Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Still holidays for me

let's see...went shopping yesterday. headed over to Swan street, Bridge Road and to the city with my mates. didn't manage to get anything but i did get a CD. anyway, it was mostly a day of running after the train and the tram. good workout. but of course, i was dead tired yesterday when we got back in the rain.

lately, i've been getting some bad news. friends of my friends have left the world. at such a young age. first, i heard bout someone who got alcohol posioning. and a few days ago, someone else decided to end her life. sigh... this just makes you realise that anything can happen to anyone. no matter how young or old you are. i know i know, you've probably already read this kinda stuff in emails and all...but really, i think life is really short. we must do what we enjoy because who knows what could happen tomorrow. and also, yeah, if you like someone you must tell that person before it's too late yada yada yada... you can probably tell, i've got nothing much to blog about.

oh yea...parents jus got back from Japan. by the sound of it, looks like they had loads of fun minus the fact that my dad's camera decided to not work after a few days. hmmm, didn't even ask if they got me anything. i remember that whenever my dad went anywhere for work when i was younger, i would be jumping up and down the moment he arrived back home, wondering what he got me. nowadays, i couldn't even be bothered if i got anything for christmas, birthday or whatever. hmmm, i must be growing up. i guess there are other stuff that matters more than presents.

ooooooooook...i guess i'm done for today.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

On the first day of holidays I...

it's been a long day. got up at 8...and to think that on the first day of holidays, i would be able to sleep in! instead...the girls and i headed to the Royal Melbourne Showgrounds somewhere near the city. it's sorta like a funfair with rides, games, showbags and all. AND we had to pay 15 bucks for the entrance fee! but it was alright i guess... tomorrow's the last day that it will be there, it was there since Sept 16 and only today did we actually had the time to go.

today was the first (and prob the last) time that i actually went on a ride. it was called crazy coaster. one "car" sits 4 butts. and now i know why it's called crazy. it's sorta like a tea cup on a roller coaster rail. :S not a very good experience for me since i felt like i was going to fall any minute and not to mention that during the whole ride there were lots of sudden jerks and i bashed my head many many times on the side of the car and all. THAT'S IT. no way am i ever going to ride anything else for the rest of my life. oh, they also like took a picture while we were on the ride. no guesses on who had the "OH NO! I'm gonna die!!!When is it gonna end?!" look on her face.

the girls went on another ride after that called, Kamikaze. goodness, with a name like that of course i didn't want to ride it! it's where u swing back and forth and you actually go upside down. *shudders at the thought* heheh could hear amy and hui yin screaming the whole way. and apparently they were both shouting "JIAK SAI JIAK SAI!!!" which means eat shit for those of you who don't know.

bought 2 showbags: simpsons and a spongebob squarepants one! what's in it? well for the simpsons one,there's a

  1. ball
  2. inflatable bat
  3. some gummies
  4. notebook
  5. comic
  6. some spy hearing thingy
  7. pen
  8. whoope coushion (hehehe)
  9. dartboard (it was either that or a basketball set or a gum ball machine.

the spongebob one has

  1. a spongebob softoy
  2. a patrick softoy
  3. an inflatable hammer ( out!)
  4. inflatable spongebob
  5. some sticker playset thingy

it was suppose to come with a bubble blaster but i guess they ran out and replaced it with patrick. and...i was suppose to get a yoyo with the simpsons one but i guess that ran out too and it got replaced. ok...i just realised that the dartboard didn't come with any DARTS. GREAT. i got CHEATED. amy got darts with the dartboard she got. HMPH.

amy took some pics of the showgrounds cos michelle conveniently forgot to bring her camera. so might post them up later.

and we watched Shark Tale today! oh my HAVE TO watch it! we were all laughing throughout nearly the whole entire movie! (with the exception of SOMEONE who cried at one point of the movie) oh and robert de niro was the voice of the shark and if you noticed, the shark in the movie has a mole! oh and the fish DOES look like will smith.

ok...i'm quite tired now. was walking around the whole day so you can't blame me.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Sigh...of relief or...?

i FINALLY managed to finish my assignment that's due tomorrow. the program i'm supposed to do doesn't really work properly, it's got a few small hitches here and there but that was the best i could do. been working on this assignment for like a week now and so i just couldn't be bothered.

i think something's wrong with me. it's either got to do with my assignment, or i'm just PMS-ing. been spending way too much time on the comp due to the assignment and now my eyes get tired easily (heh, so ur prob thinking," If that's the case, what are you doing writing this now?") i guess it has come to a point where it doesn't really matter anymore. i'm now currrently in the "tidak apa" mood, where i couldn't not be bothered much about anything. you can disturb me all you want and i'll just "ignore" you (heh heh...yes amy...i'm talking to you.)

well at least the holidays are coming... after tomorrow morning at 11 a.m., it's officially the holidays for me! YAY! well it's only for a week but better than nothing right? a week of relaxing and just chilling around...NOT. yea right. i have to start my revision for the exams which starts 3 weeks after the break. ok, not have to but NEED TO.

ARGHH! i wanna be a kid again!!! all you ppl, it's nearly the weekend. so...enjoy ur weekend and for those of you who are already on holidays and will still be...this is for you. *HMPH*
hehhe as you can tell, i think i've gone a bit insane.
well...whatever it is, holiday or not...enjoy ur weekend!

Sunday, September 19, 2004


i'm supposed to do my assignment...but instead, here i am blogging. y? because i can't do it!!! ARGHHH! trying very hard to make it right...but it doesn't seem to be that way! i need help...HELP HELP HELP.

ok it is MY fault for pushing this assignment till quite late and even the lecturer told us to not leave it to the last minute. but did i listen? NO... so now i understand why he told us that.

this morning my head was spinning around cos i had to print out some forms for my assignment that's due tomorrow. thought it was only one form but NO... it's much more than that. i think my printer overworked today.

ok..even felicia is having probs with her assignment...

guess who nearly got locked out at the rubbish dump in my hostel just now? ME. yes...if not for my long toes holding the door open i would have been stucked outside and would have to go call someone to help poor me. i must complain!

okok i'll go try to do my assignment again...*confused*

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Sur to the vey...SURVEY time!

1. what are you doing now?- watching wizard of oz and hearing amy laughing, hui yin saying "SIAO EH" p/s: amy is scared of the wicked witch
2. what were you doing before this?- dinner
3. what are you thinking now?- my computers and accounting assignment.
4. what time is it?- 8.42 pm
5. what time did you sleep last night?- 12 something
6. what did you do last night?- watched tv with hui yin and amy, played with yin's gym ball
7. what did you last say to a friend last night?- Nite!
8. what attracts you to the opposite sex?- mmm eyes? smile?
9. what makes you happy?- chocolates :) anything purple/cute
10. what are you wearing right now?- Long pants, winnie the pooh shirt and jacket
11. what will you do after answering this?- watch tv, oh wait...pig out on junk food.
12. who was the last person you talked to?- dad and mom on the phone
13. what do you want to tell someone but you don’tknow how to tell him/her?- write it in an email...:p
14. when is your birthday?- 22nd October 1984 (it's coming...*hint hint*)
15. when is your bf/gf’s birthday?- non existence
16. when did you last cry?- mmm got lar...july maybe?
17. when did you last smile?- just now
18. why did you answer this?- it's my blog and i can do anything i want to! hehehehe
19. when will you marry?- when i find someone who wants to marry me
20. When did u last receive a gift?- jus now...thanks hui yin! (it's a lavender scented candle with a stand)
21. when did you last drink alcoholic beverages?- mmm long long time ago...
22. who will you vote for president?- do i have to?
23. who was the last person you talked w/yesterday?- hui yin before i slept
24. who makes you happy?- Friends.
25. who is your enemy?- i wouldn't know
26. who has the qualities you like in a guy/girl?- don't be such a busybody :p
27. who do you hate most among your friends?- if you HATE a friend, is that person still considered a FRIEND? besides...hate is no-no for me...
28. who’s your closest among the opposite sex?- mmm i dunno...
29. who has the cutest smile you’ve ever seen?- everyone
30. who do you talk on d phone with often?- mmm no one really calls me..but maybe lynn?
31. do you belong to a team in your school?- team? no team
32. how’s school?- am i still in school? oh no...? i miss secondary school...
33. any regrets?- who doesn't have any?
34. do you smoke? drink?- nope and nope
35. are you a workaholic?- hehehe NOOOO...
36. do you have someone in mind that you want to marry?- Nopers
37. do you like swimming?- maybe
38. do you wear eye contacts?- nopey
40. do you kiss your parents good night?- sometimes
41. does your crush often send you messages in friendster?- what crush?
42. how about in e-mail?- i wish
43. how often do you use the internet?- every single day

Friday, September 17, 2004

Monash likes to strike strike and strike...

Monash staff strike over pay
September 15, 2004

Staff have formed picket lines at Monash University's Clayton campus in Melbourne after a decision to stop work for 24 hours over a pay dispute involving its six Victorian campuses.

The action has caused traffic delays in the area and will result in some classes being cancelled.*
The action stems from a failure by staff and management to resolve an ongoing enterprise bargaining dispute.

Staff have been negotiating university management for the past 12 months with no resolution.
The National Tertiary Education Union (NTEU), which represents more than 1,700 staff at Monash University, said staff were asking for an 18 per cent pay rise over three years and a flat rate payment of $1,000 while the university had offered 15.5 per cent and a payment of $500.
NTEU Victorian division state secretary Matthew McGowan said the pay offer was not in line with other universities.

"We are hoping the university comes back with a better offer," Mr McGowan said today.

Excerpt from The Age

*yeah...had one class cancelled yesterday out of the four that i usually have.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004


back in a church in KL, a couple was married by a priest. that was 24 years ago. today, they are off to Japan for a holiday. you could call it their second honeymoon but i always thought that their second honeymoon is whenever my brother and I are not around. :P well it won't really be their second one since my aunt and family will be joining them on thursday.

i always ask my mom this:

Me: Hey...why you marry so late? we're still studying but daddy retire already. (was jus kidding bout the retiring thingy...well not really since retire=no income).
Mom: I met your daddy so late, what to do?

heheh nyek nyek nyek...just love asking my mom weird stupid questions like that. that would usually be followed by a smack on the thigh or butt as a punishment for being so naughty (that's her point of view). and yes...even if i did ask my dad that, it would result in the same thing. a smack on the hand or whatever he feels like doing to get me annoyed. either pull my leg, smack me or threaten not to buy for me my fave food! ARGHHH i wanna go back...well not now, since they're not back home.

heheh and my bro's so jealous that they're going to Japan without us. i don't really care actually, since i don't fancy flying.

So...Happy 24th Anniversary, Mom and Dad!!! ok, it's not like they read this but yea...
and don't ask why i wrote "mom and dad" and not "dad and mom". just felt weird writing "dad and mom". hmmm... i love both of them equally. you just have to know which strings to pull when you want something...heh heh heh... i'm mean.

oh what is there is Japan that i should ask them to bring back? mom asked me and i have NO IDEA what to ask them to get for me. any ideas?

Monday, September 13, 2004

My thursday at La Porchetta...

yep. went to La Porchetta with hui yin last thursday to have lunch. they serve the best pasta and pizzas at a reasonable price. plus, it's nearby. the shop is near the train station, so from where we sat, we could see the train track and the station. since there was hardly anyone, we were seated right next to the window. (hui yin din really like the scenery, said it was too boring. :S)

so food came, (we had pasta) and we asked for the parmesan cheese. this was what happened:

Me: Eh look, at the train. it's so short, what train is that? *points to the train passing by*
HY: *turns to the side to see* eh...dunno. maybe it's VLine.
*mind you, at this point in time, she just kept putting the cheese into her pasta non-stop*
Me: HEY HEY HEY HEY!!! *trying to get her attention and points at her pasta which was buried underneath a thick layer of cheese*
HY: ARGHHH! *looks down onto her plate*

HEHEHHE. nyek nyek nyek...MAN. was that funny!

i got bashed. on the head. by MY OWN koala bear. thanks to amy. hmm didn't know she had such good aiming.

ok...i'm quite tired. went spinning again and sorta pulled my hamstring (or at least i thought that's it) not during the session, but at the end of session when we were doing some stretching thingy. RITEEE...

Sunday, September 12, 2004

Have you ever...?

Have you ever met anyone who

has never seen a single rainbow in her entire life until recently?
has never seen or eaten tuna ever before?
you can joke around with just about anything under the sun?
no matter what they have done, you can never get angry with them?
you just wanna put them in your pocket and carry them with you wherever you go?

the list just goes on about the fantastic friends that i have in my life. i'm truly blessed and really thankful for you people out there. did i get to write this? weird.

read an email from a dear friend this morning. i've never been in a class in school where all us fellow classmates were close. i envy those people who stand united and are proud of the class that they were in. never felt this way, till i left college. there will always be a person, who binds us all together. someone who emails our mentor back in college, filling her in with what everyone in our class is currently doing. heck, i never even knew which part of the world some of them are till now. thanks winky :)

i really wonder, what drives someone to be a mean person or a bully? was just talking to felicia and she told me some stories bout how some ppl were injured due to their so-called "friends" doings. is it satisfying to inflict pain on others?

ok...i think listening to this song by Bette Midler- From a Distance, is the reason for me writting bout this kinda stuff.

From a distance the world looks blue and green,
and the snow-capped mountains white.
From a distance the ocean meets the stream,
and the eagle takes to flight.

From a distance, there is harmony,
and it echoes through the land.
It's the voice of hope, it's the voice of peace,
it's the voice of every man.

From a distance we all have enough,
and no one is in need.
And there are no guns, no bombs, and no disease,
no hungry mouths to feed.

From a distance we are instruments
marching in a common band.
Playing songs of hope, playing songs of peace.
They're the songs of every man.

God is watching us. God is watching us.
God is watching us from a distance.

From a distance you look like my friend,
even though we are at war.
From a distance I just cannot comprehend
what all this fighting is for.

From a distance there is harmony,
and it echoes through the land.
And it's the hope of hopes, it's the love of loves,
it's the heart of every man.

It's the hope of hopes, it's the love of loves.
This is the song of every man.
And God is watching us, God is watching us,
God is watching us from a distance.
Oh, God is watching us, God is watching.
God is watching us from a distance.

It is true. God IS watching us. every single time of every single day. the most important thing that the world lacks today i think is LOVE. love for others. i'm not talking bout love in a romantic way. more of the love that we should have for others because we are all brothers and sisters in this world.

aiyah... my head is a bit screwed up at the moment. BAH.

Saturday, September 11, 2004

It's raining, it's hailing, amy is snoring...

YEP. it's been raining off and on today. it was hailing as well. so i quickly grabbed my camera when i heard loud *plik plak plik pliak pluck* sound on the awning and dashed out. tried to take some pics of the hail (request from dad...). and this was like the best i took, it ain't easy you know...

excuse the slight *ahem* crookedness of the pic. i was a tad bit too excited and just snapped away without realising that i didn't really ermm how do you say it, oh well hack it.
the small lil balls that you see is not the dirt on my lense, mind you. it's the hail stones.
oh and don't ask me what's that steel chimney like thingy in the background. i have absolutely no idea... well at least now, some of you can see how my hostel looks like. :)

i took this pic for fun...sorta like "The end is near." *touch wood*



It's suppose to be spring. so how in the world does one experience a temperature of 5.8 degrees at 1.40 in the afternoon? SIAO EH! well i haven't stepped out of my room yet, don't want to. Brrr...

It's been raining nearly the whole day i think. so that might explain the cold miserable weather? or maybe it was due to my singing...hmm...

It's the 11th of September today. You know what day it is today.

hmm..nothing to blog and i'm kinda bored. and yes that would explain the different colours. actually it was cos i made a boo boo and i don't know how to put the original colour back. oh wait, i think i know how to but can't i jus add colour to my life?

okok...enough with the crapping. you people have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, September 09, 2004


i was only suppose to wake up at 9 today. instead, i got a phone call from my neighbour at 8 am., snapping me out of my weird dream that i was having. although i was quite blur at that time i answered the phone, i was jus wondering "Huh? What does she want? Is everything alright?" this was what she said:

Her: Michelle, sorry to wake you up but could you check if you have water?
Me: Huh? Mmmm ok...hold on *gets out of warm bed reluctantly and walks to the sink. turns it on and then shouts into the phone* CRAP!!!! NO WATER!!! WHAT THE?!?!?
Her: Oh ok then i'll go call Frank (management person). Do you have his number?
Me: Mmm? (*now more awake than ever after finding out there was no water.) oh. hold on it's in my phone.

And with that, i went back to bed and TRIED to sleep. i jus kept thinking, "GREAT. I need to bathe, wash my hair, brush my teeth, boil water to drink my milo and all. How now???"

that made me not fall asleep. but at one point in time, i nearly fell asleep only to be woken up by my neighbour (yes, the same one that called me) talking loudly to goodness knows who. at 8.30 am- ish! GREAT. can't sleep anymore. so jus woke up and watched some kiddy show. couldn't bathe and all. well i did have some water but it's for me to drink! and there wasn't much. so all i did was brush my teeth, washed my face and hands. so i would now like to apologise to those who thought that i smelled a bit funny just now. it wasn't that i woke up late and didn't have the time to bathe, but rather there was no water.

oh and what cut off the supply of water to us? apparently, there's a burst pipe 5 houses down my road. think it was the same spot where it happened last year. hahaha that was, not the burst pipe but rather that last year, i remember that it happend on the day that hui yin was leaving for back home. and i was bunking in her room. she woke up earlier to go get ready. heard her going into the bathroom and didn't hear anything for quite a while (cos well you can hear the water running). then i heard" ARGHHH!!!!" i was like "What? What happened?" "NO WATER!!! I NEED TO BATHE!! I've got a flight to catch and i don't wanna not bathe! HOW?"
luckily, they were giving out some water due to the burst pipe and one of our dear friends managed to grab some water. so she had enough to at least was her hair, brush her teeth and face. hahaha...

long enough an entry for you ppl? hope so...

oh and sad news. the Australian Embassy in Jakarta, Indonesia was sorta bombed by this car bomb. sigh...when will it all end?

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

My wednesday...

i don't have classes on wednesdays for this sem (dodges killer stare from amy) but i had to wake up early today. ok, so how early you're asking? just like any typical day where i have classes. 9 am. hahaha (pretends not to notice amy fuming). spent the whole day (well nearly...) finishing up my 2,000 word assignment for management. so that's 1 done, 2 more to go. before holidays that is.

i had to go to uni for like 2 hours today. and why? cos PWC from Malaysia came to give an information session. as usual, started a bit late and ended about 1 hour later. before i can give them my resume and all, i had to get an official academic transcript. and that cost me 10 bucks!!! ARGHHHH!!! 10 bucks for me to see my horrendous results. rite...
anyway... while waiting for the thingy to start i noticed that most ppl were dressed formally. felt a bit out of place in my jeans and sport shoes. then later i realised that these ppl were final year students who were there for interviews! my friend went for an interview. hopefully he gets a phone call soon and receives good news. *fingers crossed*

lately, i keep having recurring dreams. the same one. i didn't realise that until i woke up from my dream in the middle of the night and realised i've dreamt it before.
my dream: i'm in this building. no idea which one. but there's lots of rooms and levels. and i keep walking up and down the stairs for no apparent reason. yep, i just keep walking and walking and walking. plenty of walking done here. and it just sorta ends there. or maybe it goes on but i never remember.

i used to have this dream that i was falling backwards down into nothing. falling into the pitch black darkness. and i would just jerk and wake up to find that my heart is beating rapidly.

another dream that i keep having has to do with my teeth. ermmm...i always dream that this particular tooth keeps breaking into pieces! FREAKY!!! don't want that to happen.

looking forward to going grocery shopping tomorrow with hui yin. we're goin to La Porchetta! to have lunch- pasta, pizza or whatever...

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

1 down, 3 more to go...

so...what's down? my test. had a mid sem test jus now at 6 pm. YEP. at 6 pm. and why at such an hour? i dunno, y don't u ask Monash? 3 more assignments to go before break starts...sigh.

aahhh yes. you wanna see my new shoes? yes? yes? yes? no? i don't care... here it is.

nice nice nice??? yes...? no...? maybe so...?
parent's reaction:

Dad: why does your shoe look like it has ink spots?
Mom: it's ok. got flowers but it will get dirty quite fast.

and oh, din tell my bro. he'd prob say "Oh. ok. Y u buy for?"

mmm nothing much has been going on. just a bit busy with the assignments.

Friday, September 03, 2004

New shoes for michelle!

yep read right. i got new shoes!!! and the best part? i saw it weeks ago and it was AUD 100. then when i went today, i asked the shop assistant for the price since it wasn't labelled and he said that it's...50 bucks!!! 50 bucks for an adidas shoe! i'll prob post up a pic of it, or maybe not.

got a test on tuesday, 3 assignments due before a one week break starting from the last week of september...sigh.
well on the bright side, i've already booked a seat to go back in november! woooohoooo!

mary poppins is on now (it's been 40 years since it was made. WOW). and tomorrow they're showing bedknobs and broomsticks. haven't watched that before, so i prob will since hui yin said it's nice.

alright, have a good weekend people!