Tuesday, August 31, 2004

My 100th post: Happy Merdeka!!!

It's independence day for Malaysia. HAPPY MERDEKA TO ALL MALAYSIANS WHEREVER YOU MAY BE!!!

It's been 47 years since our first independence day. The only bad thing bout not being back home on this day is... NO HOLIDAY! *pouts*

anywho...remember lil stueey? hui yin's mouse? after much consideration, she has decided to give him up. y? because he stinks. as in he smells. who knew such a small fella could be so smwelly??? so yea, she's gonna give him back to the shop but they can't give her a refund. instead, she'll get her money back in vouchers. not too bad eh? she can spend it on her fishy wishy then.

oh and it's the last day of winter! spring is coming soon... flowers will bloom and it won't be that gloom...y *sings to herself*

hmmm...don't you just hate the feeling of being happy and sad at the same time? *sigh*
i hate myself, sometimes. ok...i shall not dwell on the past but look towards the future instead. but what does the future hold for me? ARGH!...

Saturday, August 28, 2004

A week of basketball and indian food

yes, you read the title right. i ACTUALLY went to play basketball with the girls on thursday evening. and well, ten minutes into the game (we were playing 3 on 3) syl decided to sprain her ankle. and lots of weird things followed that. hmmm...let's see. jun went sliding after the ball. and i meant sliding as in made a grab for the ball but ended up skidding across the floor. and of course felicia was sliding all over the floor. amy was shouting, mostly my name since i couldn't catch the ball most of the time. super hui yin kept making shots with jus one arm! that mighty strong woman... then near to the end, our dear felicia had this cramp on her leg. OUCH! and the next day, most of us were sore all over. well we are still sore now.

indian food. hostel had a small gathering at a restaurant nearby. well only 11 of us ended up going out of the 28 people staying here. well it's their loss. we had free food! it was quite good actually, but we were so stuffed from it! we had rice, roti canai, lamb curry, chicken curry, vegie curry, fried chicken, papadum and mango lassi! delish...

well hope you all had a good week and have a good one this weekend!

Tuesday, August 24, 2004

Spinning around...

i actually went for a spinning class for the first time in my life. and in case you were wondering, no it's not spinning yourself around. it's riding the bicycle in the gym. well, i would say that the exprience is quite ermm... exhilirating. never before have i woken up with a sore butt and sore thighs when i walk up and down the stairs. hui yin, amy and syl were jus laughing their head off when i sorta waddled all the way up to my room. HMPH. but i must say, i quite enjoyed it and don't mind going for more.

ok well..nothing much happening. mmm... i have an off day tomorrow! YAY! okok...no more bragging.

Sunday, August 22, 2004


i'm sorta terrified at this moment. no thanks to my dad. he sent me this stupid online test where it's suppose to test whether you are colour blind or something. AND i was nice enough to layan him and go to the website. when i saw it i was like, "Hmm... have i done this before?" they had numbers in a circle, with diff coloured dots. then came one which didn't have any number there and i clicked next and what happened?! this ugly terrifying face came up and there was a scream, "ARGHHHHH!" (yes hui yin, it's the same one we saw and we screamed like nobody's business till some ppl thought that we were hurt). no wonder my dad went off his msn as soon as i said i was doing it. ARGHHHHHHHHHH he's gonna get it from me when i call home later!!!

hmmm what happened to the coloured functions on blogger? it's gone! now i can't do diff coloured fonts no more.

k i gtg, jus had to blog bout that. church time...

Saturday, August 21, 2004

A visit to the pond

hui yin and i headed to the pond in uni today. we had some expired leftover bread so we decided to feed the ducks. on the way there, we passed this tree. look look

when we reached the pond, there were like a few ducks swimming around. see...

then, when hui yin pulled out her bread, a whole pack (ok..i have no idea what they're called.) came towards us! i was kinda terrified... but managed to take this

yep so in the end we had to feed both the ducks and the pigeons. well, at least the bread didn't go to waste.

hmmm this was taken a few weeks ago. hui yin got this in her pack of strawberries.

freaky... it's like 3 strawberries joined together!

well..hope you all are having a great weekend so far! toodles

Friday, August 20, 2004

Distraction during lecture

as you can see from the title, i had a lil distraction during lecture this morning. now...before any of you start thinking that some cutie pie caught my eye, you are wrong. there was this couple sitting in front of me. the guy was there first, waiting for his ermm girl. then she came, sat down and got all comfortable. and what happened next? he kissed her on the cheek, she kissed him yada yada...that went on for quite a few more kisses. then, he brings out a plastic bag filled with biscuits and 'encouraged' her to eat them. he of course also pigged out on the biscuits. all these when lecture has already started (and no...i don't think the kissy wissy part happened during the lecture. think it was before). anywho...then he offered her his water but she already has her own. then halfway through, he jus took her hand and whispered something. eh, now before u all start thinking, "Ish. this michelle aar...suppose to listen to the lecturer but go and kay poh and spy on other ppl." how not to see when they were jus in front of me?! and later on during the lecture, he did the same thing. and then i heard this scribbling sound next to me. it was felicia. drawing flowers on the four sides of the paper. with blue and red ink. rite... well whatever keeps her awake. then she noticed me noticing them and whisper, "Don't feel so bad. I know them." aaaaaaaah. i thought so.

yes ppl...and that was the only interesting thing that happened to me today so far. oh and lynn bout a lil mouse stuffed toy that's yellow and green in colour! it's really cute and adorable!!! eh...u better take care of it you know...dun bully him/her.

oh and yest morning when i jus left the front door to go to uni, there were two guys outside. neighbours, i presume. one was shouting, "Save my baby!" and i turned to my left to see this guy, crossing the road to catch this nice looking duck. RIGHT... ooooooooook. and in the process of this, i got distracted by the duck and tripped on the curb and yep, nearly fell. AGAIN. too malu to do anything i jus walked away quickly, praying tht nobody saw it. sigh...it's just not my week.

well...hope you all have a great weekend!!! enjoy!!!

October baby

Loves to chat
Loves those who loves him
Loves to takes things at the centre
Attractive and suave
Inner and physical beauty
Does not lie or pretend
Treats friends importantly
Always making friends
Easily hurt but recovers easily
Bad tempered
Seldom helps unless asked
Very opinionated
Does not care of what others think
Strong clairvoyance*
Loves to travel, the arts and literature
Soft-spoken, loving and caring
Touchy and easily jealous
Loves outdoors
Just and fairS
pendthrift and easily influenced
Easily lose confidence

What do you reckon?

*clairvoyance - the supposed power of seeing in the mind either future events or things that are happening or existing out of sight

Thursday, August 19, 2004


"If I have to leave you, I want you to know that in the end, it wasn't because I stopped caring, it was because you stopped being a friend."

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Difficulty in concentrating

have you ever had one of those days? you know, where you don't feel like doing anything and no matter how hard you try to concentrate on the simpliest things, you just can't seem to? that's what has been happening to me for the past week. so for the past week, i've been walking around in a daze, hardly knowing what's happening around me. and i've tripped countless times on things such as my bag, my chair, my portable heater, my slippers.... and most importantly, the stairs. well not really tripping on it, more like missing a step and going "WOOSH...". that's how i have this small blue-black and a small scar on my hand. oh and not to mention a small bruise on my leg and foot. and you would think i would be more careful after that? "Once bitten, twice shy" apparently does not work for me. yesterday, i was walking down the stairs and thought that there was another step but of course, there wasn't. so i sorta had some funny movement going on. today, while getting down from the bus, i slipped on the steps of the bus to find myself "falling down" quite fast. but ironically, i only bashed my hand on the door, and no... i didn't fall flat on my face or butt for that matter. and to make matters worse, when all three incidents took place, there was at least someone i know who was present. hui yin was there twice. GREAT.

started playing baddy again with hui yin. after so long of not playing, i've been rusty. well thanks to the rainy weather we had last week, we could not play. and before that i was sick. so yep...for 3 days now we haven been playing. but half the time i miss hitting the shuttle. part of my difficulty in concentrating this week. hope it goes away, soon.

anywho... hui yin is weird. she's got this fettish. ok i wouldn't call it that but we were having subway wraps for lunch and she didn't finish the wrap thingy! she threw away the ends where there was no more filling left. apparently she does that to popiah skin and burritos as well. she can't stand the floury taste of it. rite... oh well, i guess we all have our own eating habits.

everyone having fun watching the olympics?

no more shopping for michelle!!! have been buying WAY too many things...

hope you guys are having a good week so far!

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Another one of those days

like yesterday, it was cold and windy today. on top of that, it was raining. the whole day. off and on. that's so annoying. especially when you're caught in the rain and by the time u rummage through ur bag frantically looking for your trusty umbrella, the rain would have stopped the moment you open your umbrella. and even if you do have your umbrella all ready, somehow or other the wind is too strong for it and it will jus POM! the other way. you know, where it turns inside out. anywho... that didn't happen to me today. i went to the city with amy and she was the one with the umbrella, but no... none of the above happened. oh wait, except for the many times where we were trying desperately to prevent the umbrella from turning inside out. ok... enough babbling bout umbrellas.

as i said, it was a really miserable day today. it was raining since 3 in the morning and hasn't really stopped since. so i spent the whole afternoon in the city. had lunch with my brother since his birthday's on monday. and what did we do? not much... jus walked around some shops, had lunch. and then i shooed him away at 2 something cos he kept saying that he was sleepy. tsk tsk tsk... he needs to nap in the afternoon after a heavy meal. jus like my dad. BAH. so i spent the rest of the afternoon waiting for amy to be done with meeting her friends. managed to sit down and read the 'FRIENDS book' what ever it's called. and i bought cds today! ugh...i'm not suppose to spend so much money... anywho...i bought something called "3 decades of ballads". basically there's 45 songs from the 70s, 80s and 90s. it's not too bad so far... and i got paulini's album. haven't listened to that yet...slowly ler...

police academy is on now. ok make that police academy 2 is showing now. police academy 3 is too be shown after this and followed by police academy 4. somehow, it doesn't seem funny to me now. oh well... hope it doesn't rain tomorrow. actually...let it rain for all i care.

ugh...seem to be getting lots of backaches recently. can't even cook without getting back pain...can't sit for long without getting it. age catching up on me already? NOOOOOOOOO.... go away!

Friday, August 13, 2004

It's a gloomy, windy day...

i jus had to blog today. don't you know what day it is today? yep it's friday. and yes.. i know tomorrow's the weekend. and yea... olympics opening ceremony will be early in the morning. it's friday the 13th! and what's the big hoo hah bout friday the 13th? no idea.

anyway...i woke up to a very dark morning today. and it started to rain. to make matters worse, the wind was blowing like nobody's business. GREAT. so i prayed that it will stop raining when it's time for me to walk to uni. and to my delight, it stopped! YAY!!! or so i thought. stepped out only to be greeted by the strong gusty winds. GREAT. there goes my hair flying all over the place. so i struggled all the way, braving the wind with the speed of 20km/h to get to the lecture hall. made it in one piece. then after that hurried back home. now i'm in the comfort of my room, enjoying my heater and my music.

i'm done with my assignment that's due on monday! oh yeah oh yeah *does a lil dance* okok..no more dancing.

ok people... enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Amy is a meanie and a piggo

AMY is a meanie!!! she stole my honey bear and ran out of my room, threatening to throw it over so that it will land flat on it's head/butt/tummy 2 floors down! how mean is that?!?! so i was whining at her. kept calling out "honey honey honey..." so malu i tell you. hui yin heard, thilini heard... thought something was wrong with me. HMPH. yea and i had to blog about that.

Wednesday, August 11, 2004


some ppl...mainly felicia and hui yin are trying to be funny. dunnoe if it's out of boredom or they're trying to be funny or trying to attract someone's attention. oh wait... maybe they're challenging each other to see how long it would take before i go crazy.

they keep signing in and out of msn!!! repeatedly!!! every second or so! ARGHHHH!!! first felicia started it, then hui yin followed. then suddenly my neighbour did the same thing... GREAT eh?
and now, felicia is repeatedly typing my name. and hui yin keeps asking if i'm there. hmmm... this is what bored ppl do i suppose. and no...i am not bloggin now cos i'm bored. i just had to tell someone what these ppl were up to!

Sunday, August 08, 2004

Stupid modem line

as you can see from my title above, i am quite angry with my modem line. jus now i tried to connect to the internet but didn't manage to. then i picked up my phone only to find no dial tone. waited for a while before i called Telstra to complain. the first thing i heard when i called them was the operator, "Press 1 if you have a fault, press 2 blah blah blah..." finally got to speak to someone. told me to pull out my modem line since i had more than 1 thing connected at the same time and then told me to listen for a dial tone. yep it was there. she said that my modem line might be faulty so i thanked her and hung up. the call cost me 3 bucks!!! grrr.... nvm. so yep, my modem line is faulty, i think. luckily i had one spare one lying in the drawer. problem solved.

decided to have lunch so went down to take some of the leftovers from the steamboat last night. on the way up, felicia and i scared each other! hehehe... then i think i heard hui yin bathing. kekeke nah...she wasn't singing. could hear the water. and thilini (my neighbour) has her music blasting. can't hear it from my room (i'm not a daffy duck, hui yin) and can only be heard when i step out of my room. or maybe it's cos my music is on as well. anywho.... there's Ocean's Eleven tonight on tv. never watched it before but heard it's pretty good. so yep... for the whole evening and night, my attention would be on the tv.

i've gotta get started on my assignment today! no more procrastinating (it's such a dirty word, tsk tsk tsk...). it's due on the 16th of August...long more time rite? that's what you think. eventhough it's only a 1000 essay, i really wanna score cos my tutor scared me. oh well...

Saturday, August 07, 2004

My daddy

hehehe i just finished talkin to my dad on msn. sent him the pics of my honey bear and teddy bean. this was what he said when he saw honey bear

Daddy: hey...this one got no eyes
Me: hehehe got...it's sorta closed.
Daddy: like sleeping all the time (then he put an emoticon with a yawning face)
Me: don't tell me ur going to take ur morning nap now
Daddy: oh... i finally woke up at 9. mum went for walk alone
Me: hehhe yea she told me. how come so late?
Daddy: somethimes we feel "blah" in the morning. no michelle to cheer me up :D (at this point of time i couldn't help grinning...)
Me: heheh yea rite...
Daddy: ok i going down to iron a shirt now.

it's been a good day so far. woke up a bit late...did a bit ofwork. had lunch and now jus chillin. lots of ppl online now. quite cold today, it's been raining and there's no sun.

last night, the girls were in my room watching charlie's angels that was on tv. after that, smarty pants amy wanted to go for a walk cos last night there was a great nightline. so we went out in the blistering cold...and where did we walk to? jus out of the front door, at the side of the road. RITE... but it really was a nice night. plenty of stars, clear sky but the moon was nowhere near in sight. so we stood out there for like 5 minutes talking with an indian accent in the middle of the road. hehe

mmm gonna take some pics soon so i will put some up here.
till next time, have a great weekend people.

Thursday, August 05, 2004


had really weird dreams last night. usually i don't dream (either that or i forget) but last night's series of dreams were really peculiar.

Dream Number One: was in a classroom. waiting to go surfing. everyone was seated, waiting. waiting for what? water? the waves? instructions? i had no bloody idea. all of a sudden i see water coming from a distance. you know, the kind you see in Deep Impact and The Day After Tomorrow. the one where this huge amount of water is coming right at you. so we were all excited (who's we? yet again, no clue) and got on our boards. that was when i thought to myself panickedly, "HEY! hold on. i don't know how to surf? what am i doing???" so all i remember doing was sitting on the board on top of the water. and some britney spears song was playing. and i have no idea what happened next.

Dream Number Two: was just talking to hui yin in some corridor. then sylvia comes back with 2 other girls (which again, i have no idea who). she looked different. her mouth was like swollen, blown out. next thing i knew, she collapsed on me and started puking on me. i was damn angry since she threw up on my nice new blue shirt! so i started shouting, "oi! what's ur problem man..." hui yin went, "SO WHAT! she did the same thing to me last night. what's the problem..." pardon me but i did not know what overcame me to say the next sentence. "F***k you!!!" i said to Hui Yin. and she well, what do you say when someone says that to you? "F***k you too!!!" Hui Yin shouted. and goodness knows how it ended.

goodness...had no idea why i was dreaming like that. and don't worry hui yin, i will NEVER EVER say that to you. PHEW. glad that's over.

it's mommy's birthday today. once again, not around to celebrate it with her. think she's really pleased with the present my dad got her. oh wait, let me correct that. the present that my dad paid for but was chosen by her. aaaah... sounds better.

was quite bored jus now. had quite a late lunch at ermm 3 something. anywho... decided to take pics of my new bear!!! i bought him at the uni bookshop jus now cos i couldn't resist it when hui yin told me bout it! (she bought one too). everyone... meet Teddy Bean. yes. BEAN. not BEAR. cos i already have one named Teddy Bear (yes hui yin...the one that you said looked like a raccoon.)and yes...i'm quite aware that the price tag is visible.

and now, ladies and gentlemen, i'm glad to present to you yet another cute adorable bear." I have been lovingly hand-crafted to meet all safety requirements. I do not like washing machines or tumble driers, but I like being wiped with a warm damp flannel and being left to dry naturally. If my fur goes flat I do not mind being brushed gently, as long as I get a hug afterwards." ladies and gentlemen, may i present to you (drumroll please...), Honey Bear! courtesy of hui yin!!! thanks dude!!!

Isn't he just the cutest? yes...i know i said he. some says it's a she cos of the rosy cheeks. so what...can't a boy bear have rosy cheeks? and yea it has eyes as well but it's jus that it's small so you can' really see it. but the fur is nice and soft! and i absolute object if you say that it has a FAT BUTT. cos that's what my brother said when he saw it last week. HMPH.

and next, just so that the rest will not feel left out (yes ppl, even soft toys have feelings ok.) this is the remainder members of the Melbourne Bear Gang. from left, we have pinky bear (from Ai Chuet), followed by snoring koala (brother bought it for me or was it my mom who chose it?), koala bear (either from my mom and dad or my bro) and bow bear (i chose this.). and if you haven't realised, they're all BEARS. well sorta, if i'm not mistaken, a koala is not a bear but who cares. i just have this thing for bears.

now, y snoring koala? cos if you push a button on the tummy it snores. and some ppl...jus can't help their itchy fingers and keep pressing it! as for the koala bear, hui yin likes to bully it! she's always making it take off it's shirt cos it's too small for him!

that's quite a long entry eh?

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

I Believe by Diana Degarmo

Have you ever reached a rainbows end, did you find your pot of gold (mmm)
Ever catch a shooting star?
Tell me how high did you soar
Ever felt like you were you dreaming
Just to find that you're awake
Cuz the magic that surrounds you
Lifts you up and guides you on your way

I can see it in the stars across the sky,
I dreamt a hundred thousand dreams before
Now I finally realize
See I waited all my lifefor this moment to arrive
And finally, (yeah)

I believe in the impossible
If I reach deep within my heart
oh yeah
overcome any obstacle
wont let this dream fall apart
see i strive to be the very best
shine my light for all to see
cuz anything is possible
When you believe

I can see it in the stars across the sky,
I dreamt a hundred thousand dreams before
Now I finally realize
See I waited all my life
For this moment to arrive
Finally I believe
Oh I believe
oohhh yeah

Love keeps lifting my higher
Lifting me higher
Love keeps lifting me higher
I said love keeps lifting,
love keeps lifting me high
I said love, keeps lifting me higher
I said love, keeps lifting me higher
oh love, love keeps lifting me high
I said love,
love keeps lifting me high

Sunday, August 01, 2004

Everybody's Changing

You say you wander your own land
But when I think about it
I don't see how you can

You're aching, you're breaking
And I can see the pain in your eyes
Says everybody's changing
And I don't know why

So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing and I don't feel the same

You're gone from here
Soon you will disappear
Fading into beautiful light
'cos everybody's changing
And I don't feel right

So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing and I don't feel the same

So little time
Try to understand that I'm
Trying to make a move just to stay in the game
I try to stay awake and remember my name
But everybody's changing and I don't feel the same

by Keane