Thursday, March 31, 2005

IKEA, smoke detector

Yesterday, Amy, Hui Yin and I headed off to IKEA in Richmond. Amy lugged herMelway(map) along. We nearly got lost, but it was fine in the end thanks to the guy behind the information counter at the station.
After walking and walking in the hot sun (it was really hot yest) we finally reached our destination. Then,
Yin: We're taking the tram back to the city rite?
Me: Yep.
Yin: Thank god.

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while we were walking there, we saw this:

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After lunch at IKEA(KL's swedish meatballs are nicer!) we headed to the Singapore Airlines office in the city for them to book their flights back home. Then we tagged along with Amy to her temple which was hosting a teapot exhibition. There was this volunteer there who talked to us, he was Malaysian! After Amy prayed we went to Starbucks.

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Mocha Frappucino Light for Amy and I, Hot Chocolate for Yin

Next we walked around the city for a while before we went to Melbourne Central to catch the next train home.

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Inside Melbourne Central

It was a tiring day and I was hoping to sleep in today, BUT I woke up at 7.30 am. Thanks to my stupid smoke detector which kept beeping! Time to change the battery, so at 9-ish went to see Frank(management) and apparently, the owner has decided that they shall not provide batteries and bulbs for free to us tenants. WHAT THE...?
It's all fine now thank goodness. No more beeping for a long time, I hope.

Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Tuesday is movie day

Yeshhh, Tuesdays are when the movie tickets are cheaper. It's usually AUD11/12(per movie, mind you...) but today it was AUD6! So we watched The Pacifier and Miss Congeniality 2.

The Pacifier was not too bad. A few laughs here and there. There's a cute baby in it. Quite interesting cos for once Vin Diesel is not playing some action hero guy.

As for Miss Congeniality 2, well, I think that Miss Congeniality 1 was better. Much funnier. But not too bad either.

Been out the whole day cos we watched the movies at Knox City which is like a 40 minute bus ride. Just got back not too long ago.

Once again, nothing much to write. Everyone's out. Syl's gone to MooMooLand (Gippsland- some place in Victoria far far away). Felicia's gone to Adelaide. Hui Yin's out, watching Robots i think. Amy's at some house-warming party.

Now am just waiting for The O.C. to start. It's gonna be quite a scandalous episode today i think.

Later days!

Sunday, March 27, 2005

Easter, grape, spider web, fireworks

It's easter. So, I wish everyone a Blessed and Holy Easter!

YEAY! I'm off for the whole week! And haven't really done much work yet. Oh dear...

Anywho, I found this grape in my bunch the other day

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Stop staring at my fingers...
Cool eh? It's like hui yin's strawberry the other time.
More pics! Found this the other day. It's at the front of my hostel. The picture's not very clear but if you look carefully at the circle, there's a spider web there! It's really a work of art. Thank goodness the spider wasn't there.
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I also meant to post these pics up ages ago. It was taken in penang during Chinese New Year. Every night that we were there, we could hear and see fireworks!
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Caught in the act
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Well that's all the pics! Sorry if it took long to load.
Daylight saving ended today. Means that we're now only 2 hours apart in terms of time with KL. It's only 5.25pm but the sky is getting dark already.

p/s: amy fell on her bum just now! we went to some small playground nearby and she went down the slide and landed on her arse! omg, i got scolded i was suppose to catch her? oh well, it was a good laugh. i'm so gonna get it from you amy, aren't i?

Tuesday, March 22, 2005


What a way to start my week. The week before our easter break.
The moment i stepped into my tax law tute, the tutor said, "Please hand in question 503."
*Dub-dub-dub* (that's my heart beating rapidly.)
Well, I knew that we won't be told before hand which tute work to hand in.
It's not that i didn't do my work. I did. Not complete it. So i hastily wrote my conclusion and handed it in. Well, at least i'm not as bad as the guy who sat next to me who told the tutor," I didn't know we had to hand in." So i guess he's getting a zero.

Easter's coming. Which means I have to go to church on Thursday, Friday and Saturday. No complains there.

Everywhere i go, everyone seem to be having an ipod! it must be because of the reduction in price.

I have nothing to blog about. I need more excitement in my life.
Or maybe not.

Can't wait for the one week break to come. No waking up at 8 on friday (Good Friday!) cos it's a public holiday here.


p/s: I finally watched Lemony Snicket's: A series of Unfortunate Events. Now, before you all start going, "What???", as many of my friends did, Jim Carrey starred in it. And the best part was that when Amy, Yin and I went to watch it, there were only 2 other ppl watching it. So i guess no one else heard me yelling.

Monday, March 14, 2005

Hui Yin and her giant peach! Monday, Monday...

It was a rather hot weekend. From friday it was extremely hot. how hot u say? well, yesterday afternoon it was 35 degrees! well at least it's a bit cooler today. or is that because i'm at home? but although it didn't reach its forecasted 33 today, my room was just too warm. that was until i left my door open. but i've closed it now. because... there's this huge spider outside hui yin's door. and since her room is like 10 steps away...*o*
heh, now let me tell you bout the story of "Hui Yin and her giant peach." nope, it doesn't have anything to do with her sailing the sea in a giant peach. thinking about her episode just makes me laugh over and over again... ok well. she bought 3 giant peaches which costs around $1 each. on the way home in the bus, almost reaching our stop, her plastic bag containing her peach decided to roll around, causing one of her beloved peach to roll out of the bag and to goodness knows where! i turned around to see this old lady kicking her foot around. and hui yin decided not to look for it cos she didn't want it anymore (dirrrty peach, ewww!).

nothing much to say. and this song has been playing in my head! my shoulder's acting up again. so that's all folks!
Monday, Monday
So good to me.
Monday, Monday
It was all I hoped it would be.

Monday, March 07, 2005


I survived the first week of uni. YAY! okok, there was not much to survive from since I didn't have any tutorials in the first week.
my weekend was, interesting. Yes winky. I was in Melbourne on friday. Don't be angry! If it makes you feel any better, my bro didn't even know also. And oh, you know Ross!
So yea, Friday was spent at the city.
Saturday was some what fun. Headed to clayton in the morning to grocery shop. It rained.
After that, we went to yum cha. It rained.
Then we headed to Glen to watch Hitch. It rained.
Yep, we experienced 4 seasons in a day.
It rained when we were walking around.
But stopped, when we were indoors.
That sucked, but the movie and company was great.
Hitch is a hilarious movie. Like hui yin said, not too strong on the plot, but it will make you laugh throughout the whole movie.
Not much to blog about. Nothing much has been happening. So let's just hope we all get through the second week of uni eh? And that for everyone else, you have a good week!
I try to fly away but it's impossible
And every breath I take gives birth to deeper sighs
And for a moment I am weak
So it's hard for me to speak
Even though we're underneath the same blue sky

If I could paint a picture of this melody
It would be a violin without its strings
And the canvas in my mind
Sings the songs I left behind
Like pretty flowers and a sunset
- Anastacia "Heavy on my heart"-
p/s: Winky...don't think i'm going for Moomba.