Wednesday, March 29, 2006

It wasn't my fault. My bed looked so inviting, since I just changed my sheets. Mmm. I like the smell of fresh sheets. And Honey needed some hugging. So I hopped into bed and closed my tired weary eyes and gave Honey some TLC for errr 10 minutes. Then I had to drag myself off the bed and onto the uncomfortable chair which gave me a buttache a while ago, to work on my assignment.

My shoulders ache. And I thought it won't come back to haunt me anymore since it hasn't made an appearance for a long time.

2 tests next week. And an assignment. Whoopeedoo. Not complaining, cos I know there are other people out there who have it worse.

What if there was no lie
Nothing wrong, nothing right
What if there was no time
And no reason, or rhyme
What if I got it wrong
And no poet or song
Could put right what I got wrong
Or make you feel I belong

Every step that you take
Could be your biggest mistake
It could bend or it could break
That's the risk that you take

Taken from "What If" by Coldplay

Sunday, March 26, 2006

The Inside Man

Managed to watch the advance screening of The Inside Man yesterday. I think it was alright but I guess some people would have expected a bit more. So go into the movie with a low expectation.

Had fun watching athletics the past few days. Am a big fan of the guy from Jamaica who won the 100m sprint. Arafa or something is his name. He really is fast.

In other news, I have none. No inspiration to blog about anything.

Ok. ID check going on in the lab. Gtg.

Friday, March 24, 2006

OMG. I can't believe this. I just realised that I did the wrong question from the textbook for one of my subjects and had to pass it up to the tutor on tuesday. Instead of doing question 5 of chapter 18, yours truly did PROBLEM 5 of chapter 18. ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

I spent an hour coming up the answer when I could have done the correct question in 10 minutes! UGH.

I just hope my tutor doesn't think I'm a nut case and email me back soon. I need all the marks I can get and this does not indicate that I'm kiasu or anything.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

And it continues...

First it was the escalators. Now it's the lifts. There are 2 lifts in the building. One has been out of order since last week. There's a sign on the lift: Maximum 10 people. That was last week. This week, I find that there are guards guarding the lift. Yep. 2 signs were added: Only for people going to level 5 & above. Disabled and staff with trolley gets priority.
Yep. They now station guards outside the lift area and inside the lift. You would think that this is some kinda swanky hotel or something. The guard even gets a seat in the lift. I'm not disabled nor am I a staff with a trolley but I need to get to the 9th floor every wednesday. Fortunately my class before that usually ends early so I beat the crowd by going in the middle of the hour.
Heh. Guards guarding the lift. Heh.

Isn't it just weird how some people remember you eventhough you hardly bump into them? But for those you see in uni every other day, they don't even recognise you! Or maybe that only happens to me.

Can't believe we're almost one third into the semester. I'm dreading week 6 which is 2 weeks from now. Oh wait. I'm dreading every week, every single day.
Reality bites.

Nanana. It's going to be 30 degrees this weekend. This ain't no autumn.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

I came to the library today in hopes of getting a few things done. Managed to do everything but one. Was suppose to borrow a book for extra reading (am not kiasu ok) so I had a backup plan just in case the book has been borrowed. Plan B was to borrow it from the reserve which means that I can't take it out of the library. The last time I checked online on Friday, the book was still available. But today it's not there. The library catalogue is down at the moment for some maintenance blah blah blah so I had to use this backup one they have on the comp and I don't know how to read it. It's just weird. Doesnt' tell you if any copies are available whatsoever. So I just tried my luck searching for it 2 floors up and in the reserve. Don't have. Not happy. So I've been in the library for the past one hour reading news, snooping on friendster(aw come on. as if you don't...?) yada yada. Still have another hour to kill. Oh wait. I just realised I've been here for slightly over 2 hours already. Webmessenger is screwed up and Hui Yin is not replying me.

Oh and the reason why I'm still in the library is that I'm a lazy ass. I dont' want to walk home and come back again for church later.

So anyway, the weekend has been alright. Had a get-to-know-your-neighbour party last night which was quite fun. Why are there so many ppl doing commerce?!
The major highlight of the week (other than the dumb escalators which btw they sent an email to explain it) is about the big hoo hah about one of my subjects. They had to change the lecture times last minute and in the end, the lecture times became 1-3 on thurs and 1-3 on friday. Obviously everyone would opt to come for the thurs class but obviously the puny lecture theatre just ain't gonna fit all 620 of us. So ppl allocated on the friday class came over and thurs and the lecture was just too full. Ppl sitting on the stairs, standing behind. Even someone I know grabbed a chair from outside and sat right in front. Lecturer wasn't too happy cos there's a safety precaution he has to adhere to. Can't have an overfhowing lecture theatre. So he told us that the next week, this happens, he's going to start taking attendance which will just waste time. So the 2nd week, STILL it was overcrowded. He lectured us about manners and how we are being inconsiderate. So last week, the 3rd class, he actually took attendance. There were ppl stationed at all 4 entrances of the lecture theatre and they had the class list. So obviously the lecture theatre wasn't full that day. So this meant that he spent 20 minutes checking the students and another 20 lecturing us bout manners yet again.

A few days before, he sent all the students an email bout the situation of the overcrowding. Then, some silly fella, sent a reply not only to him, but to the whole entire class. Hmmm, let's see. The lecturer said that was dispicable. And today I checked again and er the silly fella sent an apology email to everyone. Right. But what made the lecturer mad was that a student, sent a very rude email to him. Something bout, "with all due respect, I think what you said was crap." Lecturer obviously wasn't too happy bout that so he forwarded the email to the dean, disciplanary board and err don't know who else. Uh oh. Someone's in trouble.

Words that I just can't get out of my head at the moment:
La di da!

Songs stuck in my head:
Come back down by Lifehouse
Blind by Lifehouse
Far Away by Nickelback

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Mentone Beach

Went to the beach on Saturday since the it was forecasted to be a high of 33 but it changed to 28 degrees the night before. So we went to Mentone beach. There was hardly anyone actually on the beach. Most of them were either jogging or walking.

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Just one of those pictures that make you roll your eyes.
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Clear water!
Saw the Malaysian cycling team along the beach. Managed to take a very bad shot of them. They're the ones in the yellow shirts.

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Yea, I put pink dots over them. Malaysia Boleh!!!

Anyway, remember last week I wrote bout the human jam in the humanities building because they're doing something to the escalators on the 2nd/3rd floor? Well, now they stationed a guard at the stairs to direct everyone to use the staircase at the west wing. Now, my classes are on the east wing. So, I had 5 minutes to get to my next tute from the 3rd floor. Took the staircase at the west wing, thinking that I could get onto the 1st floor from there. But noooooo. Only staff has access to the 1st floor from that staircase. So I had to walk all the way down, which brought me out of the building and I had to go back in by the main entrance and up the escalators to the 1st floor. I'm so using the east wing staircase next week.

Yup. And that's my excitement for the day.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Table Buddies

Fine fine, I know it looks like they're a bit stunted. Too lazy to fix it. Just imagine them to be taller.
Got the coke for free(though it doesn't taste like much) and the penguin was F.O.C. too thanks to the Clubs & Society week.

33 degrees tomorrow! 36 on Sunday. *wipes forehead*

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Whenever there is hot weather, cool weather will follow. It's nice and windy today. Nice.
I was nearly late for my second tutorial today because first, my first tutorial finished a bit late and second, eventhough it's just 2 floors down, it took me 3 minutes to go down. Why? Because the darn escalators on the 2nd floor are not working. So everyone has to use the stairs. And let's just say that between the 55th minute and the 5th minute of every hour, there are just too many people rushing around getting from class to class. Hence, a human jam at the stairs. It's nuts. And the escalators are going to be out of order till the end of the semester. I foresee squeezing myself through many human jams this semester.
So for two subjects, my tutors are my lecturers as well. As if it's not enough seeing them during the lecture already. Oh well, at least they switch lecturers halfway. Or something like that. One of my tutors remind me of my grandpa. The old, white haired man with spectacles. Yes Lynn. I have Alan Ramsay as my tutor. He even asked us to put out our homework on the table for inspection(tutorial preparation marks I think). And we were also instructed to write a name tag and stick it on for the whole entire class.
45 minutes till my next class. What shall I eat for lunch later?
And I'm so happy that Crash won an Oscar for the Best Picture!!! I must go get the DVD and watch it again.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

It's been one week since I got back and the weather is worse than back home. Classes have been alright, since I only need to go to uni for 3 days.

My brain is still on holiday. Whenever the lecturer speaks, I just look in his/her direction and stone away. Apparently, you can tell the difference between a tired and bored yawn. I have no idea.

In the library at the moment enjoying the air con and printing my notes. Can't believe the printing costs has increased yet again. And I'm not going to buy a printer cos the last one died on me and I don't want to buy one since I'm only going to be here for another semester.

Went to the city yesterday to shop. Can't believe that we were on our feet for around 9 hours. Burnt a hole in my wallet too. Bought too much: 3 tops, one bag, skins for my nano (yipee!), socks, the rabbit from Wallace & Gromit, EDT from The Body Shop and errr something else I think. I spent 100 bucks at the Nike Factory Outlet at Smith Street. Nuts. So no more shopping for me for the next few weeks until Easter hols or something. That should be my penance for Lent. HAH.

OK. Yin just gave me a dirty stare cos I msged her on msn. And she's just next to me. *snigger*

Mmm. Running out of things to say. Nothing much has happened. Oh. There's this huge spider near my door. I wish it would go away.