Monday, May 31, 2004

windy was EXTREMELY windy today! seriously...thought that it would be a nice weather day since the sun was out but had to be windy!
and...while walking to uni with hui yin, i saw this body of an animal lying on the side of the road. and i thought that she saw it as well. HAH. she didn't notice it. it was this animal, syl thought it was a cat, but i dun think so. what made her think that it was a cat? it had 4 legs and a tail. hui yin and i were like "WHAT THE...?" well it's face was a bit smashed i think so i couldn't really tell what it actually was. *shudders*
ok i jus had to blog about that...

one more week...

oh gosh. one more week. one more week. one more week till exams. time passes too quickly. *wooosh*
i can't believe that my lecturers are still having lectures on thursday!!! oh gosh...out of my 4 subjects, 3 of them still have lectures on thursday (i think).
and my tutor...the one that always go missing during my comp lab tutes, still hasn't finished grading our 2nd assignment. and she said "I'll have your marks posted on my door next week." *blink blink* *blink blink* i just kept blinking. HELLOOOOOOOO!!! our exam for this subject is on monday and you are telling us that you will have our assignment marks posted on your door next week?!?! *speechless* BAH.
didn't really had a productive weekend. yea sure...studied here and there. not much though.
watched the finale of American Idol 3 last night. now that i'm thinking bout it, i wish Diana won instead of Fantasia (yes hui yim..."Down with the ducks and up with the pigs")
i think that Fantasia's voice is a bit weird when she screams. like she has a scratchy voice. unlike Diana's, whoose voice jus sails smoothly. anyway...does anyone have Kazaa??? i removed it from my comp a couple of weeks ago to see if my comp would be better off without it, and yea it is but still not good enough. someone please download for me Diana's version of "I belive" and the song that Ruben, Diana, Fantasia and Kelly Clarkson sang together? please? please? please?
yes? no? maybe so? *looking at the comp screen with a hopeful face*

Saturday, May 29, 2004

it's a cold weekend...

it's been pretty cold this few days. raining from time to time. was it my singing?
one more week of uni to go...unlike some of you lucky ppl, i don't have a week off to study. and unlike some ppl as well (u know who u are), i have more than one exam.
i think friendster is a bit the cuckoo. alright...very the cuckoo! today, 29th of may, i received a message that was sent from my friend dated 2nd of april. 2nd of april! and today's the 29th of may. hmph. no comments.
I can't wait to go home:
1. to 'kacau' my parents!!!
2. to lie on my oh-so-hard-but-comfortable bed.
3. to see and hug my soft toys (especially my bear and yes hui yin...the "racoon" and freaky looking one).
4. to get my dad to figure out what's wrong with my comp
5. to stuff my face with all my fave food that i'm missing out while i'm here.
6. to renew my driving licence? no more P!!! WOOHOOO!!!
7. to use streamyx to download lots of stuff...hehheh.
8. to see my close friends! (u know who u are...i hope.)
9. to hear what my mom will say when she sees me after 3 over months. (last year, the first thing she said was that my shirt shrank) hmph.
10. to go and "fry"? since it's so hot over there?
11. to go to 1 utama!!!
12. to watch TVB dramas and cartoons on sat. and sun. morning
13. to watch the DVD's that my dad bought
14. to hug my mommyyyy and daddyyyyy
15. to to to...
and the list jus goes on and on and on and on...okok...u get the picture.

Thursday, May 27, 2004

it was quite cold today. and i saw the half moon high in the sky at around 4pm jus now. it was a quite a sight.'s weird. everytime i log on to the internet, i would get disconnected after 5 hours. this is normal. but for the past week, it's been on for over 5 hours and still i am connected. at this point of time, i have been online for 5 hours and 48 minutes. it's really puzzling me.
oooo hui yin gave me this funky, nice, colourful magnets!!! it's by happy house. it's sooooooo nice!!! thank you hui yin!!!
WOOOHOOO!!! Fantasia is the American Idol for season 3!!! and boo...i didn't say that diana was gonna win. i said it was gonna be fantasia!!!
does anyone know what does 'my reverie' mean? my fren is having this as her nick on msn and i just can't figure out what it means even though it sounds sooooo familiar.

Wednesday, May 26, 2004


Your Heart is Red

What Color is Your Heart?
brought to you by Quizilla

You are NEMO!
What Finding Nemo Character are You?

brought to you by Quizilla

Raver Bear
Raver Bear

Congrats! Your a Pure Angel! Angels, as far as most
of them go, are all compatabile creatures, but
Pure ones simply are symbols of God. Pure
Angels always appear when a child is born, when
a rainbow is seen, or when someone shares their
first kiss. They never grow old, an can appear
in the shape of a naked woman with white, bold
wings. Pure angels are the carriers of god, and
show their love to everyone in the world.

What Kind of ANGEL are you? (For Girls only) This Quiz has amazingly Beautiful Pictures!
brought to you by Quizilla

Tuesday, May 25, 2004


yesterday marked the 3rd week. it's been 3 weeks since i sent 2 cards. one for mother's day and another for my friend's birthday. mother's day was on the 9th of may while my fren's b'day was on the 10th of may. and...until now, the 25th of may, none of them have received my card. #%$@
and neither has my mom received my bro's card which was sent a few days later than mine. WHAT IS GOING ON?!?!?! grrrrr...BAH.
"there's something bout miriam" is on tv now. for those of you who have no idea what that is, it's a controversial love quest. u know, the bachelor, average joe, joe millionaire and so on? it's along that line. what's the catch? they don't know that miriam is actually a guy!!! well born as a guy but is now a gurl.
it's from the UK. and the 6 guys that took part in this, actually sued the producers. oh well. she actually doesn't look too bad. but hui yin is positive that she can see a bit of a moustache when she-he does a pose and actually looks like a guy at an agle. the guys are in uniforms...doing some striptease. ooohlala...well the guys are not all the fantastic. maybe like 1 or 2 only.

Monday, May 24, 2004

oh dearie me...

i just had to blog about this. how many ppl know this song by Eamon? it's actually quite a nice song but minus all the f**k

here and there, it would be better. anyway...this is the lyrics.

Eamon- F**k it (don't want you back)

See, I don't.. know why.. I liked you so much,
I gave you all of my trust..
I told you.. I loved you..
Now that's all down the drain..
You put me through pain..
I wanna let you know how I feel..

Fuck what I said.. It don't mean shit now..
Fuck the presents, might as well throw 'em out..
Fuck all those kisses, they didn't mean jack..
Fuck you, you hoe.. I don't want you back..

Fuck what I said.. It don't mean shit now..
Fuck the presents, might as well throw 'em out..
Fuck all those kisses, lthey didn't mean jack..
Fuck you, you hoe.. I don't want you back..

You thought.. you could.. Keep this shit from me..
Yeah, you burned bitch.. I heard the story..
You played me.. You even gave him head..
Now you're asking for me back..
You're just another hag..
Look elsewhere 'cause you're done with me..

Fuck what I said.. It don't mean shit now..
Fuck the presents, might as well throw 'em out..
Fuck all those kisses, they didn't mean jack..
Fuck you, you hoe.. I don't want you back..

Fuck what I said.. It don't mean shit now..
Fuck the presents, might as well throw 'em out..
Fuck all those kisses, they didn't mean jack..
Fuck you, you hoe.. I don't want you back..

You questioned.. Did I care?
You can ask anyone.. I even said you were my great one..
Now it's.. over..
But I do admit I'm sad..
It hurts real bad..
I can't sweat that cos I loved a hoe..

Fuck what I said.. It don't mean shit now..
Fuck the presents, might as well throw 'em out..
Fuck all those kisses, they didn't mean jack..
Fuck you, you hoe.. I don't want you back..

Apparently, this song is about his ex-gf. and this was what she came up with. just changing the words of his song.

Frankee- F**k you right back

(You know there is two sides to every story)

See I don't know why you cryin' like a bitch
Talkin' shit like a snitch
Why you write a song 'bout me
If you really didn't care
You wouldn't wanna share
Tellin' everybody just how you feel

Fuck what I did was your fault somehow
Fuck the presents, I threw all that shit out
Fuck all the cryin' it didn't mean jack
Well guess what yo, fuck you right back

Fuck what I did was your fault somehow
Fuck the presents, I threw all that shit out
Fuck all the cryin' you didn't mean jack
Well guess what yo, fuck you right back

You thought you could really make me moan
I had better sex all alone (ha ha ha ha)
I had to turn to your friend
Now you want me to come back
You must be smokin' crack
Im goin' else where and thats a fact

Fuck all those nights I moaned real loud
Fuck it, I faked it, aren't you proud
Fuck all those nights you thought you broke my back
Well guess what yo, your sex was wack

Fuck all those nights I moaned real loud
Fuck it, I faked it, aren't you proud
Fuck all those nights you thought you broke my back
Well guess what yo, your sex was wack

You questioned did I care
Maybe I would have if you woulda gone down there
Now it's over
But I do admit i'm glad I didn't catch your crabs
I can't sweat that cause I got to go

Fuck what I did was your fault somehow
Fuck the presents, I threw all that shit out
Fuck all the cryin' you didn't mean jack
Well guess what yo, fuck you right back.

You made me do this

WHOA. you go gurl!!! sorry bout the many f**k's there is. i couldn't be bothered to change every single one. and during the

whole song (both of them), the singers emphasised on the word, f***k.
sorry...i know this is like a bit bo-liao (did i get that right?)
oh...the whole day today. i walked passed 3 friends. and they didn't even see meeeee!!!! am i invisible???

2 more weeks....

sigh. the end of the semester is drawing near. 2 more weeks and my first paper starts. too fast....too fast.
i'm still sickkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk. thanks to syl!!!!
i feel sleepy. i'm actually in the middle of a computer lab tute, but goodness knows where the tutor went to...
i'm hungry.
it's stuffy in the lab. can hardly breathe. i've gotta get out soon. hopefully i can.
why are my hand sweaty? one needed to know that.
i think i sound funny. and i keep hearing what ppl say wrongly.... was walking with hui yin when i thought, i said i THOUGHT she said "The sky is quite cute". and i was like "HUH?!" she actually said "That guy is quite cute". whoops...
does anybody know how to disguise your voice so that ur mom won't know that u are sick while talking on the phone with you??? please? anybody? somebody?
ouch. i think my gum, somehwhere behind, is swollen. it hurts! i'm pretty sure it's not my tooth that hurts, it's my gum. stupid growing wisdom tooth. i think there's no space behind there somewhere. *groan* first my nose and now this.
hmmm my tutor is still not back yet. should i make a run for it? i jus need to tick my name on the sheet and i can goooooooooo.
ok...3 ppl just left. think i will too.

Saturday, May 22, 2004

3 things

1. michelle
2. michy mich
3. shellyshell
(there's more than these but suppose to put 3 only)

1. dont know
2. dont know
3. dont know

1. right now, my blocked nose!!!
2. my laziness
3. myself?

1. what's wrong with my computer?!?!?!
2. why my hair is funny, it's ok on one side but weird on the other side
3. loads of parts in the consolidation part of financial accounting. BAH.

1. annoying people
2. cigarette smoke
3. people swearing

1. reptiles, creepy crawlies
2. height!
3. flying!

1. fooooood and water
2. make lame jokes
3. Zzz

1. errr U2?
2. dunno
3. anything that has my size!

1. mario winans- i don't wanna know
2. hoobastank - the reason
3. britney spears- everytime

1. good friends
2. family
3. other friends

1. roll my tongue
2. consolidation!!! grrrr
3. sing?

1. making lame jokes
2. interneting/chatting online
3. er...singing? out of tune?

1. my mommmyyyyyy!!!
2. my dadddyyyy!!!
3. world peace.

1. accountant
2. rain maker (with my horrible singing)
3. idea.

1. europe
2. japan
3. korea

1. apologise to some ppl :p
2. see and hug my family and friends?
3. tell someone something.

Read this in a book:
"OUr heads may be small, but they are full of memories as the sky may sometimes be full of swarming bees, thousands and thousands of memories, of smells, of places, of little things that happened to us and which come back, unexpectedly, to remind us who we are."

Thursday, May 20, 2004


Q: I've heard that cardiovascular exercise can prolong life. Is this true?

A: Your heart is only good for so many beats, and that's it...don't waste them on exercise. Everything wears out eventually. Speeding up your heart will not make you live
longer; that's like saying you can extend the life of your car by driving it faster. Want to live longer? Take a nap.

Q: Should I cut down on meat and eat more fruits and vegetables?

A: You must grasp logistical efficiencies. What does a cow eat?
Hay and corn. And what are these? Vegetables. So a steak is nothing more than an efficient mechanism of delivering vegetables to your system. Need grain? Eat chicken. Beef is also a good source of field grass (green leafy vegetable). And a pork chop can give you 100% of your recommended daily allowance of vegetable products.

Q: How can I calculate my body/fat ratio?

A: Well, if you have a body, and you have body fat, your ratio is one to one. If you have two bodies, your ratio is two to one, etc.

Q: What are some of the advantages of participating in a regular exercise program?

A: Can't think of a single one, sorry. My philosophy is: No Pain...Good.

Q: Aren't fried foods bad for you?

A: You're not listening. Foods are fried these days in vegetable oil. In fact, they're permeated in it. How could getting more vegetables be bad for you?

Q: Will sit-ups help prevent me from getting a little soft around the middle?

A: Definitely not! When you exercise a muscle, it gets bigger. You should only be doing sit-ups if you want a bigger stomach.

Q: Is chocolate bad for me?

A: Are you crazy? HELLO...... Cocoa beans ... another vegetable!!! It's the best feel good food around!

Q: Is swimming good for your figure?

A: If swimming is good for your figure, explain whales to me.

Q: Is getting in-shape important for my lifestyle?

A: Hey! 'Round' is a shape!!

Well, I hope this has cleared up any misconceptions you may

have had about food and diets. Now go have a biscuit...flour is a veggie!

okok...i know some of u are thinking..."WHAT THE???" or "nonsense" or "yea rite..." or "stupid"
but it is quite funny isn't it? no? yes?

Wednesday, May 19, 2004


YAY!!! presentation's done and over with. the only worry now is....EXAMS. BAH.
hmmm how did my presentation go? ahem. mispronounced words like 'asset' and the toughie was 'recoverable economically reserves'. i think i stumbled my way through when i mentioned that word at least 5 times. oh well. my tutor said 'well done!' but he says that to everyone.
err...nothing much to write. oh yea... not that this is very interesting. i was happily pouring my juice into my cup in the kitchen. everything was fine. then me, being a piggy, wanted to munch on something. then i don't remember what i was cup tipped over!!! and VOILA! a countertop full of juice. just goes to show how clumsy i am. and...for the next hour or kitchen smelled like a mixture of mango, passionfruit, orange, apple and whatever was in that juice. grumble grumble. at least my mom wasn't there to scold me. heh.

Tuesday, May 18, 2004

wet and rainy

frank cleaned my windows for me. it's really really clean now! i can see clearly now that the dirt is gone. hmmm the tree outside is shedding leaves. and the leaves are turning brown. mmmm nice.
it was cold today. and windy. and wet. it was practically raining the whole day! and i had to walk in the rain! ok... fine. so everyone else had to walk in the rain.
hehehe i heard something funny last night. someone did something embarassing! i think i had better not mention her name just in case... she went to the toilet. opened the door and saw a guy standing there with his back towards her and he was peeing!!! my dear friend went into the guy's toilet!!! OH NOOOOOOOOO!!!! malu-nye...well at least no one saw her...or so she says. apparently this wasn't the first time she's done it. whoops.
okie...i've gotta go talk to myself now. no...michelle hasn't lost her mind. michelle has presentation at 9 am tomorrow. michelle has to practise a few more times, just in case. michelle says bye.

Monday, May 17, 2004


it's my one hour break again. i always spend my monday break in the computer lab in case you haven't noticed. and i dunnoe what's wrong with this stupid com! it won't load icq2go for me! so i can't kacau hui yin!!! grrr...instead i'm hearing loads of ppl talking around me. the comp lab was nearly empty when i got here 15 minutes ago and now it's full. and noisy.
sigh. i have a presentation to do on wednesday morning. and i need a textbook to answer the question. and...the 2 reserved copies at the lib is gone! grrr...hope it will be back on the shelf later...if not..."me-too!!!" can i borrow ur photostated copy of chapter 22 of the "issues in financial accounting" please??? please please please. hahaha if i need it i call you tonight ok?
i think i did enough of relaxing during the weekend. so from this week onwards...after my presentation that is, i'm gonna study really really really hard! i hope. hui yin!!! help me!!!!
ugh. my left shoulder still hurts.'s not the same shoulder ache as last week. i was being a lazy oaf and just injured it, that's all.
okie...not much to write today. i'll just go back to checking out ppl and testimonials on friendster! yes...i got nothing to do ok? i checked all my emails already... and ppl's blogs.

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Malaysian Drivers...sigh

1. One hand on wheel, one hand on horn: IPOH driver

2. One hand on wheel, one hand out the window with cigarette: KEPONG driver.

3. One hand on wheel, one finger out window, cutting across all lanes of traffic: DOWNTOWN KUALA LUMPUR driver.

4. One hand on wheel, one hand on parang, foot solidly on accelerator: JOHOR driver.

5. One hand on wheel, one hand on non-fat double decaf cappuccino, cradling cell phone, brick on accelerator, hands-free on the lap: BANGSAR driver.

6. Both hands on wheel, eyes shut, both feet on brake, quivering in terror: FOREIGNER, driving in MALAYSIA.

7. One hand on 12 oz. Double shot latte, one knee on wheel, talking on cellphone, foot on brake, mind on radio game, banging head on steering wheel while stuck in traffic: SUBANG JAYA DRIVER.....on the Federal Highway!!!

8. One hand on wheel, one hand on passengers head rest, alternating between both feet being on the accelerator and both feet on brake, throwing rambutans or durian shells out the window: KARAK HIGHWAY .... KUANTAN driver.

9. Four-wheel drive pick-up truck, READY-TO-KILL attitude, rear window stickers read "Make my day", beer cans on floor, wedding ribbon still attached to antenna: CONSTRUCTION SITE....PUCHONG driver!

10.One hand on the handphone, another hand picking nose, One leg on the dash board, another leg crossed on the seat with a beer can in the middle turning anywhere he likes, parking anywhere he likes, in fact, driving anywhere he likes. aaahhh ... this is a heaven for drivers ......welcome to PENANG! (hmmm dunno bout the one leg here and another there...but yep. it's true bout the driving anywhere they want! and they blow the horn on outstation cars whenever they can!)

Saturday, May 15, 2004

High school

Your High School(s): SMK Damansara Utama

1. nickname in high school? : kai tan, michael tan etc...

2. best subject? : English hehehe

5. worst subject? : chem!!! or was it history...

6. a teacher you owe life lessons to? :
hmmm guess each and every teacher taught me something bout life. but i really admire those who managed survived my form 4 and 5 class. what a mean and noisy bunch of ppl we were. well not me lar...those ppl. can still remember Mrs. Aw Yeang (physics) who always says: BULLSHITTTT!!!

7. a teacher you wanna kick in the ass? :All teachers are GREAT!! *GRIN*

8. form 1: hmmm quite fun. getting to know ppl who wasn't from my primary school

9. Form 2 : met more ppl. had a really dumb and immature fight with someone close. :( did quite bad.

10. Form 3 year : went to this really lau-pok class but met great friends...Ai chuet!!! hmmppph PMR year...!! well
supposed to be studying but no... managed to scrap through

11. Form 4 year : HAVING fun!!! honeymoon year!!!

12. Form 5 year : final year in school! SPM!!! *groans* results were ok. but was most proud of my 1119 english! *gRins*

13. your best friends? : kempas-ians! ai chuet, may poh, pooi yee, sue li, siew win, win hong

14. cafeteria food sucked? : i think it got better with each passing year...i miss the popiah!!!

15. most hilarious school rule? : no liquid paper allowed! still remember how ppl would hide it when there is a spotcheck. oh and also we had to line up in the hot blazing sun after recess!!! thanks to arm is 2 toned!!!

16. wore uniforms? : what to do...all government school girls had to wear that pinafore

17. how was the prom? : din go :P

18. who was prom king and queen? : heard it was yiven and shien wei

19. any achievements? : ermmm no. was low-profile in school

20. were you popular? : no way!

21. best song that reminds you of high school?: "SMDU sekolah kami, skolah kami cintai"

22. unforgettable high school crush?? hmmm dun think i had one.

23. most embarrassing moment? : erm...i sat on chewing gum in the school hall. had to walk around the whole day with it. went back home, kena from my mom. had to buy a new pinafore...whoops.

24. memory you'd like to forget about high school? : my embarassing moments lorr..

25. best memory? : got to stand right in the middle for class pictures for form 3-5

26. any regrets? : nope. oh wait...regret for not studying harder.

27. would you like your "future child" to attend your high school? : why not?

28. were the bathrooms clean? : depends when u go! sometimes clean, sometimes filthy.

ok look. i have no idea why the numbers jumped from 2 to 5. i jus saw it that way.

Friday, May 14, 2004


fine...i know it's been a long time since i blogged. but i actually wrote something last night but when i clicked publish post my internet decided to be mean and not work. honestly. i was online for hardly an hour and was nicely chatting to ppl when my msn logged out and i could not sign in. so sorry to boo... i'll send u the song another time!
ok...if i remember correctly...the first thing i wrote last night was...
YAY!!! no more assignments for the rest of the sem!!! and yea..that's the reason y i haven't blogging for the past few days. 3 more weeks till exams start. DARN. the semester's passing too quickly.
aahhh and i remember that i said i'm getting blur these days. ok fine...for those of you ppl who think i am already blur...i'm getting blur-er. maybe it's cos i was staring at the comp for the past one week for too long. maybe that's why i type wrongly sometimes when i'm chatting to ppl. like last night...i meant to say "her phone is ringing" but it came out as "her phone is raining" whooops.
had KFC for dinner last night!!! woohooooo! it's been ages since i sinked my teeth into the juicy, tender, oily fried chicken. went grocery shopping after that. nearly got a shock when Amy's groceries came to $79.32!!! and this Hui Yin bought loads of vegies. hmmm...i think it's healthy week for her. as we sat down while waiting for Chungee to come pick us up (didn't want to take the bus back since we had a trolley full of groceries!), Amy calculated that she only spent $20 for her own groceries. she spent 60 bucks on chocolates!!! 60!!! how, u ask? what did she buy??? she gave loads of business to Cadbury by buying 20 blocks of chocolates!!!!! that's like 5kg of chocs altogether that she's gonna lug in her luggage when she goes back in a month's time.
today's my relaxing day. jus had lunch with Amy. i cooked chicken today!!! well actually i'm not suppose to eat chicken or any other meat except for seafood on fridays but hehehe *nervous laugh* i'll 'ganti' back on another day.
Woohoo!! hope hui yin comes back from class hand is itching to play baddy! and can hardly wait for tonight! a few of us are having steamboat! and The Grinch is showing on tv tonight!! as for now, i'll wait till i finish my lollipop then i'll start singing out of tune to my mp3s. the reason why i'm eating a lollipop now (i shouldn't be eating cos my teeth are in bad shape) is cos i burnt my tongue jus now!!! while tasting my chicken while i was cooking.
till next time...take care and for those who's exams are coming soon...Don't stress so much! Take it easy. Eat right. Drink loads of water. Have sufficient sleep. oh gosh... i'm begining to sound like my mom now. Frank is cleaning my glass door. i can see his shadow. scared me jus now. thought wat was happening.

Monday, May 10, 2004

wah liau!!!

aahhh blogger changed their layout. made it nicer and more funkified. hahah funky. i can say that correctly. but SOMEONE last night couldn't. it came out as f*cky. and i nearly choked on my bubble tea. twice. and it was in my room while watching American Idol. LOL
the stupiak tag board is still in temporary error. it's been that way for days...temporary my foot.
hahaha spent like 2 over hours last night talking in the common room with the girls. mostly bout what our dream houses would be. whether we want it to be country like, zen like or high tech. and where would it be....seaside, a green grassy place with no birds cos they're too noisy, at the end of the road and the other couldn't possible careless where it would be.
then an idea of having a bouncing radar around the house where you activate the radar the ppl that come near would just bounce back. and it can be used to ward off the dogs that one of us will have.
one wanted a sour apple tape machine dispenser,another a sushi bar with the train going round and round, a McDonald's and a machine where you step into it, you will be dressed according to what you imagine.
goodness knows how suddenly we talked about Quidditch. how one would use a vacum cleaner to fly around, a magic carpet, a levitating space thingy and a teleporter. (they wanted me to have a flying bike like E.T. *rolls eyes*)
then came the serious subject. relationships. BAH.
while i'm on that subject... it seems like i'm always the "last to know" bout this sutff. bout who's with who and all. and i'm talking bout close friends. i always get the news from someone else and not that person. BAH. and i though we were close. BAH. BAH. BAH.
i just realised that i forgot to bring my notepad for one of my tutes. GREAT. couldn't be bothered to walk back now to get it. got a class soon.
hahaha the conversation bout the dream houses is still in my head and i can't help laughing!

Sunday, May 09, 2004


u know how u get those small cuts on your skin? the one where u have absolutely no idea what made it appear? grrr...they are small but boy, do they sting. and you go "Eh? Where did this come from? How did i get this?!?!" i get this at least once every week. how sad is that?
went to Springvale yest for lunch with the girls. my first time there. i was so close to kicking someone in the butt cos she's been there before and nearly got us lost! anyway, i woke up at like 8.25 a.m. (which i never do on a saturday) to go to Clayton to do some shopping before going to Springvale. by the time we got back from Springvale it was nearly 3. and i was beat. was suppose to do my assignment but didn't really do a small part of it till after playing solitaire online with hui yin! addictive!
woke up at 11 today. whoops. slept around 1 a.m. after watching the apprentice, a reality US show. it was pretty good. oh and they were showing this show called 'Big trouble in little China'. it was just weird and confusing but we did see a younger Kim Catrall.(did i get that right? the one from SATC)
and finally...i sort of finished one of my assignments!woohoo!!!
okie...Annie is showing on tv now. won't be able to watch the ending but i'll still watch it anyway. hmm i wonder why my left shoulder is aching....
my stupid tag board thingy has been in error for i dunno how long....BAH.

Saturday, May 08, 2004

Malaysian Idol judges named

KUALA LUMPUR: Award-winning producer and composer Roslan Aziz, popular singer Fauziah Latiff and former artiste and repertoire director of recording company Positive Tone, Paul Moss, will be the judges for the Malaysian Idol contest, set to hit the airwaves next month over 8TV.

“They have been chosen for their global outlook, credibility and personality, which are in line with the objective of Malaysian Idol – to create a platform to take creative Malaysia to the world,” said 8TV chief operating officer Ahmad Izham Omar at a press conference on Thursday.

The winner of the Malaysian version of the UK Pop Idol phenomenon will win a platinum-level recording contract with BMG and will compete against other Idol winners at the World Idol.

To date, the show has already attracted more than 8,000 applicants.

In anticipation of strong viewer interest, Ahmad Izham said, the station has increased the power of its transmission station at Bukit Besi, Kuala Lumpur, to ensure that all its key markets in the west coast will be covered.

Auditions will be held at the Penang International Sport Arena from May 12 to 14, Sarawak Tourism Complex, Kuching (May 19 to 21), Johor Tourist Information Centre, Johor Baru (May 26 to 28) and Berjaya Times Square, Kuala Lumpur (June 9 to 11).

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Fwine fwine

some ppl oh wait no. someone is complaining bout how i don't write anything but plagiarise instead! hey... i can't help it if nothing interesting happens to me. wouldn't wannna bore ppl rite?
well my marketing lecturer was asking us how we're gonna spend mother's day.
we have an assignment due on wednesday. so this guy says "How bout giving us an extension?"
and he goes "shows 3rd finger"
i think my stats lecturer is being unfair. he just took over the lecture on tuesday. and everyone was talking before the lecture started and he suddenly comes up and says that he wants us to be quiet during his lectures and was pointing at my friend whom my other friend and i were talking to. i mean hello!!! everyone else were talking! so why point at my friend?!?!
and today...halfway throught the lecture, there were so many ppl talking at the back of the lecture hall and he didn't even say a word!!! grrr...
oh during my last lecture of the week, we were told by our lecturer that there's this International Accounting Study Program for the Department of Accounting and Finance. it will be held from 5-25 January 2005 and will include formal visits to:
Paris- National Accounting Council
London- KPMG International, Accounting Standards Board and Control Risks, Hilton Hotels
Munich- Siemens, BMW
Zurich- KPMG

The program also includes organised visits to:
Heidelberg/ Rothenburg

This trip is actually an internationally focused unit. meaning that there is assesment for this. a 2 hour exam, participation in the program and a case study reflecting the substance of the visits. so in other words, if anyone participates in this program you get to travel to France, UK, Germany and Switzerland to learn about major financial service and manufacturing enterprises as well as gain experience of business and accounting practices from experts in their fields. Prospective employers view participation in such programs very favourably.
apparently, monash is the only uni that does this kinda program and has been doing so for 12 years. sounds good eh?
oh one more thing. the cost. approx $6600 including the airfares, accomadation and a few others. but there's limited space. only 26 students will be selected and to apply, i have to attach a cheque of $350 as deposit!!!
anyone wanna sponsor me?

Wednesday, May 05, 2004

Tomorrow can be too late

If you're mad with someone , and nobody's there to fix the situation... You fix it . Maybe today, that person still wants to be your friend . And if u don't, tomorrow can be too late .

If you're in love with somebody , but that person doesn't know...tell her/him. Maybe today, that person is also in love with you .And if you don't say it, tomorrow can be too late .

If you still love a person that you think has forgotten you...tell her/him. Maybe that person have always loved you. And if you don't tell her/him today , tomorrow can be too late.

If you need a hug of a friend... ask her/him for it. Maybe they need it more than you do. And if you don't ask for it today, tomorrow can be too late.

If you really have friends whom you appreciate... tell them. Maybe they appreciate you as well. That if you don't and they leave or go far away today , tomorrow can be too late.

If you love your parents, and never had the chance to show them... do it . Maybe you have them there to show them how you feel. That if you don't and they leave today , then tomorrow can be too late.

Some are easier said than done. But the least you can do is try.

Tuesday, May 04, 2004

Ways to know that you are a tightass but a true Asian in Australia

1. You wait until 8pm to phone a friend on optus freetime. (i no have optus freetime. so i miss called the person nyak nyak nyak)

2. You unwrap gifts very carefully, so you can save and reuse the wrapping. (not for reuse, a bit sayang to throw)

3. When there is a sale on toilet paper, you buy 100 rolls and store them in your closet or in the bedroom of an adult child who has moved out. (so not true ok. not in my case)

4. You save grocery bags, tin foil, and tin containers. You use the grocery bags to hold garbage. (and what's wrong with that???)

5. You hate to waste food. Even if you're totally full, if someone says they're going to throw away the leftovers on the table, you'll finish them.(Your mum will give a lecture about starving kids in Africa) (my mum doesn't give me that lecture...hui yin does!!!)

6. You have Tupperware in your fridge with three bites of rice or one leftover chicken wing. (nope, not since the last time i looked into it)

7. You don't own any real Tupperware - only a cupboard full of used but carefully rinsed margarine tubs, take out containers, and jam jars. (anyone got a problem with that? well mine's not carefully rinsed. just rinsed)

8. You have a collection of minature shampoo bottles that you take everytime you stay in a hotel. ( mom and bro has this fetish...not me)

9. You boil your water and allow it to cool to have a sterile drink. ('s just that i'm used to doing this back home)

10. You never get sick of rice (not entirely true)

11. You fight (literally) over who pays the dinner bill. (hehehe. no comments)

12. If you're under age 20, you own a Honda Civic, if you're over 20, you own a BMW. (and/or a Volvo!!!) (someone.anyone...get me a car!!!)

13. You're parents don't know how to speak softly, always yelling and washing your face with spit. (ermm no...i don't think they do that)

14. You always complain about the food, how dirty utensils and plates look at Chinese restaurants and
afterwards complain u need to do a number 2. (mmm)

16. You spend your nights and weekends on the icq chatting. (more like msn chatting...what's wrong with keeping in touch?)

17. You most likely are doing commerce or information systems at Monash or Melbourne Unis. ( did u know?)

18. You starve yourself before going to all you can eat buffet. (nope...not me)

19. You know someone who can get you a good deal on electronics, computers, mobile phones. (hmmm i must be 'deprived'...dunno any)

20. Your toothpaste tubes are all squeezed paper-thin or your parents cut the sides of the tube with scissors to get all of it out b4 its thrown out. (no way, jose!!! toothpaste tube over here is not the ordinary one but the pump one)

21. Always watch movies at the cinemas on Tuesdays. (nope..not free on tuesdays.)

22. You have this plastic covering in the hallways of the house to protect the carpets. (i have no hallway)

23. You find it hard to pronounce simple English words such as"three" into "free" or "tree". (three. free. dare u look down on me!!!)

24. You've gambled at the Crown Casino at least once and get upset when you lose 5 bucks. (din even step into the casino yet cos of this AMY.)

25. You take this message and forward it to all your Asian friends. (just to show how wrong some of these are)

Not to mention:

Asians and mobile phone accessories. (me no have any phone accessories)
Asians and dyed hair. (me no have dyed hair. think my mum would kill me if i do)
Asians and karaoke (filos) (it's fun!)
Asians and the entire population of their "Aunty" and "Uncles". (LOL)
Asians and their infatuation with either weight loss (girls) or weight gain (guys). (rite...)
Asians and breakdancing or raving
Asians and Morning Glory, Whitehouse, City etc...
Asians and flares
Asians and chunky headphones to look cool (hahah the 3 phones!!!)
Asians and sticker photos

ok...some of them are true and some are not. in my case, that is.
well i've got this 2 hour break. usually i go home and eat lunch and watch tv. but the sky was looking a bit gloomy and dark and it's quite windy. so decided to stay back at uni.
Currently, it's 15.6 degrees with a humidity of 65.5% and the wind is blowing from the north-west at a speed of 13.3 km/h.
yes...u can tell i'm a bit bored.

Monday, May 03, 2004

it's over's over. had a mid semester test just now. it's worth 15%. 20 multiple choice questions. 20.for 15%.
and i think i'm gonna flunk it. REALLY REALLY REALLY flunk it.
my comp is still acting up again. it's being mean to me. gonna do some major "operation" to it when i get back. scared to do it on my own...who knows what other problems it will give me!
wish i was back home today. tonight.

"Practice makes perfect, but nobody's perfect. So why practise?" by Sylvia

Why do fat chance and slim chance mean the same thing?

Sunday, May 02, 2004


i'm pissed.

pissed at myself.

pissed that i don't get lots of things.

pissed at my computer.

pissed at the weather.

pissed that it's raining and cold.

pissed that i'm missing someone.

pissed because the weather made me this way.

enough with the pissing...

If God had a Name,
what would it be and
would You call it to His face
if You were faced
with Him in all His Glory,
what would you ask
if You had just One Question...

and Yeah, yeah
God is Great
Yeah, yeah
God is Good
Yeah, yeah
yeah yeah yeah

What if God was one of Us?
Just a slob like one of Us?
Just a Stranger on a bus, trying to make His
way Home...

If God had a Face,
what would it look like and
would You want to See
if seeing meant that
You would have to Believe
in things like
Heaven and in Jesus and the Saints
and all the Prophets

and Yeah, yeah
God is Great
Yeah, yeah
God is Good
Yeah, yeah
yeah yeah yeah

What if God was one of Us?
Just a slob like one of Us?
Just a Stranger on a bus,
trying to make His way Home...

Tryin' to make his way Home
Back up to Heaven all alone...
Nobody callin' on the phone
'Cept for the Pope maybe in Rome...

and Yeah, yeah
God is Great
Yeah, yeah
God is Good
Yeah, yeah
yeah yeah yeah

What if God was one of Us?
Just a slob like one of Us?
Just a Stranger on a bus,
trying to make His way Home...
just tryin to make his way home...
Just like a holy rolling stone...

Think about that.