Monday, May 30, 2005


It was ages since I spoke to my parents on the phone, well, my definition of ages is a week.
A lot has happened in one week.
Funny things like how my mom was describing what someone wore to church. She looked like she was ready to party.
I asked my mom if she managed to catch the latest season of Malaysian Idol but nooo, she went somewhere. Seriously, the past week I kept calling home but no one was in! They're always out, having banana splits, brownies with ice cream and what not. How come they don't do that when I'm home is beyond me . HMPH.
Anyway, I asked if she saw the finals of the American Idol. She also missed that. She just can't figure out why Bo Rice (YEAAA. She really did call him Bo RICE. I din even bother correcting her cos I was just laughing on the inside) managed to get into the top two. So I guess she's quite happy that Carrie won. I know I am.
And guess what? Apparently, my popo(grandma) watches that too! Must have been influenced by my cousin.
Hah, my dad calls is American Idiots. BAH. That's cos he saw the first few episodes where they were showing the crazy people "singing".

Sigh, life IS short people. You can be fine one day, but the next...

You come in cold,
You're covered in blood.
They're all so happy you've arrived.
The doctor cuts your cord.
He hands you to your mom.
She sets you free into this life.

And where do you go with no destination, no maps to guide you.
Wouldn't you know that it doesn't matter, we all end up the same.

These are the chronicles of life and death and everything between.
These are the stories of our lives, as fictional as they may seem.
You come in this world, and you go out just the same.
Today could be the best day of your life.

And money talks in this world,
That's what idiots will say
But you'll find out that this world,
Is just an idiots parade
Before you go, you've got some questions.
And you want answers
But now you’re old, cold, covered in blood, right back to where you started from

These are the chronicles of life and death and everything between.
These are the stories of our lives, as fictional as they may seem.
You come in this world, and you go out just the same.
Today could be the worst day of your life.

But these are the chronicles of life and death and everything between.
These are the stories of our lives, as fictional as they may seem.
You come in this world, and you go out just the same.
Today could be the best day of,
Today could be the worst day of,
Today could be the last day of your life.
It's your life, your life.

~The Chronicles of Life and Death - Good Charlotte~

Sunday, May 29, 2005

Final week!

The past week was bad. Had to do my final assignment for the semester. Was having loads of trouble with it, but it just came to a point where no matter how hard I try, I could not make the stupid program work. BAH. Just hope I manage to pass it...
Watched Coach Carter yesterday. It was alright. Had an ordinary storyline but it was still good.
Went to watched Star Wars Episode 3 last week. I found the talking bits boring...bring on the ACTION!!! Hahaha
Tomorrow marks the start of the final week of the semester. Exams starting in one week! GAMBATE! JIA YOU!!! YOU CAN DO IT! (my words of encouragement to myself...BAH)
I just found out that Su-Li will be actually flying back on the same flight as me! And...we're also on the same flight to come back here! What a coincidence! She told me last week she was going back, but didn't get the chance to ask her when till Thursday. Whoopee, at least I have a teman to go to the airport with!
Discovered this great song...thanks to Amy, think she got it off Syl. Her copy was by Vonda Shepard from an Ally Mcbeal episode but it wasn't complete. So I found Sarah McLahlan's version.

Why are there so many songs about
what's on the other side?
Rainbows are visions, but only illusions
And rainbows have nothing to hide

So we've been told and some choose to believe it
I know they're wrong, wait and see
Someday we'll find it, the Rainbow Connection

The lovers, the dreamers, and me

Who said that every wish would be heard and answered
When wished on the morning star?
Somebody thought of that and someone believed it
Look what it's done so far

What's so amazing that keeps us star gazing
What do we think we might see?

Someday we'll find it, the Rainbow Connection
The lovers, the dreamers, and me
All of us under its spell

We know that it's probably magic

Have you been half-asleep and have you heard voices?
I hear them calling my name
Is this the sweet sound that calls the young sailors?
They may be one and the same

I've heard it too many times to ignore it
It's something that I'm s'posed to be

-The Rainbow Connection-

I finally watched Iron Ladies. Yes, the Thai movie about a group of guys playing volleyball. I know, it's quite old. It was quite a good show, pretty funny too.

Ok, I better get back to studying...To all who's in the same position as me... ALL THE BEST! WE CAN DO IT! KITA BOLEH!!!

Monday, May 23, 2005

It's raining!

I love it when it rains at night.
That's cos I'm not outside cursing under the shelter of my umbrella.
It's even better when it rains while I sleep.
But not those heavy storm rain with strong winds.
A little bit of rain will do.
So...soothing. Comforting.
I need a good night's sleep tonight.
My hands are a bit cold now though.

Thought you had all the answers
to rest your heart upon
but something happens
don't see it coming,
now you can't stop yourself
now you're out there swimming
in the deep

Life keeps tumbling your heart in circles
till you let go
till you shed your pride
and you climb to heaven
and you throw yourself off
now you're out there spinning in the deep

Bird York - In the deep (OST from Crash)

Hmmm, I seem to be posting loads of lyrics as of lately.
Cos, what is life without music?


I'm awake but my world is half asleep.

Didn't get a really good sleep last night.
Nuts, couldn't even tell if it was real or was part of a dream.

Oh, I dreamt of something the night before. I was trying to find a toilet in this building. But couldn't tell which one was the gents and the ladies. Cos the sign on the doors were in some language that I did not know of.
Then I went into this chinese restaurant. And I knew that I've been here before! As in, I dreamt of this exact same place before! I was asking them how much their egg tarts were. Am I craving for an egg tart? Hmmm...

Exams in 2 weeks time! HABISLAH! MATILAH! TOLONGGG!!!

Till next time, hope you guys have pleasant dreams.

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Mobile Phones

Common Calamities

1. Dropped the mobile on the ground (heh, did this many many times but my phone is still fine!)
2. Squeezed the mobile in tight jeans or pockets
3. Used the handset in the rain
4. Threw the phone on the ground in rage
5. The dog or child got hold of the mobile
6. Dropped the mobile in the toilet
7. Dropped the handset into the sea
8. Forgot the mobile on the roof of the car
9. Perspiration on the mobile during workout
10. Dropped the handset in the snow

I'm itching for a new phone but there's nothing wrong with my current one! oh wait, except that it doesn't have a coloured screen, a camera... but at least it's polyphonic. Oh pooh...

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

I don't know why, but I woke up today with an uneasy feeling.
Felt like I had butterflies in my tummy.
Like something bad was about to happen.
Was trying to figure out why I was feeling this way, but could not come up with anything.
No test today, nothing due today.
It's just suppose to be an ordinary Wednesday.
On the way to uni, I was stopped by this 2 chinese girls. One of them started talking to me in Chinese, she wanted to ask for directions. But before she could go on, her friend stopped her and asked if I understood Mandarin. Me, being a banana, of course said I do not understand but in actual fact I did understand what she said in Mandarin. Anyway, they were just some lost sheep asking for directions to a street that I've never heard before.
After that, it was a normal day for me. Then in my tute, there was this Chinese girl who was from another tute but joined mine for the day. She sat next to me. And kept glancing back at me every now and then. Now, I say glancing BACK cos we were sitting in a U shape formation. So effectively, if she turned to look at me, she would be glancing BACK cos I was sitting a far bit away from the table. She kept passing comments to me about what the tutor was saying. And if my ears did not fail me, I could have sworn that she spoke a sentence in Mandarin to me!
Lesson: It's not that I don't understand Mandarin, I do. I can vaguely make out what you're trying to say. So if you do try to talk bad bout me, you had better not do it in Mandarin.
It's really weird, some people assume that I understand Mandarin just cos I'm chinese, while some assume that I don't understand Cantonese. I was once in this tute and always sat with this 2 Hong Kong girls cos we're in the same group. They're always conversing in Canto. So I would just eavesdrop in what they're saying. It's not that I wanted to, but they were just talking in front of me and so, I just listened. That's what ears are for. They finally caught on one day cos I was sort of laughing to what one of them had said.
Alright, after that, nothing peculiar happened. Oh wait, I saw this girl from my lecture twice within one hour. In two completely separate places.
Anyway, on the way home, I have to cross this "highway". Waited patiently while this humongous truck made a U-turn at the traffic light. Some drivers are really brave. They could see that huge ass truck coming but yet 3 cars went ahead before the truck. Ok wait, this is a bit hard to explain if you have no idea what road I'm talking about. Let's just say, the one thing that freaked me out was that the last of the 3 cars should not have cut in front of the truck.
Firstly, he had one hand on the wheel only cos he was talking on his bloody hand phone. He actually had to make a left turn and he was accelerating(no idea how to spell this) and his tyres screeched cos he nearly hit the curb where I was standing. That was the first time I had a whiff of burnt rubber tyres. Crazy ass of a driver.
Lesson: Always stand a few feet away from the curb. Just in case.
As the day draws to an end, so does the uncomfortable feeling. Please go away, and don't ever pay me a visit for no particular reason.
"Do you wake up on your own
And wonder where you are
You live with all your faults"
Goo Goo Dolls - Slide


Since it was cheapy Tuesday(in the words of Amy) at the movies(half price), we girls went to watch Crash.
So what exactly is this movie all about? It's sort of an artsy farsty movie.
Image hosted by
A Brentwood housewife and her DA husband. A Persian storeowner. Two police detectives, who are also lovers. A black television director and his wife. A Mexican locksmith. Two car-jackers. A rookie cop. A middle-aged Korean couple. They all live in Los Angeles. And, in the next 36 hours, they will all collide.
"It's the sense of touch. Any real city, you walk, you're bumped, brush past people. In LA, no one touches you. We're alwas behind metal and glass. I think we miss that touch so much that we crash into each other just to feel something."
"When moving at the speed of life, we are bound to collide with each other."
There are so many characters in this movie, that it's almost a few short movies all in one. It's sort of like "Love Actually" but definitely not of the same genre.
So who do you get to see in the movie?
Sandra Bullock, Don Cheadle, Matt Dillon, Brendan Fraser, Ludacris, Ryan Phillippe and so on...
I doubt it if it will be shown in Malaysia, considering the amount of swearing in the movie.
I highly recommend this movie. Yin and I were passing comments and making a lot of sounds during the movie. But hey, what good is a movie if all you do is just sit there and watch?

Saturday, May 14, 2005

I feel like an energizer rabbit!

I slept for 12 hours!
Must have been due to me being in super mode to finish my assingments.
Going skiing in July with the girls! WOOHOO! Can't wait. Hope I don't make a fool outta myself since I haven't skiied before. I just wanna go make snow angels and throw snowballs at ppl!
But, before that, we have to endure a 6 hour bus ride to get there!
Ok, should not be too excited by that. One more assingment due soon, and then exams will be here. Can't wait to go back!
Was just listening to Bob Carlisle's Butterfily Kisses. Gosh, such a beautiful song. Go have a listen! He's singing bout his daughter.
Dum dee dum, waiting for Everwood to watch. I can't believe they're showing it in Malaysia too! But it's a season ahead back there. And me, being a kaypoh, had to go check out the synopsis cos I'm only watching the first season over here. This is the type of show where if you don't listen properly to the actors, you won't be able to catch the little jokes here and there.
Alright, I'm off. We're watching a movie tomorrow! Sadly, I don't know why the cinema where we're going to is not showing "Crash". So wanna watch it. Oh well...

Friday, May 13, 2005

What's the significance?

It's a friday today.
It's the 13th of May 2005.
Friday the 13th.
So what?
It's just another day.
It's only a number.
Just like how my room number is 13.
It's been a hectic week. 3 assignments were to be completed. 2 is done for now. As for the other one, I hope I've done all i needed to do.
If I could kick my own butt, believe me, I would. I'll give myself a good kick. And maybe even more than that. But...I can't. And it will just past anyway,eventually. Look towards the future right? Right on...
Dum dee dum
Weekend's nearly here.
Have a good one.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

My Weekend thus far (Happy Mother's Day!!!)

My brother came to see me. He bought something for me! It's an easter choc egg set by Arnott's (biscuit company). It's tiny teddy, this biscuits in the shape of teddy bears. Included was 4 egg holders, with a picture of a bear on it! And of course 4 choc eggs. I'm crazy bout bears so I'm guessing that's the reason why he bought it. He even said they were cute. Just to bring him down, I said"Haih, I bought this on the day after easter right??? When it was 50% off?!" I was right! He also gave me the 4 latest episodes of Smallville! Alright! *pumps fist in the air*
Didn't have enough sleep the night before. Woke up early to go grocery shopping with the girls, oh whoops, not only the girls, but Damien too. 3 of them, Yin, Syl and Damien slept at 7 am and woke up at 9.30am! So I went shopping with 3 blur ppl!
Sunday (today):
Woke up at 6am!!! What on earth was I doing up so early??? To support Amy and Syl who ran in the Mother's Day Classic which they have every year. It's to raise funds for The Breast Cancer Foundation. So there we were, 6 of us in total, dragging ourselves to Richmond (near the city) in a cab since there was no train service that early. It was incredibly cold and freezing, it was 6/7 degrees! So we were just standing around cursing how our hands were numb and having fun blowing smoke outta our mouth! But it was a good experience.
CONGRATULATIONS to AMY and SYL for not letting us down and for finishing the 4km run the fastest you could!
After lunch (Vietnamese food...yum!) we walked around for a bit. Went to Nike Melbourne and I saw my brother there! I was like..."Oh Shit!" and tried to hide away. Well, he didn't notice me anyway and I had to call out to him. Kena from him...cos I didn't tell him I was going to the city.
OH WELL. *shrugs*
A bit tired now, but I'm waiting for my second lunch ( greedy!nah it's just that we had lunch at 10am!ok, not lunch...brunch.). Got church later, then it's steamboat time! Can't wait! Haih, then tomorrow I'll have to work on my assignments! So dead...
"What day is it
And in what month
This clock never seemed so alive
I can't keep up and I can't back down
I've been losing so much time"
Taken from Lifehouse - You and me

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Cough cough

Lesson to be learnt:
Don't shout when your throat is feeling a bit funny to begin with.
When I'm excited or under pressure I shout.
I shouted just now.
Cos the rest were ganging up on me!
Now I can't stop coughing.
And clearing my throat.
*reaches for cup of honey water*

How come tonight everyone's on msn? When I'm really bored no one's online!
Hmmm, did I just blog twice tonight within half an hour?
Just for the record, I didn't wake up at 6.30 am to watch the football match. And it wasn't even live, it was a delayed telecast (by around 2 hours). My beauty sleep beats anything hands down. Well, almost anything.
Can't believe it's one more month till the exams. Assignments are due soon which reminds me... I have to start of them tomorrow!
The other day in my Tax Law tute, my tutor mentioned that he knows someone who's working in one of the Big 4 Accounting Firms as a...erm...something in the tax field and he's earning around AUD 700,000! Multiply that by 2.something and you do the math! O_o
So, let me ask you guys, who do you think is the richest person on earth?
For those of you whom I've already told the answer, hush.
Don't even think of typing that in google!
Think first. Tell me at the top of your head, who you think is the richest person on earth.
Once again, I've got nothing else to say, so I shall leave you with the lyrics of a song.
Shimmer by Fuel
She calls me from the cold
Just when I was low, feeling short of stable
And all that she intends
And all she keeps inside, isn't on the label
She says she's ashamed
And can she take me for awhile
And can I be a friend, we'll forget the past
But maybe I'm not able
And I break at the bend
Chorus: We're here and now, but will we ever be again
'Cause I have found
All that shimmers in this world is sure to fade
Away again
She dreams a champagne dream
Strawberry surprise, pink linen and white paper
Lavender and cream
Fields of butterflies, reality escapes her
She says that love is for fools who fall behind
And I'm somewhere in between I never really know
A killer from a savior
'Til I break at the bend
It's too far away for me to hold
It's too far away... Guess I'll let it go

"All that shimmers in this world is sure to fade."

Tuesday, May 03, 2005

UEFA Champions League

Second leg.
Liverpool v Chelsea.
Live at 6.30 am (Australian TV - SBS).
Should I or should I not?
I don't even know any players in those teams.
Hmmm, class at 11 am.
Should I or should I not?
I don't know.
Should I?
I'll see how it goes.
I haven't even finished doing my tute work for tomorrow.
What am I doing blogging?!?!?!

Monday, May 02, 2005


It's May already.
The weekend is too short.
It was an eventful weekend.
I've got 4 assignments due this month and haven't started on any yet.
In Good Company is quite a good movie but I didn't like the ending.
Never ever get drunk.
People act weird when they're drunk.
Some people have weird mood-swings.
I bought Rob Thomas's(frontman of Matchbox Twenty) new album, which I'm quite happy with.
There's actually apple flavoured ciggarettes in the market.
I'm bored.
I've got heaps of work to do but I can't be bothered to do it now.
Tom Cruise is going out with Katie Holmes.
I have nothing left to say, there was nothing to begin with.
My, my, my...