Wednesday, May 24, 2006


It suddenly struck me. I had a dream last night and was just thinking about it. It was actually a recurring dream! Yikes! I think this is the second time I've dreamt about it. All the running and hiding and saving someone. No wonder I had a hard time waking up this morning.

Wonder what it means...


Who doesn't like giving presentations? *waves hand in the air*
Remember my 4,000 word report, well I managed to crap out 3,000 words and now I have to do a presentation for it. Also worth another 25% and it's a 15 minute presentation. And it's done in a professional corporate kind of way. Everyone has to dress up and it is held in this meeting room. It runs over 2 weeks and mine is next week. I had to sit through 9 presentations this morning while spacing out at a few of them.

We were told time and time again not to be late for the presentations as marks would be taken off us. It was supposed to start at 9.30am and promptly at 9.30am I saw a few people rushing in wondering if they were late. So we were waiting, and was told that the person who was supposed to come had some car trouble and is running very late. Hmmm, so can we take marks off her?

There were some interesting topics that people chose to do (we were allowed to pick any topic) like someone trying to open a nightclub, self-service kiosks at this fast food place called "Monster Burger" (the presenter even gave everyone a gummi burger!) and errr yea that is all I remember. I know someone presented this whole topic off another subject so I was definitely spacing out during that one. Someone else, who I think has not been attending his tutes, copied and pasted his entire report into the slides, or at least that was what it looked like to me. There were a few other comments so hopefully I'll remember them and try to do a good job next week. Oh well, we were told that as long as we're there and somehow manage to get through presenting, we're definitely passing it. So *phew*'s been so hard to get up these few mornings! Too cold! Winter is coming... and so is the end of uni for me.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Let It Rain

I remember waking up in the middle of night thinking "Wouldn't it be nice if it was raining?"
I have no idea why that popped into my mind but then when I think about it, I like it when it rains in the middle of the night. Maybe it'll rain tonight.

I feel stressed. I have a lot of stuff to do but yet I'm not even thinking of doing it. I just want to play Bejeweled. Thanks to my friend who started the game and left because he's in the middle of the class. I know I'm just playing it by myself and it's not a vs. game but it's no fun playing by yourself.

Amy, I'm very sorry but I lost the snoopy pin thingy you gave. :( I noticed that it was gone when I was packing my bag after my tute and I retraced my steps to find it but to no avail. And no, I'm not stressed about that. It's just, gone.

Saturday, May 13, 2006

I take it back. I only know how to do one question. Hope I get marks for effort. Sigh.

Uh oh

It was a crazy night last night and I shall not elaborate on that cos errr, I said so.

Anyhow, am trying very hard to do my tute work which needs to be handed in for grading (feels like I'm back in school again) and I have no freaking idea how to answer the first question and the second question. Incidentally, they're both theory questions and I didn't really get what the lecturer was yapping about. Sigh. I'm just going to have to write some bullshit. Oh well, at least I know how to do the other two questions. I think.

Am quite happy that my assignment was extended so now instead of it being due on thursday, it's due on monday. I am so not taking this assignment seriously which I should since it's 25% and another 25% is for my 15 minute presentation based on my assignment, which I don't know when it is because that subject is a bit kelam-kabut now ever since the lecturer had to take emergency leave for the rest of the semester. Ok, that sentence was too long and I'm sure I made some errors but I don't care.

And now, it's back to writing crap for my tute. arggghhh *pulls hair out*

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Have you ever felt like you can't fall asleep after a certain time no matter how hard you try? That's what I feel like right now. Sigh.

There's nothing to watch on tv now either.

My mom got her card today. There's still hope left for the Malaysian post.

I just saw an advert... Love Actually will be on tv on Sunday! *I feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toessss, Christmas is all around me....*

Fine. I'll stop singing cos if not someone's gonna blame me if it rains.


Tuesday, May 09, 2006

There's only 3 more weeks left of uni, not counting this week. Too fast too fast. *gulps*

Just in case you've forgotten or have been living in a shell for the past few weeks or you are my brother, it's Mother's Day on Sunday so go do something nice for your mom. And don't forget to send a card if you're overseas. Let's just hope that my mom will get my card. Last year's didn't arrive and she even still had the cheek to ask me if I put the airmail sticker on it, which I had to explain that that's not necessary because Aussie stamps with the blue line mean that it's airmail. Oh well.

As some of you know, one of my favourite pastimes is to disturb people. So I had this conversation with my dad yesterday:

Me: Mommy told me that koko's treating her on Sunday.
D: Yes...but he told her to pick a place.
M: Wahahhaa make sure she picks somewhere expensive! Btw, errr, so he's treating mommy, then what about you?
D: Aaaaa...
M: Or do you have to wait for Father's Day?
D: Aaaaa... Have to go negotiate with him. If not then I'll just stay home. Haha
M: Yea, then you can go eat KFC instead.
D: Yummy!

My brother is a scrooge. A kiam sap fellow. Oh well, at least he's paying for the Astro since he asked for it...and he had to decide to fix it when I'm not around! AAAAHHHH.

I should be studying now but... it's just so hard to start.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Birthday shout outs!


HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MALFOY who turns 22 today!!! So sorry that err you won't be receiving a card this year cos I actually forgot bout your birthday until 2 days ago. *hangs head down* So you get to kick my ass when I go back.

Ok. Next.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MELANIE who turns 22 tomorrow!!! Hope you have a good one and I read that you're going to Scotland soon??? Dang. Then I guess we'll just have to meet up when you get back.

Here comes another one.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO TRISHA who also turns 22 tomorrow as well and who never reads my blog, I think. But nonetheless I feel obligated to wish her here too since she is my granddaughter. Yep. And I think she too will be going to somewhere, Ireland or something, for goodness knows how long. So I have no idea when I'll be able to see her.

Have to run. Going grocery shopping in 15 minutes and I can't believe that Hui Yin just woke up! it's 3pm!!!
I'll never let Amy and Syl watch sports in my room anymore. They are incredibly noisy and they scold the players so much and shout so freaking loud that I think my neighbour might have been wondering what in the world were we doing shouting at 1 am.

Anyway, toodles, I have to go study a bit first for my test on Monday. And it's been pretty cold these few days. Oh and don't watch American Dreamz. It was just plain weird and is a waste of time and money. I don't care if you love Hugh Grant or Mandy Moore. It's just not worth it.