Monday, October 31, 2005

Here You Go...

Sorry Malf. Forgot to post the pic. Meant to put it up last week but just got a bit busy.
Here it is:
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This is suppose to be the "finger puppets" that I was supposed to receive from Malf. There's even a price tag there: RM 12 from Hai-O.
Go figure.

Halfway There

2 down. 2 more to go.
Today's paper was really bad. I had no freaking idea what the answers were. Sure, it was multiple choice but the bad part is that there was negative marking! So no random guesses.

And that's all I have to say.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Exam Exam Exam

The first week of the exam has ended.
And all I've gone through is one paper which I have no idea how to rate it. Whether it was tough or not.

3 more papers to go next week.

Daylight saving starts tomorrow which means that I will lose an hour of sleep/studying.

Halloween on the 31st.
All Saint's Day on the 1st.
All Soul's Day on the 2nd.
My exams:

Can't wait!

Gotta run...have to call MAS bout my flight back.

Saturday, October 22, 2005

My 21st

*knock knock knock*
*knock knock knock*
I wake up with a jolt. With my heart pounding, synchronised with the knocks.
*what the...* was all I could think of.
Now I know how Amy feels to be disturbed in her sleep.
I see someone that looks remotely like Felicia at my door (wasn't wearing my specs...).
"I lost my key. Can you give me the spare key?" she said.
"Mmm" I mumbled.
As I search for her key in my messy drawer, I hear a chorus of people singing "Happy Birthday to youuuuuuuuuuuuu..." You know the rest of the song.
*slaps forehead*
There they were, standing at my doorway with a cake.

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Do you know what's the first thought to run through my mind? It was how everyone was dressed exactly like they were earlier in the night while I was in my pyjammas. Meaning that, in all the photos, I'm in my pyjammas. So we ate the cake, yakked for a while. Got a call from Lynn, thanks!!! And all this while I was still half asleep. That is until they left. Was wide awake then. So I decided to look at the photo album they gave me with captions and photos. Someone spelt my chinese name wrongly!!!
So only managed to drift of to sleep again at 3 something only to be woken up at 9 something with an sms. Followed by a call from my parents.
I would like to express my thanks and gratitude to my friends and hostelmates (in no apparent order): Yin, Amy, Syl, Felicia, Thilini and Sangee. Thank you so much. I have to say that it was a surprise and I didn't suspect anything. Which means that you guys are great actresses! I have to be careful now... Thanks for the presents, the memories...everything! Love you guys!
Thank you Lynn, Su-Li and Tim for the card and voucher from Borders!!!
Thank you Winky for the sms and sorry to disappoint you but you didn't wake me up. Better try next time...
Thank you Sue Ling bue ling for the "Woo hoo" card. Some people are so observant! Meet up soon yah! Winky... you too.
Thank you Melanie! I'm touched you remembered my bday! Miss ya!
Thank you Jenny Menny for waking me up this morning. Wonder if you still read my blog...Missing you too!
Thank you Daddy for smsing me! I sure do hope you're not reading this. And for calling me after that to sing to me! Thank you Mommy for sounding so funny on the line (since you're sick. I thought u just woke up like me). Thank you for the card!
Thank you koko for smsing me too eventhough you called me at 11 pm last night to wish me in advance in case you forgot to call me today.
Ai Chuet!!! Thank you! We have to meet up soon!
TJ. Who wished me the moment I came online. Thank you.
Christineeeee! Thanks for the birthday wish!
To Jamie who I haven't seen since schooling days and who I've known since I was 10. Thank you for the wishes.
To Joleen, yet another old friend since young. Was surprised to hear from you but nevertheless thank you!
Thanks Steph! But so far none of my wishes came true yet!
Thanks May for calling me! On the right day this time!
To everyone else who I have forgotten to mention, thank you!!!
And for the rest of you whom I didn't hear from...what happened?! LOL. I'm just kidding... You still have 7 more hours to wish me. Ok, I'm just kidding. Seriously.
I would also like to thank friendster for having that nifty birthday reminders.
I feel very blessed to have such a great family and wonderful friends.
And just like I and everyone predicted, no one got me anything from my birthday list. Hahaha...
Turning 21 ain't that bad. Age is but a number. As long as I'm a child at heart.
ALL THE BEST for those who are sitting for examinations! We can do it! For some of you it will be your final exams of your uni life, you're nearly there! And I'm not happy cos some of you will be leaving me!!!

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Ain't I pretty...Thanks Ams.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

The Sky

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This was taken atop some roof in my uni (I'm guessing it's the humanities building since it's the highest).

I like.

I'm a bit blur at the moment. Finishing up the crap assignment. I don't care already.
I'm half alseep. I took a lil nap in Amy's car.
I'm currently in this mood where I enjoy listening to errr what genre of music is it. Easy listening? Since that's what it was under in the shop.
I'm now listening to Patrizio Buanne on my stereo. Next in line is Amici.
They sound like Il Divo.
Ok, if you still have no idea who I'm talking about... Too bad.

Excuse me. I'm just a bit sleepy.

Monday, October 17, 2005

Stupid assignment. I have no idea on what to write. Those who knows ABAP progamming, HELP. I guess interpreting the codes are better than writing a program.
I feel like going for a walk. I wanna go to the park and just sit. But on second thought, I wanna watch tv.
Sigh. It's already the last week of the semester. Which means that exams are coming up. Which means that I should be studying. But not when I still have the assignment to do. I'll just write some crap about it I suppose.
Spring is finally here. It's going to be hot for the next few days. It was really terrible today.
The sun is shining. There are no clouds. But it's too hot.
Still feel like going for a walk. Oh wait. Scratch that. Lizzie McGuire has started. I need my entertainment.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Lost and Found (Part 2)

I'm so happyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
My pencil is not lost after all!
No, it wasn't hiding somewhere on my messy table.
It's with my friend.
YAY! Happiness.
Once again, I know it's just a pencil but it has sentimental value.
Time to go for church.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Lost and Found

I lost my purple Pilot mechanical pencil. I had it since secondary school. Soooooooo sad.
You know the saying, "You lose some and you find some." Or is that just a saying that isn't really a saying? I don't know. I can't think at the moment.

I found a USB thumbdrive yesterday. And a pencil box today.
I want my pencil back. Hmph.

Yes. My life is this boring. That the only thing I have to complain about now is my pencil. And my assignment. Exams. The weather. Yadayadayada

Have a good weekend.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Too Early

I was busy doing something and was not able to answer my phone when my friend called. Then, an sms came from her. Gosh. This is the first time in history that I've gotten a birthday wish. In advance. LOL. Thanks though dear.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

The Green Heart

This is a good Techno Finger Tip that makes this green heart turn pink before your very eyes.
You can try it for yourself by drawing a heart on a white background in any computer paint program.Fill it with a green colour. For the colour change to work, you have to stare at the heart for about thirty seconds, and then delete it, so that you're left with just a plain white screen.When the heart disappears, you should see a floating after image of the heart in the correct colours!

The reason:
As you stare, the colour receptors in your eyes become less and less sensitive to green, the only colour they can see in the image you're looking at. Instead they become more and more sensitive to a pinky red colour, which is the opposite of green.
Quick. Go try!
I was just web camming with my mom. And the first thing she said was:
"How come your eyes are so black?"
"How come there are so many zits on your face?"
Thanks huh. Just what I or anyone for that matter, would want to hear.
I'll always remember the first thing she said the first time I went back home for the holidays.
"Your shirt. It shrank!"

Tag Tag Tag

Ten years ago I was...
in Primary 5, having fun with this group of friends. We ended up being classmates from Primary 4 till 6. Hmmm, wonder what happened to us...

Five years ago I was...
in Form 4. The supposedly "honeymoon year". Turned 16. Now I wish I was 16.

One year ago I was...
probably whining about my assignment and how exams are near and how I was gonna turn 20 and how my laptop died on me. and and and...

Yesterday I was...
a good girl. Hahaha. Watched Scrubs and the repeat of Australian Idol since I missed it the night before. Did some work. Ended up going out for dinner. Came back and watched the new episode of Grey's Anatomy! Then, talked to my friends bout plans for a friend's birthday.

3 snacks I enjoy...
The usual chips (at the moment it's Twisties' Bag of Bones)
Choc Chip Cookies!

5 songs I know all the words to...
what?! 5?! 5?! How am I suppose to narrow down to just 5?! Fwine fwine. I've decided to select it randomly by playing my playlist.
1. Tears in Heaven by Eric Clapton
2. Breathe by Michelle Branch
3. Burn by Tina Arena
4. Mungkin Nanti by Peter Pan
5. Collide by Howie Day

5 things I would do with a 100 million dollars...
give my parents some. If my brother's nice to me I'll give him some too :p. Donate to charity. Buy a house. Buy a BMW. Buy both handphones that I want. Buy my iPod. Buy a drum set. And err, buy some stuff that I want which I can't think of at the top of my head. And keep the rest in the bank and watch it grow.

5 bad habits...
Rite. What makes you think I'm going to tell you my bad habits?!?! I errr, like to play with my lil' finger, am amazed at how smooth it is (do not give me a look). I like to play with my hair. Hahaha, I can't think of 5. I'm not aware of ALL my bad habits. So you people tell me.

5 biggest joys...
1. Me familia cos at the end of the day I can always count on them.
2. My friends.
Hmmm, what are my biggest joys...

5 places I would runaway to...
1. To a place where the grass is always green.
2. Somewhere that has twinkling stars every night.
3. Home.
4. Errr, Hui Yin's room?
5. Or I could just let my feet take me where ever.

5 things I would never wear...
1. Heels more than errr 2 inches?
2. Aiyahhh there are LOTS of things I would never wear.

5 favourite tv shows...
1. Gilmore Girls (high five Sue!!!)
2. Grey's Anatomy
3. Friends
4. Smallville
5. Once a Thief

5 fictional characters I would date...
hahah like Sue said, they're fictional.

People I'm tagging...
Look to the right. You see the list of names there? YOU got tagged. Now make me proud. Heh.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Birthday Wish List

I wish I wish I wish...
I'm gonna be thick-skinned and tidak malu in this post. My birthday is coming. My 21st. *screams and runs around the room*
I should be doing my work but because Lynn has passed the disease to me, I don't feel like doing anymore work. For now.
So, I'm gonna list a few stuff, complete with pictures, that I want but they're not necessarily what I need.
Ready? Here it comes...
1. A new handphone. With colour screen, camera, poly ringtones etc. The two top phones I have in mind are: Samsung E720c and the Sony Ericsson W800i.
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2. An iPod. The reason is fairly obvious. Would prefer the 20GB one since I heard that the nano's screen cracks easily. (prices quoted in USD)
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3. The Garden State DVD. Haven't watched it, but hear it's really good.
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4. A Long Way Down by Nick Hornby. Saw it in Malayisa but it was nearly MYR100. Just cos it's hardcovered. Been meaning to get it but exams are coming up and this is one book that I should not be reading in preparations for them.
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5. P.S. I Love You by Ceceilia Ahern. Darn, I'm a sucker for this kind of stories. I've read The Rainbow Connection by the same author and it was fantastic. Hear this one's just as good.
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6. and so on...whatever you want to give me. Hehehe, nah I'm just kidding. I'm doing this list purely out of boredom.
A girl can always wish right?
Oh and obviously items number 1 and 2 are directed to my dad. It's currently being negotiated.
And also, if I do get an iPod then the Sony Ericsson phone is outta my list since it's so darn pricey and I wouldn't need another mp3 player with 512mb of space.
Anywho, meet my new desk buddy. Haven't given a name for it yet. Any ideas? And yes, to me everything that's an animal has a name. It's a wrist support thingy while using your mouse. It was actually for my brother but I decided to get one for myself. And for my dad too. He even had the nerve to ask me why I bought him something. But seemed quite happy and complained that his wrist hurts when I told him what I bought. Do I need a reason to buy something?! Err, to some extent yes but...*trails off*
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Meet the family and excuse the rubbish behind them.
So the koala's mine. And both of them can fight it out to choose which one they want. It's suppose to glow in the dark but I think only the green one does. BAH.
Weee...That's a long post.

p/s: Lynn, are you happy now?!

Friday, October 07, 2005


Only 2 more weeks of school left. This semester has just flown by so fast. In fact, the whole year just passed by so fast! It's already October. I love Octobers. Actually, I used to like Octobers more when I was younger, especially when I was in school. Cos that would mean that exams are over and it's time for holidays!
Anyway, watched The 40-year old Virgin today. Hillarious!
Brrr. It's cold eventhough it's suppose to be spring. It's going to be a high of 15 degrees tomorrow. Luckily I'm not going anywhere. Which means, I get to sleep in!
If you're free check this website out:
Thanks Hui Yin for sharing.
Haven't got much to say.
Have a good weekend!

Tuesday, October 04, 2005


Just now I nearly kena hentam from my friend.
I was walking towards the library and got distracted by this couple walking towards me. So distracted that I didn't notice my friend walking beside them.
I think she must have thought that she was invisible.
Couldn't help it. I know it's impolite to stare. But errr, the couple was two guys holding hands.
So now you know why I didn't notice my friend. -.-
p/s: I have NOTHING against them holding hands. I don't really care. Just that I haven't seen it before so a bit jakun ok?

Monday, October 03, 2005

That night

"What happened on Thursday night?"
That was the first thing my mom said when I talked to her on the phone this afternoon.
I tried very quickly to remember what I did on that night. I had no idea. Seriously. I couldn't remember much about what I did last week.
"What happened on Thursday night?", she asked again.
The tone of her voice. It sounded like something bad had happened. So I panicked wondering what in the world was my mom going on about.
"Huh? Thursday night?! I don't remember...what happened?"
"What's this I hear bout some accident?"
Cheh. I thought what she was talking about. So I had to explain the whole entire thing to her. Blah blah blah...
"How come you didn't tell me?!"
"Didn't want you to worry unecessarily. No big deal. Everything's fine." I mean, cos as it is she has a lot on her hands already.
There's nothing worse than her finding out about it from err someone else.
Finally. The assignment is done and over. Did some pretty last minute stuff. Got a shock when I found out that my friend's assignment is so thick that they had to bind it. Ours was only 11 pages.
Yet another finally coming up. Finally, I got my test result. The one I was sure I would fail. But thank goodness, I didn't! WHOOPEEDOODLE!
Liquid Paper was invented by the mother of which Monkee? This is a question from Who Want's to be a Millionaire.
Gosh. Who knows...

and what do I, and what do I, what do I need
to do to see myself in a better mood
and what do you, and what do you, what do you need
to do to get yourself in a better mood

well there's not a lot for you to give if you're giving in
and there's not a lot for you to feel if you're not feeling it
you bring it up and bring it in and we'll get you fixed up in no time
and what I wanted most, what I wanted most, what I wanted most
was to get myself all figured out
and what I figured out, what I figured out, what I figured out
was I needed more time to figure you out
there's not a lot for you to give if you're giving in
and there's not a lot for you to feel if you're not feeling it
you bring it up and bring it in and we'll get you fixed up in no time
because this love is all I have to give
this love is all I have to give

~Fix you up by Tegan and Sara~
I just love the songs from Grey's Anatomy.
oh gosh. The man actually answered the question correctly with help from calling his friend.
I'm off to watch House. It's a good series minus the gory parts. Brilliant dialogue. It's like Gilmore Girls, where you have to listen intently to get the joke.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

So pissing...

What a time for MSN to be down.
The assignment that's due tomorrow- not done. In fact, since the meeting this morning we probably haven't added anything to the assignment. Sucks.
If it was an individual assignment, I would just simply do in hope that what I submitted would get me some marks instead of just stalling and keep wondering how to fix some problem. Ok. I don't even know what I'm talking about.
PLUS. How come I'm not able to open the documents that my group mates sent to me! They on the other hand, are not experiencing any problem.
Now I have to go to the lib yet again tomorrow morning. And I'm the one responsible for putting the whole assignment together. Lalalala. Goin' crazy over here. And there's this stupid show on tv now, "Dude, where's my car?"
*breathe* It's alright. It'll all be over in less than 24 hours.

aahhh finally managed to get the files to compile them. I think we might be over the word limit. From not enough words to too many.

A Sunday in the library

It's the last day of the holidays.
It's a sunny day.
It's also probably the day before a whole bunch of assignments are due.
Everyone in the library is working on the computer or either discussing with their group mates about their assignment.
I pity the group next to me. I went through a lot of problems too for that assignment last semester.
So...what am I doing in the library?
Waiting for my group mate to show up so that we can work on our assignment. That's due tomorrow. Sigh, I have no idea how to do the 2nd part which both of us are suppose to be working on. Hope she doesn't kill me. Or better, hope that she has figured out how to do it.
Guess what happened yesterday. A lil' someone was terrified of these 2 flies that got into her room. Go read Hui Yin's blog for details. All I have to say is that, "We came. We hit. We conquered." Hahahahhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (that was not an evil laughter. more of a something-hillarious-happened-laughter.)
It's so warm today. Thank goodness for the air con.