorry. lalalalalalalaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Friday, October 01, 2004

Something i got in my email this morning

A long time ago, before the world was created and humans set foot
on it for the first time, virtues and vices floated around and were bored, not knowing what to do.
One day, all the vices and virtues were gathered together and were
more bored than ever. Suddenly, Ingenious came up with an idea:
"Let's play hide and seek!" All of them liked the idea and immediately
Hurt shouted: "I want to count, I want to count!" And since
Nobody was crazy enough to want to seek Hurt, all the others agreed.
Hurt leaned against a tree and started to count: "One, two, three..."
As Hurt counted, the vices and virtues went hiding. Tenderness hung itself on the horn of the moon, Treason hid in a pile of garbage.
Fondness curled up between the clouds and Passion went to the
Centre of the earth.
Lie said that it would hide under a stone, but hid at the bottom of the lake, whilst Avarice entered a sack that he ended up breaking.
And Hurt continued to count: "... seventy nine, eighty, eighty one..."
By this time, all the vices and virtues were already hidden – except Love.
For undecided as Love is, he could not decide where to hide. And
this should not surprise us, because we all know how difficult it
is to hide Love.
Hurt: "...ninety five, ninety six, ninety seven..." Just when
Hurt got to one hundred, Love jumped into a rose bush where he hid.
And Hurt turned around and shouted: "I'm coming, I'm coming!"
As Hurt turned around, Laziness was the first to be found, because
Laziness had no energy to hide. Then he spotted Tenderness in the horn
of the moon, Lie at the bottom of the lake and Passion at the centre of the earth. One by one, Hurt found them all - except Love.
Hurt was getting desperate, unable to find Love. Envious of
Love, Envy whispered to Hurt: "You only need to find Love, and
Love is hiding in the rose bush."
Hurt grabbed a wooden pitch fork and stabbed wildly at the rose bush.
Hurt stabbed and stabbed until a heartbreaking cry made him stop. Love appeared from the rose bush, covering his face with his hands. Between his fingers ran two trickles of blood from his eyes.
Hurt, so anxious to find Love, had stabbed out Love's eyes with a pitch fork.
"What have I done! What have I done!" Hurt shouted.
"I have left you blind! How can I repair it?"
And Love answered: "You cannot repair my eyes. But if you want to do something for me, you can be my guide."
And so it came about that from that day on, Love is blind and is always accompanied by Hurt.

My cotton sky

yes, i was bored yesterday. oh wait, make that now as well.

nice sky isn't it? it's like swirly cotton candy in the blue sky. sigh...beautiful.

i could just stare at the sky for ages...sigh.