Thursday, August 31, 2006

Happy Independence Day!

Happy Merdeka to all Malaysians near and far! Sorry you don't get to enjoy the public holiday. Heh. I'm so mean.
I'm nearly all packed up to leave for Japan later. I just need to put a couple of stuff in and then I'm done. And please, don't say that I'm unpatriotic like someone (you know who you are!) or something like that just cos I'm going out of the country. Since my flight is at night, I am technically still spending the day in Malaysia itself.
It's getting dark. I hope it rains but not now though. Some naughty cat decided to throw up (yes!) on the roof outside my brother's window and it's stinky. Absolutely foul. So we need heavy rain to get rid of it. Bad cat!

Take care and hopefully I'll have pictures to share when I get back!

Saturday, August 26, 2006

I asked for rain and it stormed

Yep. I was just complaining to my friends in Melbourne how hot it was getting over here and how hazey it has been. Then the day after, it stormed. It stormed yesterday too. So it wasn't too hot but then all the heavy rain caused floods, jams and disruptions to the LRT. Heh. I asked for rain, but not for it to storm.
Anyway, I wasn't even home to run for cover everytime there was thunder and lightning. Have been busy shopping (more like walking from one shop to another while my mom makes up her mind) cos we're heading to Japan! Hope it won't be too hot and hopefully it won't rain cos if it does, how are we suppose to go sight-seeing. And yes, I am aware that I do complain about the weather one too many times.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Joshua Radin

Am loving his songs at the moment. Lovely. Check out the 2 videos courtesy of YouTube.

Josh Radin & Schuyler Fisk - Paperweight

Josh Radin - Closer

Apologies to those who don't have broadband! Enjoy!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Aiii. It's August already. Poo-ey...
Haven't been doing much since I got back. Been kicking back and relaxing and doing nothing productive. Although I've been running errands for my family since I'm like so free. I likey. TV rocks when you have Astro cos you get 24 hours of cartoons! But then I have to fight with 2 other people for it but am not complaining since I get control of it from morning till mid-afternoon. Can't complain.
But...I want to complain bout the weather! I don't know why but it's so hot today. If only I was back in Melb. Back to the cold. And no, I'm not nuts. I like cold weather.
*yawn* Nothing to blog about. So I shall post some pictures instead! They're quite random so...

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My new pig. Cute?

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The mother of all fattyness

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Before: A plate of waffles & strawberries and chocolate pizza at Max Brenner!

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After: we are such piggies!

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Eh? Since when the plane has a blue exterior?

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So prettyyy....