Monday, April 25, 2005


In response to Malfoy's question, ANZAC Day marks the anniversary of the first major military action fought by Australian and New Zealand forces during the First World War. ANZAC stands for Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. For more information, click here

Saturday, April 23, 2005

It's a public holiday on monday. ANZAC day. Doesn't matter to me since I get mondays off anyway.

ARGHHH!!! I'm losing to Lynn in minesweeper flags! For those who don't know, it's an msn game that you can play with your friend. I'm not good at minesweeper!

I think too much. I dream too much.

Ok, that was totally irrelevant.

It's too hot today for it to be an autumn's day. Yes, the weather is going all funny.'s full moon tomorrow night! It's so beautiful to see the full moon. And the stars. There's an added brightness to the dark sky. It's rare to see such a view back home.

Dancin' in the moonlight
Everybody's feeling warm and bright
It is such a fine and natural sight
Everybody's dancin' in the moonlight
We like our fun and we never fight
You can't dance and stay uptight
It's a supernatural delight
Everybody was dancin in the moonlight

*dum dee dum*
*dances around*
you know what they say, "Dance like no one's watching."

Now if you'll excuse me...

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

A whole lot of nothing

My test didn't go well. But then again, I've never came out of a test feeling like I did a good job.
I think we pissed my tutor off just now. He asked who did the tute work and obviously none of us did anything since we had a test yesterday evening. And we were just blur throughout the whole entire tute. Well it was from 2-3. So he thought that we're tired and all. Actually it's pretty funny to see him get pissed off. Cos it's not really like he's angry or anything. It's just the way he reacts. Oh well... We have presentations each week and after today's he said: I'm going to ask you guys one question. I was like, "Uh oh. I have a bad feeling about this."
"What's my name?"
I was just staring at him like he lost his mind, thinking he was kidding. But he wasn't!
I sorta mumbled his name.
"Well, yesterday during the test, they left out my name on the list of tutors! So if you guys didn't write my name correctly..."
LOL. Actually yeah, they DID leave out his name. But I wrote his name correctly anyway.

Watched Hostage over the weekend. It's a pretty good show. Suspense. But if you feel uncomfortable at the sight of blood, then you should sit out on this one. There was this one scene, oh well I'll not spoil it for you. But let me just say, after that, I was just holding the side of my mouth.

I had a dream. Just this morning. I was this unwanted kid. Nobody wanted me. Not my family. Not my friends. No one. I felt so alone. Walked out of the house, crying, and came to this swimming pool that was out in the open. Look, I have no idea how come there's an open swimming pool in the middle of nowhere. The ironic thing was that, the pool was half filled with rubber duckies! What the...
Then I saw someone sitting at the side of the pool. Looking as miserable as I am. So I went over and joined him by the pool. No words were exchanged. We just sat there, staring into the big black sky. Then, this old chinese woman comes along. With her maid next to her I think. Then she just fell into the pool. And NO ONE moved to save her. So I jumped into the pool after giving the maid a dirty look, and went in after her. My goodness, I had no idea that the pool was so bloody deep. I just kept swimming deeper and deeper while she just kept falling like a brick. I couldn't really breathe underwater (duh!) but I could hear myself breathing heavily though. And that's alarm clock rang! I was like, what the...?!
Songs that have been in my head:
My Completeness by Thirsty Merc
Ooh Aah by Tamara
Eve, the apple of my eye by Bell X1
The Reason Why by Rachael Yamagata
When you tell me that you love me by Diana Ross
I love the new msn messenger! It's got such great functions. But I still can't get enough of the emoticons! I love the chick dancing! Cuteeeeeeee

Sunday, April 17, 2005

I just wanna blast my music.
And dance like a maniac.
And sing at the top of my lungs out of tune, out of melody.
Anything to forget my test on tuesday.
I haven't really started studying for that yet.
I'm in deep shit.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Brr! It's cold in here! There must be some Torro's in the atmosphere!

Anything familiar bout the title? It's from Bring It On. Hahaha, it just popped into my head when I thought "'s cold."

It was raining the whole day! And I couldn't even sleep in! My class only started at 11 today but woke up a lil' earlier cos I had a test today. It's the first time i've ever been in uni from 11 am till 7 pm. Yes, I only finished my one hour test at 7pm. And why is my test so late I hear ye ask? Because, 460 students are taking this subject. Now, we can't all fit a time slot during uni hours into our timetable to take the test. We won't be able to find so many lecture theatres during uni hours to accomodate us too anyway.

It was raining the whole day! Oh, I just said that didn't I? I walked to uni in the rain. So I was walking around with my damp shoes and socks the whole day and with my wet umbrella in my bag. And the air-conditioning was turned on in the lecture theatres! It's freezing out there for goodness sake and you put on the air-conditioning?!?! NUTSss...

I've got another test on Tuesday. After uni hours too.

Recommended song : The Reason Why by Rachael Yamagata

I hope I'll get a nice sleep tonight. LatEr dAyS!!!

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Computers hate me!

I intended to blog yesterday afternoon but blogger was down.

Anywho, let me get the frustating stuff out of me first.Came back at 2 today. Turned on the comp cos I wanted to print out something. Everything was fine. Till my clumsy hand whacked my cup of water on the table, next to my laptop.*SHIT*! I went. Cos this was the second time in a week I did that. I'm such a dumb-ass.Then I noticed that my computer screen is blank.
*Uh-oh*. That is DEFINITELY not a good sign.So I tried to turn it on but nothing works. OMG. Deja-vu. That happened to my previous laptop (and since thenHp/Compaq has been on my black list.). So I started cursing out of mere anger and frustation. You should have heard me, or maybe not. But GOD heard me so...SORRY!So I went to find the DELL Technical Support number. Found it. Dialled the toll free number and got the operator, as usual.Press 1 if bla bla bla...Waited for a while for someone to speak to me. Got this indian guy. A very helpful guy. After being on the phone for like 15 minutes, and after he told me to check this and that, we finally got it to work!
*HALLELLUJAH*You should have heard me when he asked if I was satisfied with the service. OF cOURSE I WAS! And he told me to fill in an e-survey for him, which I will if he does send it to my email.*PHEW* I am so relieved that nothing's wrong with my lil' laptop now. And rest assured, the cup will have a restraining order of at least a foot away from my comp.


I got a letter yesterday (yipee!). Recognised the handwriting.Was my dad's and as usual he didn't put the return address on it. But after finding out what was inside, I'm really glad he didn't.Could feel that it was a cd inside.I opened it, only to find these words staring back at me :Sponge meets world.I just burst out laughing to myself.
OMG. My dad ACTUALLY sent "The Spongebob Squarepants Movie" to me!!! I already watched it on the plane on the way back here.But he bought it the day after I left. Told him it's quite a silly movie and I thought he was joking when he said hewanted to send it to me.And I didn't notice that it was spongebob cos there's a DTS sticker stuck right on spongebob.He sent it to me cos he thought it was a horrible show. Rite...

Had a change of lecturer for a subject today.'s not cos he wasn't good or anything, although he makes lame jokeslike speaking a lil chinese since he's from Singapore. It's just that for certain topics we get diff lecturers. My current one,I actually thought he was going to be this old man just like the previous one. Also because he's the unit leader it made me think even more that he was going to be old. BUT noooo...Su-Li said something bout him being her friend's friend's brother.And he's actually quite young! Only in the late twenties (i think). And he is much better. He's actually interesting and for once i didn't actually feel sleepy! I actually listened properly to what he was saying.

Okley doakley (in true Ned Flander's style). That's all folks. I've got a 20% mid semester test on thursday, so wish me luck!I think I reallyyy need it.
Till next time, toodles.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Gummy Worms!

Not much has been happening since uni started again. Still can't believe my friend in New Zealand gets 3 weeks off for easter!
During one of my tutorials this afternoon, my tutor (this young chinese guy) passed around a packet of sour gummy worms (the ones you buy Ams!). Apparently it was suppose to "wake us up" cos he had to go through a lot of questions today. And well, the packet was only passed around twice before it was finished. And he nervously said, "What? It's finished? So fast?". There was still 40 more minutes of class. Oh, but we got through the class fine anyway.
Been listening to Damien Rice and Michael Buble's new album - It's Time. Yes, it's probably a lullaby for you Hui Yin, but it's still good.
I'm sleepy. I woke up at 8 in the morning. Slept at 12.30am. Didn't have class till 11 am. So why on earth did I wake up at 8? Because, our lovely sun decided to rise so early and shine straight into my room. So why don't I just draw my curtains, I hear you say? Well, I have 2 windows and I already pulled the blinds down for one window. If I pull the other one down, I will never know if the sun has risen yet or not. So there.
I got quite a surprise yesterday. My aunt got my email from my dad and ask me to join yahoo messenger since she has one. It never crossed my mind that my aunty, who's retired, would actually know that yahoo messenger exists. So I, too, decided to give it a try. It's not too bad, it has more functions than MSN beta. So now I have both running, yahoo and msn. Before it was, ICQ and msn, but i guess ICQ just died off. And, do you know how I came about to know the existence of ICQ years ago? It was my dad. He told me about it. He even has MSN. And it's really funny cos when I'm back home, we talk to each other on msn eventhough we were just in the next room. Heh, it's fun. My bro's the party pooper. He just comes over to my room whenever I msg him. BAH. No fun.

Lalala...ok. Time to stop crapping. Eyes are starting to get tired.

Later days!

Sunday, April 03, 2005

My early morning ordeal

It was incredibly hot yesterday that I had my fan switched on the whole day. And it's suppose to be autumn! It was like 30 degrees yesterday (i think) but it was unbelievably windy.
It was windy the whole night too. So windy that the ceiling and walls creaked with each gust of wind. And the wind, is mighty strong.
Woke up to the sound of my handphone beeping once. I didn't know that it beeps to signal that it has finished charging. Saw my hp clock :3.20 am. Looked at my alarm clock: 12.00 (and it was blinking). Realised that I could hardly feel my fan so I thought that , "Oh. There was a power cut. So my fan stopped working." can't blame me for thinking that way at an ungodly hour. I know, if the the electricty came back on, my fan should be working as usual. So I unwillingly got up, to check it and found that it was still moving but at a very slow speed, even slower than usual. So I switched the fan speed. BUT, no matter which speed I put it at, it was still at the same slowww speed. I was thinking, "GREAT. My fan is broken."
I was feeling a bit hot and my nose was all stuffed up cos my room was just too stuffy. EVEN with the wind howling outside like nobody's business. So, I had to drag my fan nearer to my bed. Went back to sleep.
Kept waking up and dozing off cos the mighty wind was just a bit scary for me. Tried to cover my head with my blanket to block out the sound but it was just too hot. So, I went to close my window. I STILL felt hot and stuffy. And I could hardly sleep cos the wind just made the trees sway about madly. As though they were all gonna tumble and fall. EEEK. Nose was still stuffy.
It was 5.10 in the morning when Hui Yin called me. The moment she said ,"Hi Michelle." I saw that some lights outside turned on.
I was a bit puzzled cos at the same time, my fan ran at it's correct speed. I always thought that you will either have power or none. No in between. Oh well, maybe it was some backup thingy.
So I got off the phone and went back to sleep. Can still hear the wind and kept thinking, "Oh. Just rain already!" It did. For a while I think.
Then, my fan started making some funny noises. It was interrupting my sleep. So I got up again, and changed the fan speed. Still making the noise. Turned it off. And hoped that my nose won't get stuffed up again.
Everything was fine then, till I woke up at 11. Whoops...Heh.
I checked the weather just now. The wind was travelling at 40km/h at one point.*WhoosH*
It's all dark now. It is SO gonna rain. DARN. Have to carry my brolly along when I go to church later.
The Pope passed away early this morning. It's all over the news. I bet back home, they won't broadcast much about it.
p/s: If anyone would like to know, my fan is all fine now. No more funny noises. Just had to screw something back properly.