Monday, July 23, 2007

Another mystery solved?

Another mystery is solved.
How does the small arrow in the screen of the computer work when we move the mouse? Haven't you ever wondered how it works?
Now, through the miracle of the high technology, we can see how it is done.
With the aid of a screen magnifying lens the mechanism becomes apparent.
Go to: http://www.1- - then wait for the circle to appear and move your cursor around within it.
p/s: I can assure that no funny boogeyman or anything sick/horrifying will appear when you click the link.

Friday, July 20, 2007


Another special date...
Thank goodness the day is coming to an end. No, it's not because the final Harry Potter book will be out tomorrow...
Can't believe some people. So....ugh. One word. Stupid. She thinks that by assuming the role of a senior, she really is a senior when she really isn't one. Geddit? Let's just say that she's expecting a promotion end of this month so she has decided to start bossing people around and bla bla bla. I don't even know what I'm talking about. Tired. Been going to Nilai for work. Nilai's in Negeri Sembilan which is near Seremban for those of you who don't know. Oh and Seremban is near Malacca. Oooh, so my geography doesn't suck after all.
Bleargh. I'm hungry.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

17th July

Why I think my Daddy is getting old

1. He forgot that I’ve already turned 21, 2 years ago.
2. He forgot that I wanted Eeyore and not Winnie the Pooh even though I just told him last night.
3. Despite telling him several times that I do not like dried prawns, he can still get food containing it for you. His excuse? “The dried prawns are toooo small. Cannot see.”
4. His hearing is hopeless. *James Blunt’s You’re Beautiful is playing on the radio* “Oh, this one is that Christina Aguilera right?” *Stare* *Blink blink* “No… it’s James Blunt. And he’s a guy.” “Oh. But but but she also sang some song bout being beautifully what… Why you looking at daddy like that?!”
5. He went to fill up petrol for you and the next day he goes to check your car and starts saying “Oh SHIT.” loud enough for your neighbours to hear. Then you realise that he drove home without the petrol cap and your petrol flap was left open for half a day. And the fact that it rained heavily that day didn’t make things easier.

Why I think my Daddy is the best

1. He treats me like a lil’ girl.
2. He went Eeyore hunting when I couldn’t find any at any Guardian Pharmacy and brought one home for me.
3. He buys me Baskin Robbins ice cream every 31st.
4. He makes me laugh all the time. “Oh you know your petrol flap was open for half a day and the hole is big enough for a lizard to crawl in you know. Ah, if that happens, then you will have a big problem” So I imagined a lizard crawling into the hole and falling into the petrol tank. Then, I realised that wasn’t a joke when I laughed at him and he said “Ehhh. Really…”
5. He waits up till I come back from work even though it’s past 1 am and washes the dishes after dinner when I’m the last to eat after work.

So, where am I going with these? Well, he turns 60 years young today.

Happy Birthday Daddy!
We shall wait for your son to come back from climbing Mount Kinabalu (lol) and then we’ll open up your special bottle of wine ok?

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

I do not understand

I really don't.

Am I too nice that my requests are snubbed and brushed off the shoulder like specks of dust?

It's really just one simple instruction. Sigh.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Congratulations Lynn!!! 07.07.07

Lynn got married today!!! I didn't know she was really tying the knot on this day since she did mention to me last year that 07.07.07 would be a nice date for her to get married. Didn't cross my mind that she would actually get married today. Woke up this morning wondering what date it was and when it hit me, I quickly smsed her. Since she didn't reply me till just, which was about 14 hours later, I knew I was right.
You. Married. We're the same age!
Congratulations to you dear! Hope that you will have a wonderful life with your hubby!

Miss you lots. Take care! Hmm, I wonder if you still come here...
p/s: You owe me dinner. Either you come here, or I go to Melb or we meet halfway or something.

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Digi vs. Celcom

You know the tv ads promoting Digi's widest coverage where it will follow you wherever you may go?

Well, personally I don't think that's true because my dad can't even get reception in his own house cos it's Celcom's territory!

Hyuk hyuk hyuk... I was laughing so hard when I saw the second one and forwarded it to my dad. His response? "Oooi why you insult my digi service?"

And yes, I am a Celcom user. Celcom rocks! Muahaha... but dang, that song has been stuck in my head for the past month!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Ribs ribs ribs

Originally uploaded by purplehyppo
Meant to post this picture up ages ago. Went with my mom to Tony Roma's at The Curve to try the ribs and I had the ribless (yay!) ribs. I like anything that's less: ribless, boneless, fatless etc. It's just easier to eat! Anyway, it was really good! Not fatless but oooh the sauce that it was covered in...yummy. Plus, they had like 4 types of barbeque sauces that I was dipping my fries into. Fantastic. That plate was RM48.50 though I think. Sorry the picture is a bit dark cos well, the place was dark so It's a nice place to bring your hunny bunny to but... your parents are going to have a hard time reading the menu as my mom did. I had to pratically shout (cost it was noisy as well) to her what's on the menu... "Ooh, you want prawns? Ribs? Fish?!" "What what where where...I can't read the menu. The lights are too dim..."

Haha anyway we had a fun time communicating with our eyes especially cos the restaurant is not big and the tables are pretty close to each other so we were pointing what the next table was eating/wearing/drinking. When the bill came I nearly fainted. Oh well, I'm not paying on my next trip there :p

I'm suppose to be at my nieces' birthday party in 30 mins. But of course, we're going to be late as usual. This will be my first time attending the party since for the last 4 I was in Melbourne. Sigh, Melbourne.

So what has been happening for the past month? Well, I was stuck in a hospital for 2 weeks and nope it wasn't because I was sick or anything. My client is the hospital. Hah, I always get a kick out of telling people that I'm working in the hospital. Their usual reaction is, "Why? Did you put your client in the hospital?" -.-''' Am I THAT bad??? Needless to say, it wasn't a very nice place to be and I still haven't found out where the mortuary is.

Oh and I finally got my first accident. It wasn't a crash bang boom accident, just a mere misjudgement of mine whereby I sorta err, touched another car. My car needs to be sent to the workshop pronto cos the paint came off and I think the exposed part is starting to rust. Oooh, that was a black Friday alright. Bleh...

I might be going to Bangkok, not for a holiday but for work. Sigh...

Okies, I'm going to go change the date on my watch (darn, no 31st last month) and er maybe get ready soon.
