Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Merdeka! Merdeka! Merdeka!

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Selamat Hari Merdeka!!! It's been 48 years since the historic moment and the only thing that I'm going to complain about is the fact that while everyone is having a holiday back home, I was stuck here, battling the rain and strong winds. Oh well, at least I saw a rainbow while I was walking home! The WHOLE entire rainbow!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

The Last Weekend of Winter!

It is ze last weekend of winter! And boy, even the weather agrees with that. It's been a high of 20 for the last 3 days. *phew* Thank goodness for the air con in the library.
I'm bored.
I've got a blister on my lil toe. Thanks to the stupid shoes I had to wear cos I went for this career fair in the city and the attire was formal *makes a face*. The fair...was quite alright. Wouldn't really call it a fair since there were only a few companies there such as British American Tobacco (BAT), HSBC Bank, PROTON, Intel, Phillip Morris International, MSC, errr I think that's all. My dad made this disapproving noise when he heard that BAT and Phillip Morris were going to be there. Cos...they manufacture cigarettes. And guess who had to take a test and go for an interview? My brother. HAH! He said that the test was a complete waste of his 3 hours. Not too sure bout the interview, cos it's suppose to be on soon. BAT actually also asked me to go for an interview this afternoon. But I declined. Don't know why. Too lazy to go back there today since I had to do work or maybe cos they are BAT. *shrugs*
I'm hungry.
Don't you just hate it when you get a cut but you have absolutely no idea how you got it?!
Darn. I have to wear those shoes again next friday.
Aah. I have nothing to blog. Nothing interesting ever happens to me. Hmmm, must be careful with what you wish for.
Ok. Err, till next time... Goodbye and say hi to your mom for me! (In the words of Rove, this talkshow host in Aust).

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

The Man In the Beans

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Saturday, August 20, 2005

WHAT HAPPENED?! How come Everwood is not on now???

I know, it's just a show.


Oh...Just let me be.

*breathe in, breathe out*

Oh well, at least there's Sweet November by Keanu Reeves tonight. Been dying (well not really dying) to watch it.


Songs and other stuff in my head

'Cause you can't jump the track,we're like cars on a cable
And life's like an hourglass, glued to the table
No one can find the rewind button girl,
So cradle your head in your hands
And breathe, just breathe,
Woah breathe, just breathe
-Anna Nalick's Breathe-

You're beautiful, You're beautiful.
You're beautiful, it's true
There must be an angel with a smile on her face,
When she thought up that I should be with you
But it's time to face the truth, I will never be with you...

-James Blunt's You're Beautiful-

I just got my hands on James Blunt's Back to Bedlam. Woah. Good stuff.
Sigh... It just makes you feel emotional when you hear the way he sings.
With the guitar strumming and piano in the background complementing his beautiful voice.
*Looks on dreamily*
Amy!!! You have to have a listen to it!
So what's new?
Everyone's sick! Well nearly everyone. There's a flu bug going round here and even back home. Either that or my parents got it from here.
Wasn't feeling that well this morning. Knew it right from the moment I woke up. ISH. At least it's not the flu...
We shall now take a moment of silence. For dearest Jumpies(?). Who has moved on to a better world. How could you leave your poor owner?! I promise, the next time I come across a spider, I won't squish it. I'll just run away in the opposite direction like a mad person. You would love that wouldn't you, Lynn?
I can't believe I still haven't finished HP and The Half Blood Prince.
I guess I'm just savouring it cos I know I'm coming to the end of the book soon.
Now thanks to some ppl, I know the ending.
Oh well. *shrugs*
I watched Wedding Crashers the other day with the girls! Hillarious! Isla Fisher was like a small childish kid. But she was fun to watch. Doesn't Rachel McAdams look like Jennifer Garner?
OR is it me who just thinks so? Time to get new glasses?

Monday, August 15, 2005

Goodbyes suck

Bleh. So...parents and grandma left today. Time really flies eh? Now my room feels so empty since there was hardly space to walk just yesterday.
It was really windy yesterday. And sure enough, it rained today! So my mom managed to escape the cold. Hehehe, it was kinda funny seeing them shiver and complaining bout the cold.
K shall blog later...Syl is here so I can kacau her and vice versa.

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Haven't been bloggin lately cos mah parents are here!
So have been going out here and there. Visiting relatives, shopping and most importantly... eating!

Why oh why didn't it snow in Clayton yesterday?! not fair not fair. Hmm, on second thought, maybe it wouldn't be such a good thing if it snowed in Clayton. BAH.

So while it's snowing over here, it's extremely hazy back home. Thank goodness I don't have to endure it. Take care you guys back there!

Bleak...I smell like this grilled chicken. Cos there's Multi Cultural Fest going on in uni. Thank goodness for the tent or else everything would have blown away and we would have flying chickens, fairy floss etc.

I had loads to blog about but I now I can't remember. Oh well...Tata

Thursday, August 04, 2005

I know I've said this many many times before...but what the heck! Melbourne's weather is crazeee! One minute it will be pouring and the next, the glorious sun comes peeking out from behind the grey clouds. And of all the times to rain, it had to be when I was walking to class. Ish.
Watched "The Island" the other night. It was a good show minus the parts where Amy was clinging onto my arm. But there were some parts where it was a bit errr, gory? Well not really. But it just makes ur face cringe. Also, for every minute of that movie (well most of it), I had to somewhat hold my breath cos I didn't know what was coming up next!
Nothing much to write about... Apparently Tuesday is suppose to be a good day for me. We'll see...
p/s: Yin, stop being sien and go to sleep!