Wednesday, June 30, 2004

The Sixth book of Harry Potter

It's official. The title for the sixth book is "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince".
The paperback comes out Aug. 10 with a first printing of 2 million.

So people..take note of the date! and remind me!!!

Monday, June 28, 2004

The Da Vinci Code

'PHI. The Divine Proportion. one-point-six-one-eight to one.'

'He (Da Vinci) was the first to show that the human body is literallymade of building blocks whoose proportional ratios always equal PHI.'

'Measure the distance from the tip of your head to the floor. Then divide that by the distance from your belly button to the floor. Guess what number you get.'

'PHI. Measure the distance from your fingertips and then divide it by the distance from your elbow to the fingertips.PHI again. Another? Hip to floor divided by knee to floor. PHI again. Finger joints. Toes. Spinal divisions. PHI. PHI. PHI. My friends, each one of you is a walking tribute to thew Divine Proportion.

am currently two-thirds into this book. it's so interesting that i always can't put the book down. i recomend it to everyone but you have to remember, this book is fiction.

went to mid valley today to meet up with Jenny and had lunch.'s just so nice to talk to someone you haven't seen for months.

had to do some grocery shopping for my dad since we got caught in this massive jam on the way back. so i had to drive, ALONE (yipeeeee) to get milk etc... since his excuse was that he had to cook rice yada yada yada and also cos he and mom is going out later to church. everytime also he goes to church. HMPH. in my opinion, i think driving through a jam with a manual car is not a good idea. think his left leg is sore. so anyway...i drove by myself, everything was fine and as i was goin back i heard this "PAK. PAK" sound. i got a shock and the first thing that came to my mind was, "TOOT! Did i burst a tyre???". GREAT. so quickly went home and started looking at the tyres and kicked it. hmmmm it looked ok. called my dad to take a look...nothing wrong. SIGH. worry for nothing.

Sunday, June 27, 2004

A day of roti babi and nangka

after church this morning my dad took my mom and i to some kopitiam in KL. had roti babi (pork bread)! for those of you who are goin.."HUH?! What the...?" it's this deep fried bread with filling made from onions, pork, crab meat and whatever which are stir fried. YUMMY. my dad's fave. we usually can only find it in Penang but that stall closed down a few years ago. apparently my grandma can make a bloody good roti babi. but sadly, no one learnt that from her. i think.

after that we jalan-jalan at KLCC. malaysia is FOREVER on sale. i thought that the mega sale was over...mana tahu just now so many shops were having discounts and stuff. and MNG in Isetan was having this huge sale and of course it was packed. they even had to barricade that area and had ppl to "direct human traffic" by making sure there was just one way to go into the area and one way to get out. even the security guard were like guarding the place, making sure no one hid anything in their bags and all. don't even know what's the big HOOHAH bout it.

then we were kinda tired and the shops there were just about the same as the shops that's in 1 UTAMA. so on the way back, my dad said "EH. you wanna go pasar malam or not???" yea hui yin and amy...pasar malam is night market. in the end we did go. my dad and i. i drove. soooooooooooooo many ppl. sooooooooooo much food. but the main reason was to buy some nangka (jackfruit...ur fave hui yin!). there was this lady who wanted 8 packets from one stall so my dad went to another place. came said, "Not sweet also." dad said, "Not sweet one". I thought, "OK what. quite nice." *shrugs*

while we were walking my dad suddenly pointed out to a familiar face nearby and said , "EH. your friend. that's the one i saw lar the other day!" (he said that while he was walking/exercising he saw someone who looked and smiled at him. he was wondering who it was and asked me. my dad is very bad at describing ppl, hence i didn't have a clue who he saw.)i saw my friend. old friend. dad was like, "EH. go say hello. your friend." i had to smack him like 3 times before he kept quiet. when she was nearing me she looked somewhere else so i also looked somewhere else when we passed each other. "She's with her boyfriend" he pointed out. YES. i know. "That one, long time never talk to each other already. no need to talk to already."

i'm stuffed. had ampang yong tau foo for dinner!!! yummmmmmmm yummmmm.... so ams...had ur yong tau foo already?

Saturday, June 26, 2004


it's been one week since i've been back. knew it was gonna be hot here but how hot is was gonna be i didn't know. well it's actually not THAT hot once i got used to it. these few days have been cloudy so it's not too bad. and why is it cloudy? HAZE. from Sumatera. fire. haze. smelly. cloudy. good excuse for me to not get dragged out of bed at 7 in the morning to go for walkies. nyek nyek nyek.

ironically though, i used to be able to sleep till like 10 something in the morning. but, for the past week i've been awake before 9.30. i even woke up at 8 the morning after i came back. hmm... this must have been a result of waking up at around 9 each morning for 2 over weeks when exams started. DARN. can't even sleep longer if i wanted to.

spent the week "running around". well mainly, went to change my driver's licence, had a dental check-up (luckily no need to do anything this time), went to 1 Utama like 3 times? to have lunch or dinner with my parents, had roti canai or rather roti telur with my dad yest morning! (with me driving of course) of course...i had to tarpau for my mom who couldn't wake up thanks to the cough mixture.
my cousin from Penang is over here. well not here here as in my house here. he started uni at University of Malaya or Malayan Uni (i have no idea what's the REAL name). below was the conversation my mom, aunt and i had while pigging out during Father's Day celebration at some hotel.

Mom to me: Your aunt said that he was pulling such a long face when other cousin came to pick him up and ur aunt to go to the bus station. Seems that he's not happen. Last minute only he made up his mind.
Me: Pull long face for what?
Aunt: Yalor... Lucky he got that uni. it's a good uni.
Me: He CHOSE to come. So y should he be unhappy?
Mom: Doing biotech was not his first choice wurt. He wanted to do pharmacy at USM, Penang. Third choice was medicine.
Me: (mumbling) i also didn't get my first choice wat. cannot get first choice so have to take the next best thing.
At this point of time, mom looked at me as if to say that " See lar. don't wanna study."
Mind you, my cousin actually got straight A's for his STPM. and STILL he didn't get his first choice. dad said that if medicine was his 1st choice he would have gotten it. but tooo bad. a bit screwed up i think. by right if u get straight A's you should be able to get into the course that you want right? so he appealed i think. and my mom told him bout some IMU scholarship and he applied for it.

the next issue was that, he's not really happy staying in that residential college. why?
1. Have to share with 2 other strangers.
2. Small room (HEY. you think what? there's no residential college that has big rooms)
3. Have to take his valuables with him when he goes to the toilet. MAFAN.
so mom and dad offered our house since we have a spare room and also since he's my mom's sister's son (got it?). the only hitch is that he has to take like 2 or more buses and the LRT to get to his uni from our place. so now, he's staying with his dad's sister. apparently the uni has buses going there.

my mom told me that my grandma was worried. he would have to take care of himself, wash his clothes, do things by himself, walk here walk there. my mom was like, "HELLO?! So what? my children also have to do all those. somemore i have a daughter! he's a BOY. no need to worry so much." okok that was not EXACTLY what she said but it's something like that, in cantonese.

been watching DVD's as well. 50 First Dates (so touching!), Scoody doo 2 (weird storyline but still funny), Taking Lives (michelle was so smart to watch that while alone at home and at night somemore), and 3/4 of Kill Bill 2 (a bit the gruesome for must watch it in parts). waiting for spiderman 2 to come out. now must go find ppl to watch with. who wanna watch??? think i'll just go get the DVD of Shrek 2. apparently it's quite nice!!!
according to my bro who could not STOP talking bout the puss in boots fella.

k...think i've babbled enough. the sky is very deceiving. looks like it's gonna rain but not sure whether it will really rain. oh speaking of raining...was watching Malaysian Idol last night, Auditions at Johor Bahru. gosh...this woman was singing ,quite horribly, when i heard thunder. and it poured like mad! it was so windy... heh. looks like i'm not the only rainmaker. and i'm positive i saw this malay girl who looks familiar. she was ....crying. that could only mean that can't sing. good enough. for the judges.

think i'll stop. my laptop is giving me dad a headache. plenty of adware and shareware thingys in there. hehehe...whoops. don't know what i did. so "Michelle has been hogging my comp. Last month my bro was hogging. Then when your brother comes back also he's gonna hog my comp," direct quotation from me dad. hehehe the only bad thing bout his comp is that the keyboard is bloody noisy. oh and the monitor is not LCD :P but it's got GREAT speakers. i better blast it off before my bro comes back and forbids me to do that.

ok...toodles. think i shall go make some popcorn. wanna eat something sweeeeeet.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

Queen of Klutziness

gosh. today was just weird. no, it has nothing to do with the fact that it's father's day. just that i was pretty clumsy today. i'm becoming like hui yin!!! NOOOOO! jus kidding. dun bash me.
first of all, i nearly got cut by a knife. it fell from the holder and bounced on the floor near my foot. luckily i moved my foot away in the right direction before it could hurt me in any way. dare not tell my mom....later sure kena from her. i'll never hear the end of it.
this was a short conversation between me and my mom.
"Eh mommy. Your marble floor downstairs is too smooth."
*Mom continues putting some cream on her face*
"Too smooth."
"Why? You fell down is it?"
"Yeah... first i fell on my knees and then i went down on my bum."

and that is how i got this "or-chen" or whatchama call black. 2 blue blacks on the same knee. geeze. and my bum was hurting a bit. *embarassed look*

next, went for Hi-Tea at some hotel. occassion? well, it's Father's Day. so ate with my aunt, uncle and cousin. the food was not bad. the bad part? let's see, a piece of watermelon went flying off the plate of fruits i was sharing with my dad. he made me pick it up. bleah... then let's see, went to get some bread pudding for my dad. managed to get this nice piece on the serving spoon and guess what happens next? michelle decided to sent that piece flying down to the floor as well. SO MALU! it was so noticeable, so i quickly took whatever and ran back to the table. goodness...

well after we ate till we were stuffed, we decided to go. so my mom said to my dad. "Eh. Go and pay." cos she saw my uncle walking towards the counter. my dad was sitting comfortably and stared at her when she said that. my aunt said, "Eh. Father's day. You're asking him to pay?!" and all of us just stopped and laughed! then of course my mom went to pay. but really... where does the money come from? my dad. so what's the diff? then i said that if we buy presents, we're using dad's money. then she said, "What bout ur ang pow money?!?!" "It's in the bank."

i saw a bit of Malaysian Idol just now. some were really terrible. some were not bad. there was this guy who kept using his right hand as a mike and doing some funny actions with his other hand while closing his eyes. if he had his eyes opened, he would have seen the pained look on one of the judges face.

well hope you're all enjoying yourselves not unless you still have more exams to go.

Friday, June 18, 2004

And that's a wrap.

finally. exams are over!!!! WOOOHOOOO!!!! *takes a deep breath* sigh. semester 1 has officially ended for me. time is passing fast. too fast. i'm halfway through my degree now. just seems like yesterday only when i was a first year.

i don't get it. you spent loads of time preparing something, and in an instant it's gone. take for example, cooking. you spent time cutting, chopping, washing whatever indgredients you need. then you cook it and serve it. and the best part is of course, eating it. and some ppl (no one in particular) just gobbles it down in minutes and finishes it off with a burp (ok, that was a tad bit disgusting). isn't it ironic? you spent so much time and effort into something and when you finally put it to use, it's over in just a matter of time. it's like studying for an exam. you spent days, weeks on your subjects and a 2 or 3 hour exam determines whether you pass or not. whether you've learned anything. i guess life is just like that eh? all these are to prepare us for the future maybe?

i saw a rainbow while i was waiting for the train to get home. nice nice! what a sight to see when u just finished your exam.

i have stuff to do. packing, mainly. by tomorrow night, i would be home. home sweet home. and yesterday, i thought that i couldn't find my malaysian handphone sim card. i got so frustrated, scolding myself for me so absent minded. it's been happening quite often lately. i was "cursing" for like 10 mins while i searched my luggage and other bags inside out and looking around my closet floor (just in case it dropped there or something). i was on the verge of smsing my bro to ask him to look around his place, don't ask me why. i guess i was just desperate. it's not like the sim card is a prepaid one's a line. so i decided to look into my small bag and i missed looking at one zipped compartment. and yep. it was there. PHEW. huge relief i must say. then, i started wondering whether i put the buttons that i need my mom to sew for me . again, i panicked when i couldn't find it. was in yet another zipped compartment. gosh...all these zipped compartments, love them or hate them?

hope i'll be fine during the flight tomorrow. 8's bad enough. not to mention that my butt will be aching. but at least, i'm goin back with Felicia! company! i pity her since she's gonna sit next to me. i'm a pain to sit with. you never know what might happen to me. yes ppl... i get AIR-SICK. it's always when we're flying over Indonesia that it's a bit scary, for me that is. only my mom can stand sitting next to me. she will look over my direction every now and then and ask "Are u ok?" with a concerned look. makes me feel like a lil child. *begining to be in a childish mood. BEWARE.* lalalalala.... darn. how i wish i was still a child. oh well...hopefully tomorrow i'll feel like one again? :P

well, to all those who still have exams to get over and done with, i wish you ALL THE BEST! and for those who are not going back home, HAVe FUN wherever you are and TAKE CARE! and no... don't think it's possible for me to ta- pau for you durians, char koay teow, curry mee or anything for that matter. and some of you...STOP SAYING THAT I ALWAYS GO BACK DURING THE HOLS!!! cannot is it?!?! of course i must go's my dad's birthday. well technically, i will arrive back in Melb on his actual birthday...but what to do? all monash's fault. they start a week earlier. hmphy hmph hmph. phooey. bleach. *crosses arm and pouts*

well hope that i won't fry or bake when i'm back. heard it's pretty hot. and it's cold here. what a contrast. oh well... we complain when it's too hot and when it's too cold. we're never satisfied. human nature i suppose. *shrugs* or is it just me? *raises one eyebrow*

ok...think i've talked too much. keep me updated you guys! mail me or something! or whatever...
till next time....CIAO!

i'll leave you know with a nice song that might put some ppl to sleep but nevertheless a really soothing and nice song to me. go download it!

Sarah Brightman- Tú quieres volver

tú me pierdes la razón
no digas nada
siempre siempre serán los dos
aquella noche
y por la calle
lo mismo será.

Tú quieres volver y no te veo más
tú quieres volver y no me siento na.
Tú quieres volver y no te veo más
tú quieres volver y no me siento na.

Tú quieres volver y no te veo más
tú quieres volver y no me encuentro más.
Tú quieres volver y no te veo más
tú quieres volver y no me encuentro más.

Yo pienso aquel día
lo mismo que ayer,
lo mismo será.

Yo pienso aquel día
lo mismo que ayer,
lo mismo pensa.

Tú quieres volver y no te veo más
tú quieres volver y no me encuentro más.
Tú quieres volver y no te veo más
tú quieres volver y no me encuentro más.

Translation (You want to return)

you make me lose reason,
don't say anything
always, always it will be the two of us
we know
that night
and in the street
the same thing will be.

You want to return and I don't see you anymore
you want to return and I don't feel anything.
You want to return and I don't see you anymore
you want to return and I don't feel anything.

You want to return and I don't see you anymore
you want to return and I can't find myself anymore.
You want to return and I don't see you anymore
you want to return and I can't find myself anymore.

I think that day,
the same thing as yesterday,
the same thing will be.

I think that day,
the same thing as yesterday,
the same thinking.

You want to return and I don't see you anymore
you want to return and I can't find myself anymore.
You want to return and I don't see you anymore
you want to return and I can't find myself anymore.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004


Do you know what is family?
Do you really understand what is behind the word family? It gives me a shock when I know the answer.
After so long I've never realize that I don't know the real
meaning of family..........

Here Is The Answer ......... FAMILY >


WHY does a man want to have a WIFE? Because:

WHY does a woman want to have a HUSBAND? because:

Do you know that a simple "HELLO" can be a sweet one?
Especially from your loved ones. (I mean not only from
The word HELLO means :
(H)ow are you?
(E)verything all right?
(L)ike to hear from you
(L)ove to see you soon!
(O)bviously, I miss you

HELLO everyone!!!

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Sushi....sushi and more sushi

phew! it's been an enjoyable but tiring day. we: amy, jun, hui yin and felicia, were in the common room since 10 this morning until 2. and just what were we doing? having a japanese day! we were making sushi and tempura. we had crabstick, egg, tuna, avocado, mushrooms and cucumber (yucks) for the sushi. our master roller, felicia, was having fun doing the sushi! and i was doing the inari, beancurd skin. meanwhile, jun and hui yin were doing the tempura: sweet potatoes, eggplant and crabsticks. while we were making it, we were eating it as well. so goodness knows how much i've actually eaten! and we kept swaping places to cook so the rest could eat. and after a while, the 4 of us were just seating down eating and making more sushi rolls and cutting it while amy, the official washer was well...washing up some of the stuff. ugh. i'm stuffed now.
if anyone looks into the common room fridge now, they will see 2 plates full of sushi, a plate of tempura i think and a lime flavoured jelly that felicia just made. all of that is for dinner later. and of course, they are all DELICIOUS! yummy yummy yummy i got sushi in my tummy.
oh while we were clearing up, jun mentioned something. we cooked like 11 cups of rice. and only 6 people ate. so far. whoops. that is a LOT of rice.
last night hui yin and i were in the common room trying to "study". we ended up talking with an indian accent. in fact, we jus did not too long ago as well. it's very fun and hillarious. u should try it, not unless you already have an indian accent that is.
it's cloudy today. and the wind...oh my gosh! blowing like nobody's business. hope it doesn't rain later. if not, felicia and i have to walk in the strong winds and rain! oh... now it's sunny. weird weather. nothing unusual actually.
as for now, i'm going to rest. they are showing miss universe 2004 on tv. again. i watched it already. yawn.
i think i shall just sit and rest. oh wait. i have to clean my kitchen. and my toilet. darn.

Saturday, June 12, 2004

1 more to go

aahhhh...jus one more exam to go. and it had to be on friday. so i have like a week? to study.
YAY!!! i watched Harry Potter yesterday. and like a true asian, the 4 of us started queueing (did i get that rite?) up. mind you...we bought the tickets last week. the movie was free seating so since we didn't wanna end up sitting right in front. and yep...we were the first in line. the movie was not bad. quite good. ron was REALLY REALLY funny!!! as usual...
UGH! i've been waking up at 7 on thursday and friday. it's bloody cold at that time. and yesterday...when i looked out the window i could hardly see anything! it was foggy everywhere! and freezing cold as well.

Here's something to entertain you....


1. Look at your zipper. See the initials YKK? It stands for
Yoshida Kogyo Kabushibibaisha, the world's largest zipper

2. A raisin dropped in a glass of fresh champagne will bounce up
and down continuously from the bottom of the glass to the top.

3. A duck's quack doesn't echo. No one knows why.

4. 40 percent of McDonald's profits come from the sales of Happy

5. 315 entries in Webster's 1996 Dictionary were misspelled.

6. On the average, 12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents daily.

7. Chocolate kills dogs! True, chocolate affects a dog's heart
and nervous system. A few ounces is enough to kill a small sized
dog. (oh dear...)

8. Most lipstick contains fish scales. (hmmm...)

9. Ketchup was sold in the 1830's as a medicine. (i love ketchup.)

10. Leonardo da Vinci could write with one hand and draw with the other at the same time.

11. Because metal was scarce, the Oscars given out during World
War II were made of wood.

12. There are no clocks in Las Vegas gambling casinos. (wonder why...hehehe)

13. Leonardo da Vinci invented scissors. Also, it took him 10
years to paint Mona Lisa's lips.

14. Bruce Lee was so fast that they actually had to slow a film
down so you could see his moves. That's the opposite of the norm.

15. The original name for the butterfly was "flutterby"!

16. By raising your legs slowly and lying on your back, you can't sink in quicksand.

17. Mosquito repellents don't repel. They hide you. The spray
blocks the mosquito's sensors so they don't know you're there.

18. Dentists recommend that a toothbrush be kept at least six feet away from a toilet to avoid airborne particles resulting from the flush. (ewwwwwwwwwww...)

19. The first product to have a bar code was Wrigley's gum.

20. The first owner of the Marlboro company died of lung cancer. (HAH! i wonder why again...)

21. Michael Jordan makes more money from Nike annually than all of the Nike factory workers in Malaysia combined.

22. Marilyn Monroe had six toes on one foot.

23. Adolf Hitler's mother seriously considered having an abortion but was talked out of it by her doctor. (darn...)

24. The three most valuable brand names on earth: Marlboro,
Coca-Cola, and Budweiser, in that order. (great...don't like any of those)

25. "Stewardesses" is the longest word that can be typed with only the left hand.

26. To escape the grip of a crocodile's jaws, prick your fingers into its eyeballs. It will let you go instantly. (well, i hope i won't have any contact wiht a croc to begin with.)

27. A mathematical wonder: 111,111,111 multiplied by 111,111,111 gives the result 12, 345, 678, 987, 654, 321. (hahah i actually know this...)

28. The most common name in the world is Mohammed.

29. The average person falls asleep in seven minutes.

30. The "pound" (#) key on your keyboard is called an octothorp.

31. The only domestic animal not mentioned in the Bible is the

32. Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated.

33. The average person's left hand does 56% of the typing.

34. "Dreamt" is the only word in the English language that ends in "mt".

35. It's impossible to sneeze with your eyes open. (so true)

36. In Chinese, the KFC slogan "finger lickin' good" comes out as "eat your fingers off". (REALLY??? someone translate for me!!!)

37. A cockroach can live for 10 days without a head. (YUCKS! make sure you smack the whole entire thing. NO MERCY.)

38. European women didn't wear underwear until the 1900's. (yikes!)

39. We shed 40 pounds of skin a lifetime. (oooo)

40. Yo-Yos were once used as weapons in the Philippines. (oooo i have a weapon)

41. Coca-Cola can be used as car oil.

42. Mexico City sinks abut 10 inches a year. (bye bye)

43. Brains are more active sleeping than watching TV.

44. Blue is the favorite color of 80 percent of Americans. (are u sure it's only Americans???)

45. When a person shakes their head from side to side, he is saying"yes" in Sri Lanka. (don't Indians do tht as well?)

46. There are more chickens than people in the world.

47. It's against the law in Iceland to have a dog.

48. The thumbnail grows the slowest, and the middle nail grows the fastest. (aaahhh ok...)

49. The only word in the English Language with all vowels in
reverse order is "subcontinental".

50. There are more telephones than people in Washington, D.C.

51. Beethoven poured ice water over his head before he composed.

52. In Pakistan, it's rude to show your feet.

53. 90% of those read till this line are very free.... are you?

Tuesday, June 08, 2004

1 down...

yesterday was my first paper, data modelling and computing. i was actually not very keen on taking this subject but had no choice. well, it didn't turn out as bad as i thought it would be and the exam wasn't too bad either.
got another one on thursday and yet another one on friday. can't wait for the week to be over.
hmmm...i should be studying at this very moment, but i'm "resting". had to much to eat for lunch....this is not good, not good at all.
OH! yesterday after my exam, Su-Li and i went back together. i dunno why but Clayton is quite a big campus and yet we still have our exams at the Caulfied Racecourse. mind you...there were no horses there yesterday but i couldn't really tell since i was on the 1st level and they covered up the windows. although... i did see a horse running around last year. and someone jogging and people going round the racecourse doing goodness knows what. okok...i know some of you might be thinking, "this person...go there for exam or to 'sight-see'?" hey, i can't help it if i happen to see all these when i look up.
anyway...we went back in a new train!!! so exciting!!! okok now... before you start to think that we are some weirdos, it's jus that we're so used to taking the old train. this new train is much smoother and nicer. with better doors. well it jus gives a nicer feeling. and i just noticed how quiet it is in the train.
well...ALL THE BEST to everyone for ALL YOUR EXAMS!!!

Thursday, June 03, 2004

the end of Semester One 2004

semester 1 2004 has ended. for me that is. it's been 13 weeks. 13 weeks of studying, with assignments due in between here and there and with sucky tests as well. and for the next 2 weeks, i have 4 exams for which i am being put to the test to see what i have learned for the past 13 weeks. SIGH.
i'm quite tired now. too tired to study. nvm i have the whole day tomorrow to study. and saturday. and sunday. SIGH.

oooo i feel so stupid. just now i went for an earlier lecture so that i can finish early. was able to go for the earlier lecture since my other lecture was not on. so i happily walked into the lecture theatre. thinking how early i was. sat there. looked around and noticed that there weren't many ppl around. then i looked around and noticed that i didn't really recognise most of the ppl there. then i saw a familiar face or two. 1.05 came. eh??? where's Lynn? where's everyone else? i was busy smsing with booo and hui yin when Lynn sent me this msg: "do u noe that the lecture is in R4?" the moment i read that, i jumped up from the seat and walked to the correct lecture theatre. i was actually tailing another girl who turned around and asked me if this is where the lecture was. went in the LT only to find it FULL of students and the lecture had already started. a few mins after i settled in, the familiar face i saw in the other LT came into the LT. whoops. as you might have guessed, we went to the wrong LT. hmph. so MALU.

nyway, went to Chadstone just now. for those of you who don't know, it's this shopping mall near my place. went there after class with hui yin. was suppose to meet Amy and Syl but they only got there at like 6pm. so before they came hui yin and i went shopping. bought 2 pairs of jeans which were like half priced! well it was priced at 39.99 but i was charged 15 bucks for it!!! I"M SO HAPPYYYY!!! I"M OVER THE MOON!!! oh btw, it's a full moon out there tonight!

ooo can't wait for june the 11th!!! i would be having my 3rd paper by then. but the good news is that.... we bought tickets to see Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban!!1 WOHOOOOOOO!!!!!

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

it's my life

10 Years Ago, I...
1. i was 10.
2. moved from JB to KL
3. had a bit of difficulty adjusting to new environment
4. got to know a whole bunch of friends but sadly, not very close to them anymore except for maybe 2 or 3?

5 Years Ago, I...
1. was in form 3. PMR year
2. was put in this laupok class
3. met my good friend Ai Chuet
4. watched my cousin get married (i think)

3 Years Ago, I...
1. last year of secondary school
2. SPM YEAR!!!
3. wondered y i chose to study in the science stream
4. didn't like some of my classmate's behaviour towards a teacher

A Year Ago, I...
1. "spread my wings" and came to melbourne
2. met Hui Yin, Jun, Sang, Thilini, Deron, Vyron, Lynn, Su-Li, Tim and few other ppl who are now close friends
3. couldn't believe that i was on my own over here
4. took the bus more times in a year, than i have in my whole life

This Year, I...
1. got to know more ppl that make my life even better (Amy, Syl...)
2. have become insane
3. had my heart broken?
4. lost my uncle

Yesterday, I....
1. got "scolded" by somebody for not changing to a thicker jacket when i went back during my break
2. watched the nanny, ET, deal or no deal, simpsons, neighbours, everybody loves raymond, becker, miriam
3. had dinner with hui yin and amy
4. studied a bit with hui yin and amy

Today, I ....
1. am hungry now
2. saw Jun walking back at 8.45 am! she went swimming!
3. didn't understand much from my tutorial
4. have to call home

Tomorrow I will...
1. go for lectures
2. maybe go grocery shopping?
3. disturb everyone

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

first day of winter

it's the 1st of june. begining of winter. and what other way to "welcome" winter than to have wintery weather today. the weather was similar to the one we had yesterday. jus take the sun shining out of the picture and that's the weather we had today. oh and put in stronger and colder winds. aaaahhh...there you have it. that's melbourne for you.
you know how we always say how time is passing too quickly. we always say that when assignments are due soon, when exams or tests are coming up, when we're having too much fun that we don't want it to end and etc. have you ever been in one or more situation where you were wishing time would just pass quickly? like when we're in a boring lecture and we just can't wait for it to be over.
or, have you been in a position where you wish time just stood still? so that the moment would just last forever?
ever counted how many times you have waited for things to happen? i totally agree with hui yin each and everytime when she says "We spend half of our life waiting for something." that is so totally true. it's either we're waiting for the bus to come, or for our friends to hurry up and get ready while the rest waits for that person (not talking of anyone in particular), waiting for loads of other stuff to happen.
i don't understand how one can sleep for more than 12 hours a day. there's only 24 hours a day. sleeping for more than 12 hours only leaves you with 12 hours to do whatever you're suppose to do. so basically, life is short. ENJOY LIFE. TODAY. since we don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow. you never know...
thank you for taking time off to read my ramblings. i really appreciate it.
and in case you were wondering, no. i didn't watch "the day after tomorrow." well, some ppl wanted to me to post something for them to read. so....there. take care peeps!