Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Whenever there is hot weather, cool weather will follow. It's nice and windy today. Nice.
I was nearly late for my second tutorial today because first, my first tutorial finished a bit late and second, eventhough it's just 2 floors down, it took me 3 minutes to go down. Why? Because the darn escalators on the 2nd floor are not working. So everyone has to use the stairs. And let's just say that between the 55th minute and the 5th minute of every hour, there are just too many people rushing around getting from class to class. Hence, a human jam at the stairs. It's nuts. And the escalators are going to be out of order till the end of the semester. I foresee squeezing myself through many human jams this semester.
So for two subjects, my tutors are my lecturers as well. As if it's not enough seeing them during the lecture already. Oh well, at least they switch lecturers halfway. Or something like that. One of my tutors remind me of my grandpa. The old, white haired man with spectacles. Yes Lynn. I have Alan Ramsay as my tutor. He even asked us to put out our homework on the table for inspection(tutorial preparation marks I think). And we were also instructed to write a name tag and stick it on for the whole entire class.
45 minutes till my next class. What shall I eat for lunch later?
And I'm so happy that Crash won an Oscar for the Best Picture!!! I must go get the DVD and watch it again.


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