Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Great Ocean Road

The day after my parents arrived at Melbourne, we went to the Great Ocean Road. We spent the night at a nearby town called Port Campbell cos it's quite a long drive from Melbourne itself to the 12 apostles. Just to get to Port Campbell, it took us around 4-5 hours I think (my dad's a slow driver). After being in Melb for nearly 3 years, I can finally tell people that I've been to Great Ocean Road! Both my mom and bro went there a few years ago so it was a first for my dad and I.

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This is the london bridge. Cos errr, it sorta fell down.

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The 12 apostles or rather the 8 apostles. And no, that's not us over there.

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Another shot of Victoria's pride and joy.

So. How was christmas? I had too much to eat as usual, thanks to the 2 christmas dinners I went to. But I had a great time.
Plus, I got my iPod nano! It's the white 2GB one. Bought it at Melb airport since it was tax free. Been having fun with it minus the fact that my brother nearly wrecked it and made a blue stain on my cable.

My brother is the wrecker in the family. I bought him a wrist support thingy for him to use with his mouse. He was squishing it. "Errr. Can you pass me a tissue please?" "EH? WHY."
Yep. He burst it. -.-'''
He was quite upset so he demanded (fine, he asked) for a new one. Went back to the shop, and it was all sold out. HAH. But when I got back to KL I saw it in Memory Lane so guess what he got for christmas.

I think it's time to go. I hear thunder. And I hear that it's 35 degrees in Melb! More pictures to come soon...and I apologise for the small pictures.

Sunday, December 25, 2005


Thursday, December 22, 2005

Back In KL

Am finally back home in KL. The weather has been good to me so far, no hot sunny days yet. Been busy shopping for christmas presents. This means that I have been to 1 Utama yesterday AND today. I think we'll be going back there again tomorrow.

Flight back from Melbourne was soso. It was a full flight and sometime during the flight there was some technical problem with the entertainment! Took quite a while for them to solve the problem. I was begining to think that I wouldn't be able to catch the ending to Sky High which was not bad by the way, it was entertaining. Watched Valiant as well, or rather, the begining and the ending cos I fell asleep halfway.

Luckily we didn't exceed the luggage limit. I think we had exactly 100kg worth of luggage that we brought back. Mostly my brother's stuff. Hmph. His shoes took up space in my bag which could have fit my Honey bear. OH WELL. And his shoes are STILL in my room. Double hmph. His excuse is that his room is too full. Bleh. I COULD bring it downstairs but I won't. HAH. His shoes are so heavy lar.

Will post up some pictures of my trips to Great Ocean Road and Brisbane as soon as the whole Christmas hype is over.

Gotta run, it's far too hot out here in the family hall and my laptop is in my brother's room. I'm too lazy to turn it on since my dad's computer is already turned on.


Thursday, December 15, 2005


Helloooooooooo people!

I can't believe I'm actually awake now when about 2 hours ago I was dozing off to sleep. It's 1 am at the moment and Amy is pondering and puzzling over why I'm still awake. Haven't been online for the past couple of days cos we made a last minute trip to Brisbane!

It was too hot over there. No wonder it's called the Sunshine State. Warning: Do not go to Gold Coast/Brisbane in summer. Not unless you want to sweat like a mad pig (although I hear that they do not sweat at all) or get a tan. We took lots of photos but they're still in the camera so give me some time and I'll have some photos up and will be able to blog more about my trip.

I have this long list of things to do before heading back to KL. And I think I should be doing something right now but I can't remember. Hmmm, I guess it would be a good idea to write them down?

It's raining right now. I love it. Such a nice weather to sleep.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Rain in Summer

Hah. It's suppose to be 30 degrees today but it's currently 17 degrees. Beautiful. Thank you rain!

I'm waiting for my parents to come. They just left my brother's place in the city and should be here fairly soon. Thanks to my dad, I woke up at 9 am and couldn't fall asleep after that. I wonder why is it that for the past few times that they've flown to anywhere, their plane always gets delayed. Oh well, at least it was a short delay this time.

Two Sundays ago, there was this movie on tv called "Hearts and Souls". It's a great movie, a bit old, not that it matters. It's about how 4 people was killed on a bus one night just as a boy was being born into the world. And, they were sort of "stuck" to him! They didn't realise that it was so that they could settle their "unsettled business" before actually leaving the world. It's such a sweet movie. Go check it out!

Monday, December 05, 2005

This and that

Shopping was tiring yesterday but productive which means that I spent too much. Hah.

It's so hot today. I was literally blinded by the sun when I walked out of my room just now. Where are the clouds?!

I'm waiting for my laundry to be done. Cleaned my room (sort of), kitchen and toilet. Yep. I think I'm all set. Parents are arriving tomorrow morning and it's going to be 30 degrees tomorrow. *Groans* Oh well at least it will be a bit cooler the few days after that.

Nothing much to say... I think I'm going to get a headache soon. Ta!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Harry Potter

It was bloody brilliant. The scenes were a bit choppy and it was slightly different from the book but it was still good. If only it was longer. I found a lot of parts funny but errr, the rest didn't agree with me on all of them. Heh.

There was a bit of a problem when we got to the cinema (new cinema at Melb Central!). This guy was seating on my seat and he and his gf refused to move, insisting that we had the wrong row. Yadayadayada, Lynn solved it by asking the guy to move to the other side of his gf. Problem solved.

I was peacefully enjoying the movie when there was a bit of a "scary" well not really, just that something appeared outta nowhere and the girl next to me screamed. -.-'''

Had a big lunch at The Groove Train at Melbourne Central. The only reason why we went there was because Lynn had a 25% discount voucher. Portions were huge but the food was so so only. I'm still stuffed from lunch. Aiii...

Got a new book, again! Nick Hornby's A Long Way Down (now I have both the books from my birthday list...). Will let you guys know how it is.

Shopping tomorrow at the city! Can't wait!

I'm off to watch Gilmore Girls. I just love this show although, I've already watched this episode but it's a double episode today. Woo hoo!