Thursday, February 23, 2006


Ok. I meant to blog this entry yesterday but the page refused to load. Then, the internet was wonky.
So the one thing I will definitely miss when I'm back in Melbourne is, food. Not to say that Melb doesn't have good food, but I guess it's just different. So depending on what picture you see first, it should be in this order:
1. Chocolate brownie from Delicious
2. Melting Pot with marshmallows from Delicious too although my mom and I were wondering where's the pot
3. Some dessert pancake from Paddington House of Pancakes (don't remember the name but the number is 612 i think)
4. Drinks from Paddington
5. Another pancake from Paddington and again I can't remember the name, but it's number 911
6. Bread pudding my mom baked

Leaving for Melb tomorrow night. This time round, again, I didn't get to meet a few people. Next time ok? After all I'm coming back end of July. Should be. Hopefully. It had better be.

Sort of done my packing. Don't want to take too much over cos that will mean that I have even more to bring back.

So, I guess my next post will be from Melb where I think I have a lot of cleaning up to do. I left my room in a mess. Sigh.
Hope it doesn't rain tomorrow.

Have a great weekend people!

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Oh Silly Me...

Aiyah. Turns out that I actually read the mail wrongly. It's actually a 2 hour lecture and not two separate one hour lectures on two days. Oops. So I still do get Friday's off. Not too bad actually, since I get Monday's off *closes ear in anticipation of Amy's scream*. Hmmm, I have a tutorial on the 9th floor. Darn.

Oh and yes. I am awake at 4 am.
*Hangs head down*
Too kan cheong for nothing. Silly me.

Monday, February 20, 2006


What the...?!
For one of my subjects, they had to shift the lecture time slots to other days, including Fridays! Friday afternoons!!! Sheesh. Their reasoning is that they did not expect so many students to enrol in that subject. HELL-O! It's compulsory for students taking accounting and finance to take that subject and since they only offer this once a year... they should have known better! PLUS quite a lot of people failed this subject last year. There goes my free day. BAH.

Now I have to go rearrange my timetable. And they only decided to do this when?! When allocate plus is closed for sorting, meaning I won't be able to do anything till....oh wait. Tomorrow morning. Darn. Means that I have to wake up super early tomorrow since it opens at 7 am Aust time. And no, I'm not that silly to wake up at 4 am Malaysian time. In the words of Amy...BOOOOOOOOOOO.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I did an unintentional split in the bathroom this morning. Thank goodness I managed to hang onto the door for dear life. But no thanks to the door I got a splinter on my finger. Fortunately, even with my mother's failing eyesight, she managed to prick my skin with a needle and pull the stupid wood out of my finger. Yay for moms!
It's been nice and rainy the past few days. Nice.
Went out shopping yesterday and today. Took my mom to Delicious to have a chocolate brownie and a hot chocolate. She questioned why I only ordered one when they are 2 of us. HAH. She found out the answer when we did justice to the brownie.
I can't believe we actually spent close to RM170 in Guardian Pharmacy just now. I commented that, add a few more ringgit, and that's how much she spent on her new shoes just now. I think we spent nearly 400 bucks just now! Cos errr, we bought a cake from Secret Recipe to celebrate my belated belated belated birthday. LOL. Ok lah. I was just teasing my parents a few weeks ago with a sad face that I didn't get a cake from them. Who knew that they would actually be willing to get one for me?!

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Seasons of Love

Because I'm feeling a bit uncomfortable at the moment, I shall just post the lyrics of a song that I stumbled upon while watching a preview on a DVD I just bought.
Uncomfortable does not equal sick. Just that I'm sweating at the moment eventhough I'm in my air-conditioned room. It was the ice wine that did this to me. Dad opened one to errr, celebrate Chap Goh Mei, the end of CNY. Go look at the moon and did anyone throw oranges into the sea?!

~Seasons of Love taken from the Soundtrack of Rent~

Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes,
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Moments so dear.
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure, measure a year?

In daylights, in sunsets, in midnights
In cups of coffee In inches, in miles,
in laughter, in strife.

In five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure
A year in the life?

How about love?
How about love?
How about love?
Measure in love
Seasons of love
Seasons of love

Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes!
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Journeys to plan.
Five hundred twenty-five thousand
Six hundred minutes
How do you measure the life
Of a woman or a man?

In truths that she learned,
Or in times that he cried.
In bridges he burned,
Or the way that she died.
It's time now to sing out,
Tho' the story never ends
Let's celebrate
Remember a year in the life of friends
Remember the love!Remember the love!Seasons of love!

In diapers, report cards,
In spoke wheels, in speeding tickets
In contracts, dollars, In funerals, in births

In 525,600 minutes How do you figure a last year on earth?

Figure in love,
Figure in love,
Figure in love,
Measure in love
Seasons of love, seasons of love

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Happy Birthday everybody!!! Ok, this was meant for yesterday but what the hey. Yep. It's everyone's birthday on the 7th day of CNY. So there.

CNY has been pretty busy so far. Just got back from Penang yesterday afternoon after a wildride back in my uncle's car. Whoosh. He drives too fast. But at least I got to eat pizza for lunch at Ipoh. YES. We stopped at Ipoh to have lunch which was pizza. And not the famous Ipoh Koay Teow.

IF you think it's really hot in KL, it's even worse in Penang! There are no clouds there!!! But there was one day where it rained and we were in a shopping centre the whole day thinking that we could escape the heat that way. Bah.

Now that there are no classes, I'm losing track of the days and dates. I actually thought that today's Monday. I've got so many things to do today and why on earth am I still up? Everyone's gone to bed, even my brother. Now I know why he's gone to bed. The lazy poke starts work on Monday! Which means that I think he's dragging me to the supermart in the morning to get some food stuff. Then we're going to visit my mom's uncle. And then it's reunion dinner time. Yes. I know it's a bit late for reunion dinner but hey, at least we're having one.

Aaaah. I was suppose to work on my new skin(blog skin, that is. you silly person.). Another day then.

Nite nite! Sleep tight! Don't let the bed bugs bite! And speaking of them fellas, there was an article in the NST about them. Nasty little buggers.

Toodles. Oh and Malfoy, if you do read this, when are we meeting up?!