Sunday, June 26, 2005

Kids and Vegetables

Remember when you were young, you absolutely refused to touch any vegetables?
Well, just now during dinner, I heard this young boy asking his dad to get him some broccoli.
His dad was like, "Are you sure you can finish it?"
My goodness, that lil fella, maybe around 6 years old, actually ate the broccoli without being told or spoon fed.
My mom was amazed,"That boy is eating the broccoli by himself."
Gosh, so was I!
My mom said that when I was young, she had to blend all the vegetables for me. Yuck. Blended vegetables?!
Now, I'm proud to say that I eat all my vegetables! Broccoli included! Errr, well maybe not all vegetables. Most...

Friday, June 24, 2005

First Class

Amy just got herself upgraded. Er, as in...she got upgraded to FIRST CLASS.
It's good enough that she's suppose to fly back in business class by SIA, but now, she got upgraded!

Thursday, June 23, 2005


So....managed to watch a few movies on the flight home.
Now MAS has this on demand feature where you can start the movies anytime you want. You are even able to pause it, rewind, fast forward etc.
Yesh, it might not be anything new to some of you (esp Yin, Amy and Syl) but it is to me!
I think they had more movies and shows on than usual. But, I've already watched some of them but I managed to watch Sepet. It's a Malaysian made movie which is not too bad. Just that I didn't like the ending! I was sorta a bit clueless when I watched the ending. So, would anybody care to explain the ending to me?
Went to 1 Utama yesterday. Main reason was to tag along with my mom for this cooking demo. Some flour company was giving a demo on how to make Mexican Buns (Rotiboy, sort of...) and errr, Yau Char Kway. So there I was, admist a whole bunch of errr, not so young ladies. The demonstrater was this man who kept making corny jokes but the ladies found them funny. Oh well, wrong age group I guess. He was even remarking about how in different countries, the length of the Yau Char Kway varies. *Ahem* Let's just say that he said that in a way that my mom was nudging me and smilling. *Ahem* Amy, maybe you would know what I'm talking about.
Haven't done much yet. Been watching tv, brushing up on my horrible Cantonese, sorta cleaning up after my parents since they're sick. So, my house is a dangerzone filled with the Malaysian AND Australian flu germies.
Dum dee dum...
Have nothing more to say...
Oooo! I injured my lil toe. I was trying to be this superheroin and lug my luggage up the stairs with a bottle of water in my pocket. Managed to go halfway before the darn bottle fell and hit my toe! Immediately, blood started gushing out. My gosh, I just stood there and stared for a while until my mom came outta her room to ask me something. Oh well, at least I got to wear a plaster. Hehehe
Then before I went to bed, it got a lil emotional for me. Was not due to my toe ok. I realised that my baby pillow was missing! Baby as in not that I had since I was a baby, but baby in the sense that it's small in size. So I went round my room, opening my cupboards, rummaging through my brother's room and his cupboards, even sneaked downstairs to check the guest room (sneaked cos my mom is a light sleeper so I didn't want to wake her up) etc. The next morning, I asked my mom and she told me it's in my cupboard. ALAMAK. I went to check again, and yep it was buried in the middle of my clothes. BAH.
Alright, am off to bed. Gonna read a bit of Jodi Picoult's My Sister's Keeper. So far so good.
p/s: Yin! Is it Anna anna bo banna, banana fanna fo fanna, me my mo manna...Anna?! You're suppose to write it down for me!

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Am back home now.
Got a sample of Ck One Summer! Man, it smells good!
But I checked online, and apparently it was out last year??? So how come it's only out in Malaysia a year later? Oh well, doesn't matter! It has a fantastic scent.

Alright, will blog more another time cos it's too bloody hot here to do anything more.
Am off to watch some TVB drama.

Saturday, June 18, 2005

*Sniff sniff*

Yep yep, I have a cold. BAH. Of all the times to get it, especially since I'm heading home soon.
It's Father's Day tomorrow! So If you've forgotten to get something, I'm sure he wouldn't mind receiving a handmade card. Ok, an e-card is easier.
Would have sent a real card but Australian's only celebrate it in September. Can't remember why though...
Sigh, think my head is hurting from all those nose-blowing sessions I've been having the past 2 days.
It's nice going for a walk at night in the cold. It made my nose run a lil' thus making it not so stuffy. Ok, maybe that was too much information to give out.
Yay! It's Sunday tomorrow. And after that it's Monday! Exam day! Then, Tuesday comes along!
It's good that it's going to be Sunday cos, they're showing the finale of Everybody Loves Raymond.
Monday is both good and bad. Bad that I have an exam on the day it's forecasted to rain and is going to be a high of 13 degrees only. Another bad thing, my exam is multiple choice. I HATE multiple choice. You either get it right, or wrong. So, goodbye to the lil marks that you can be given here and there just in case your final answer is wrong. Plus, there's negative marking for the true/false questions. And some questions are like 3 marks each while the rest are 5 marks each. I guess there is a good side to that since I can just "tembak" if i'm not sure and I have a 25% chance of getting it right. But it will be good( after 4.40pm that is) since it's my last exam for the semester.
Tuesday is definitely good!
Alright, I've gotta go crack my head on this topic that I don't understand.
I don't like you...binomial option pricing. Bleh...

Thursday, June 16, 2005


Brrr, it's been cold these few days. We had a few warm days last week and now it's freezing, thanks to the wind. Crazy wind, it was blowing at a speed of 24.4km/h just now.
How could you go and leave my world so colddd!!!
Heh, don't mind me. I just wanted to say that.
Hui Yin's on the plane now. 1 hour into her journey home to Singapore!
Noooo, who am I gonna talk crap to online?
Who's gonna gang up with me to bully Syl and Amy?
Oh well, I'm going to be home soon too anyway.
Just waiting for my last paper to come.
I actually thought that I was going to slack off most of my 10 days in between my exams.
But nope, been a good girl (surprisingly) and am now half ready for my exam on Monday.
STOP telling me I have plenty of time.
Normally, I would be frustrated that my exam's not soon enough, but not this time, since I'm not ready for it.
Hope I don't get sick soon.
Nose is feeling a bit funny. Throat was being naughty 2 days ago.
Stupid extreme change in weather.

Shall leave this post with a song Syl passed to me. She still can't believe that his surname is what it is.

The dawn is breaking
A light shining through
You're barely waking
And I'm tangled up in you

But I'm open, you're closed
Where I follow, you'll go
I worry I won't see your face
Light up again

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
Out of the doubt that fills my mind
I somehow find, you and I collide

I'm quiet, you know
You make a first impression
I've found I'm scared to know
I'm always on your mind

Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the stars refuse to shine
Out of the back you fall in time
You somehow find, you and I collide

Don't stop here
I've lost my place
I'm close behind

-Collide by Howie Day-

*Gesundheit to me*
I just sneezed. Again.

Monday, June 13, 2005


Amy, Yin and I went to watch Madagascar yesterday! It's only supposed to come out on Thursday but they had advance screenings during the weekend.
Just like most animated movies, this one is just as hillarious.
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LOL. I just love seeing their expressions after something happens.
To me, I thought that these guys, the plotting penguins, stole the show.
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And now, I can't get these lyrics outta my head (if you can even call it lyrics) ---> I like to move it move it. I like to move it move it. I like to move it move it..MOVE IT!
My dad just asked me how's Madagascar. And whether it's only for children or old people can see it too. So...he thinks I'm a child eh?
I'm so bored! That's what getting too many days until your last paper does to you.
I don't feel like studying even though I HAVE to.
I don't even feel like watching my OC / Desperate Housewives/Smallville episodes.
Ladida...I shall go sing to my heart's content till it pours so that it won't rain for the next few days. That way, my friends won't have to go for the exams in the rain.

Sing it with me!

Jeremiah was a bullfrog
He was a good friend of mine
I never understood a single word he said
But I helped him drink his wine.

Everybody now joy to the world
All the boys and girls
Joy to the fishes in the big blue sea
I said joy to you and me.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

Recurring dreams

Yep, I had another recurring dream.
It's so weird...Cos I've been to that building before.
And it was raining at that time. Must have been because it was raining throughout the night, I think.
It had something to do with me helping a friend(no idea who this fella is. never saw him before in my life.) find some teacher for some grade (SYL, this is all ur fault! jk...).
And before that was another dream, I was being introduced to this girl from my lecture (?). Her name's errr...Tag. What the...

Music Baton

Thanks to Amy, I've been passed the music baton.
1. Total volume of music files on my computer:
ermmm, that would be 6.91 GB and in total 2,278 songs.
2. The last CD I bought:
can't remember. it was either Greenday's American Idiot or Rob Thomas' Something To Be.
3. Song playing now:
I'd lie for you (and that's the truth) by Meatloaf. It's a 6 minute and 40 second song! But a fantastic one
4. Five songs I listen to a lot, or mean a lot to me:
Settling by Tara Maclean - Do I blame the wind or the tree for letting go?Or do I wave goodbye
Unforgivable Sinner by Lene Marlin - You know where you sent her...
Bad Day by Daniel Powter - Where is the moment we needed the most, You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost
What You're Made Of by Lucie Silvas - if its not what you're made of, you're not what im lookin for,you were willing but unable to give me anymore...
The Day You Went Away by Wendy Matthews - there's not a cloud in the sky, it's as blue as your blue goodbye...
Almost over you by errr...Sheena Easton? - Now I'm almost over you, I've almost shook these blues So when you come back around after painting the town (also cos this song is known to make someone cryyy! hehehe)
I'll Never Get Over You Getting Over Me by Bellefire - As long as the stars shine down from the heaven, long as the rivers run to the sea, I'll never get over you getting over me
I can't possibly just choose FIVE songs...
5. Five people to whom I am passing this baton to:
What? What's with the 5 thingy...
YOU! The one who's reading this. Come on, be a good sport and do it too alright?
Ok, that's the end of the music baton for me.
Finished 3 papers already. One more to go.
So how was my exams? It sucked big time. Nuff' said.
Finally went shopping yesterday. And what was the first thing I bought?
TOOTHPASTE! Hahaha, unfortunately the shopping trip wasn't really shopping for me. Didn't get anything!

Sunday, June 05, 2005

The beginning

My first paper of the year is tomorrow afternoon. Prefer it to be in the morning, so that you know, you wake up, get it over and done with and you have the rest of the day to do something else. On the other hand, you have to wake up very early! Early...meaning, 7 am I think. It's been a year since I had a morning paper, if I remember correctly.
So the next paper's on Thursday and then Friday morning.
ARGHHH!!! 3 papers in one week.
All I have to say is...At least, I'm not having 4 papers in one week!
It's been a long time since I actually sat down and studied for a few hours.
I keep hearing myself creak (as in joints and what not...) whenever I turn a page or get something.
BAH. Don't say that I'm old!
Alright, have to go study somemore.
To everyone having exams, ALL THE BEST! Let's hope that we'll remember what we've studied and use it to answer the questions correctly!
p/s: Thanks to Felicia, the mystery is solved. It's the reflection from the words from my tv. "digitor" is the word. That's the brand of my tv.

Friday, June 03, 2005

What's this???

I was taking a break from studying when I noticed this :
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Image hosted by
It's the same thing except that one was taken the other way. It's only there when the sun is shining at a particular angle.
Yes, and I know that the pictures are not of the same size, I couldn't be bothered to resize it to the exact same size.
I have no idea what's that!!! And how come it appears!!! There doesn't seem to be anything on my window. BAH. *scrathes head*



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Of course, there are some terms and conditions as always. Go to the website below for more information.
You need to print out a form which can be found here.
Just scroll right to the bottom and click on the box that says "Special rates for visiting family members studying abroad".
Sorry, I would have given the direct link but it will make my blog look funny cos the web page address is bloody long.
Just thought I'd share some information.

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

1st day of winter

The weather during the past few weeks have been somewhat...wintery. And it's only going to get colder! Winter is here!!! I like the cold though some beg to differ.
It's the wrong time for the sale!!! Exams are next week but sales have started!!! BOO HOO. Well not really, cos I already feel a bit bad spending a few hundred for the ski trip.Bleh...
My dad is meannn. He's eating a curry puff from Old Chang Kee.